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A Wild Miles Appeared!


New member
Hey there, I'm Miles! I love Pokémon (got White first day of it's release) and mashed potatoes and chicken! So, hey there, I hope to see ya'll around :D
Herro! I'm LiLiJANA, but you can call me Lili. And :ooo I got Black the first day it came out, too. Pokemon ftw.

Mashed potatoes and chicken? Are you a KFC fan, too? lol
Oh yes I like KFC. Gooooooood stuff, but my dad is still #1 in meat preparation xD

And I will C+P your siggie because I'm a Ponyhead, too!
Ponyhead? YES

KFC is alright, but I always get sick the day after I eat it unfortunately. But their gravy is finger-licking gewd.
I got BOTH the day they came out! :D

Hi, welcome to the Cave. I would like to recommend the Animé-Style Battling and Safari Zone sections, but one's in lockdown and the other is dead... oh, dilemma. Well, whatever.

Dear Arcaus not another pony
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