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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

A TCG Section here?


Because MYghToxiTank is the best!
Well, the PTCG is a part of Pokemon, and it deserves a little part of this forum to itself... lal So wut do you think?

Wasn't there one a long time ago but it died due to lack of interest or something? vov
Yeah. When added to the fact that most of the people that <3 the Pokemon cards stopped caring by the time Wizards of the Coast stopped printing the cards, there's no real point.
Yeah, nobody poste in it and it died horribly. Feel free to make a main thread in General Pokémon Discussion and I'll sticky it for you (or in Spin-Off Games if you're talking about the GBC game that I never completed because I didn't understand the card game).
There's a TCG section on another forum I go to; the last post was on the 14th August. They just die unless the focus of the forum/site itself is the TCG.

Fixed. Of course, TCoD has absolutely nothing to do with the card game, so the point still stands in this case. I'd just go with what Tailsy suggested, or you could make a club or a social group to discuss it or whatever.
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