Stealthy Floatzel
New member
That's my motto.When fighting becomes fatal, stealth becomes vital.
Hi, I'm Stealthy Floatzel. As you can tell, I like to write stories. If you've read "Lucario and the 10 Ordeals" or "Floatzel and the Power of Thinking," I'm the author. I'm known on other forums as Autistic Lucario.
EDIT: All my chapters of "Lucario and the 10 Ordeals" to date have been posted.
My three favorite things to put in my stories are stealth, logic, and some way to stray from the usual "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt" business.
A little bit about me: I'm a high school graduate, looking to study creative writing. I have Asperger's Syndrome (and many of its symptoms). I have problems dealing with authority and controlling my emotions. My actions can be strongly affected by emotions. I'm socially immature and I have problems telling what's a joke and what's real apart. Please excuse my awkward behavior.
I'm a fan of Pokemon, yet I don't play the games, watch the anime, or read the manga. Funny how that works. It's the actual Pokemon I'm interested in.
Well, I hope I'm welcome here. :)
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