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Animorph vs. shadow_lugia

Surprisingly, I didn't notice this had been reffed.

Now as for the Chill... Mmm, let's be evil to the little brat and use Sludge Bomb >:3 Then use Curse, to dull the power of Bite a bit; I think the deduct in Speed will be okay. And finally, use a Protect. Fire is EVIL.

Sludge Bomb~Curse~Protect
Animorph vs. shadow_lugia, Round Five

Pre-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet Insomnia]
Health: 59%
Energy: 59%
Status: Attack -1; Worry Seeded; Leech Seeded; stinging all over
Pam's Commands: Chill ~ Bite ~ Fire Fang

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 60%
Energy: 69%
Status: Hidden Power [Grass]; Odor Sleuth-locked (3 more actions); bulb tip is killing her
Fern's Commands: Sludge Bomb ~ Curse ~ Protect

Arena: Mirror Ball

The combatants are inserted psychically into a giant ball, which has been polished on the inside to make the entire thing a mirror. The ball is about 25 feet in diameter.

Due to the reflective surfaces, all light based attacks, including aurora beam, confuse ray, and such, will have one hundred percent accuracy. On a similar note, energy attacks, such as energy ball, hyper beam, aura sphere and force palm, will occaisonally bounce around the sphere if they miss. They have about a 10% chance of hitting either combatant, and will dissipate after one action.

The attack Rollout, if taken to 3-5 actions, may cause the user to go wildly out of control while rolling around the sphere. They will loose one action, which will be counted as another rollout move, but with a halved percent of accuracy.

Round Six: Begin

The three Bulbasaur (and their myriad reflections in the walls of the mirror ball) begin to foam at the mouth, thick, purple ooze dribbling from their jaws and sizzling as drops hit the ground. Pam and her clones retch violently, a massive glob of poisonous slime flying out of their mouths and straight at Pam. The Poochyena skitters backward warily--she knows only one of the three sludge bombs can actually hurt her, and she's pretty sure she knows which one it is, but she'd rather not get hit by any of them. Alas, she does not get out of the way fast enough. The two false attacks fade away harmlessly as they hit Pam's sides, but the real one splatters painfully all over her face, quickly dripping into her mouth and nose and seeping into her skin. She coughs and sputters, desperately trying to spit out the mess, but the damage is done. She sits down hard and spends the next few minutes pawing at her face, trying to wipe off whatever she can.

The vines wrapped around Pam's head almost seem to shudder as the noxious goo touches them.

Unaware that her sludge bomb might have affected some of the seeds she'd planted and feeling a bit better now that Pam appears to be slightly queasy again, Fern takes a moment to prepare herself for the attacks she's sure will be coming soon. She begins to mutter and grumble under her breath, speaking strange, dark words she knows by heart but doesn't really understand. The arcane spell grants her increased strength, bulking her up slightly and toughening her speckled scales; the increased mass makes her feel slightly heavier, however, and makes movement feel a little more difficult again. Under normal circumstances, Pam might have been intrigued by the bizarre words her opponent is uttering, curious about what she might be doing, but she has more important things to worry about at the moment. She's starting to feel sick again, and this on top of all the stress and discomfort she's already experiencing is making her absolutely miserable. She sniffs the air, winces as the sharp intake of breath stings her nose, and then runs at the real Fern with her fangs bared. She bites into the side of her opponent's face, but Fern doesn't seem to be nearly as concerned about it as she usually is.

The extra buffer Fern received from her mysterious curse reduced the impact of the nasty bite, but she can see Pam's mouth glowing orange again and doesn't want to take any chances. The familiar dome of green energy materializes in front of the Bulbasaur and her clones again, shielding them from harm. Not that Pam doesn't try--she takes another whiff of Pam's scent and chomps down, fangs blazing. Her mouth simply slides uselessly off of the shield, leaving Fern and her body doubles unscathed. The little hyena backs away from the barrier, pawing unhappily at her nose. The sludge from before really did a number on her nostrils, and forcefully sucking in all this cold air is making them sting horribly. She isn't really sure she can pinpoint the real Fern anymore, with her nose as messed up as it is...

The worry seed vines shudder again, a bit more noticeably this time, and Pam fancies that she feels just a tiny bit calmer.

Round Six: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet Insomnia]
Health: 41%
Energy: 58%
Status: Attack -1; Worry Seeded; Leech Seeded; Poisoned (moderate); annoyed, but not quite as stressed out as before

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 59%
Energy: 54%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Speed -1; Hidden Power [Grass]; a bit more confident

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Sludge Bomb poisoned Pam.
-The sludge that splashed over the vine is slowly killing the Worry Seed on Pam's face; its effect will probably fade by the end of the next round. (The vines will still be wrapped around her head, they just won't do anything any longer.)
-shadow_lugia attacks first next round.
Okay, Fern, you're getting somewhat low on energy. I figure you deserve a nice Chill, don't you? So do that the first turn. Then, do a Fury Cutter, since that's super effective. And then use another Fury Cutter on the last turn because it gets stronger with each successive hit. However, if Pam uses Torment on one turn, on the last turn use Razor Leaf instead of Fury Cutter.

Chill~Fury Cutter~Fury Cutter/Razor Leaf
Okay Pammy! Let's do this thing. Now, while she's chilling, relax and use Heal Bell to get rid of that nasty poison. Then, use Rest after Fern uses Fury Cutter, and after that, simply chill.

Heal Bell~Rest~Chill
Animorph vs. shadow_lugia, Round Seven

Pre-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet Insomnia]
Health: 41%
Energy: 58%
Status: Attack -1; Worry Seeded; Leech Seeded; Poisoned (moderate); annoyed, but not quite as stressed out as before
Pam's Commands: Heal Bell ~ Rest ~ Chill

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 59%
Energy: 54%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Speed -1; Hidden Power [Grass]; a bit more confident
Fern's Commands: Chill ~ Fury Cutter ~ Fury Cutter/Razor Leaf

Arena: Mirror Ball

The combatants are inserted psychically into a giant ball, which has been polished on the inside to make the entire thing a mirror. The ball is about 25 feet in diameter.

Due to the reflective surfaces, all light based attacks, including aurora beam, confuse ray, and such, will have one hundred percent accuracy. On a similar note, energy attacks, such as energy ball, hyper beam, aura sphere and force palm, will occaisonally bounce around the sphere if they miss. They have about a 10% chance of hitting either combatant, and will dissipate after one action.

The attack Rollout, if taken to 3-5 actions, may cause the user to go wildly out of control while rolling around the sphere. They will loose one action, which will be counted as another rollout move, but with a halved percent of accuracy.

Round Seven: Begin

Eyeing Pam cautiously and hoping to avoid any more nasty bites, Fern settles down on the mirrored floor and takes it easy for a minute. She takes a few deep breaths and tries to relax, taking the opportunity to think about how she might end this sometime before her bulb gets chewed to a pulp. Her opponent is more concerned with getting rid of some of her pain and nausea than playing with her chew toy, though—she shuts her eyes and wills the faint, bell-shaped energy into being again. A soft ringing reverberates around the enclosed arena, each pleasant, peaceful chime filling Pam with strength and dissolving the poison within her once more.

Changing tack, Fern stands up and extends one of her vines. She gives it an experimental snap in midair, and the loud, cracking sound it makes drowns out the last strains of the gentle chiming of the bell. Satisfied with the sharp, painful-sounding noise it makes she strides purposefully toward Pam, raises her vine and whips it across Pam’s face as quickly as she can. The tip of the vine is the only part that actually makes contact with the Poochyena’s face, but it is quite sharp and does sting quite a bit. Pam snarls angrily. This latest blow was relatively minor compared to some of the other things Fern has done to her, but it seems to be the straw that breaks the Camerupt’s back. Clearly that simpering “apology” the Bulbasaur made earlier was entirely bogus; the next time Pam attacks, she’s going for the damn throat. The only thing keeping her from attacking Fern right this moment is the stinging pain Pam can feel all over her entire body. She’ll be better able to mess Fern up if she’s in better shape than this, and in order to do that she’ll need to rest. She backs as far away from her foe as she can while still remaining on relatively horizontal ground—not easy in a giant sphere, but she does her best to keep her footing—and lies down, closing her eyes and zoning out as she enters a deep, healing trance. Diverting all of her body’s faculties toward eliminating her injuries takes a great deal of effort, especially as agitated and wired as she is, but the sleeping Poochyena can feel the relief almost immediately.

Pleased to see that no retaliation appears to be forthcoming, Fern lashes out at Pam again, this time landing a harder, sharper blow to her side. The Poochyena yelps and flinches in her sleep, but she does not wake up. As a matter of fact, she’s feeling much, much too tired to. Even her power nap is doing very little to alleviate the exhaustion she’s feeling, and so she tries to relax. The last little drops of worry seed sap in her body continue to make this more of an effort than it should be, but at least she feels a tiny bit better. Just a tiny bit.

The worry seed vines, now looking a lot more brown and wrinkled than they did when they first erupted from their pod, have now completely died off. At long last they stop pumping their mysterious chemicals into Pam’s veins, and she can finally rest a little easier.

Round Seven: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet]
Health: 92%
Energy: 27%
Status: Leech Seeded; Asleep (Rest); exhausted despite the fact that she’s sleeping

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 62%
Energy: 59%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Speed -1; Hidden Power [Grass]; Fury Cutter BP 40; still feeling pretty good

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Pam has finally decided that she really doesn’t buy Fern’s “apology” any more, so the effect of Charm has worn off.
-The sludge that splashed over the vine has killed Pam’s worry seed vines, although the vines are still wrapped around her face.
-Trying my best to get this done despite continued (and ridiculous) lack of router, so sorry about the delay.
-Animorph attacks first next round.
Not a problem about the delay. We all have things going like this from time to time.

Pammy, I want you to Chill this round. Okay? Good girl...she's so precious when she's sleeping...

Okay then, Fern, since Fury Cutter gets stronger after each successive hit, we'll just use it this entire round. Atleast she won't be able to Torment us if she wakes up, and she'll just be Chilling.

Fury Cutter x 3
Animorph vs. shadow_lugia, Round Eight

Pre-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet]
Health: 92%
Energy: 27%
Status: Leech Seeded; Asleep (Rest); exhausted despite the fact that she’s sleeping
Pam's Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 62%
Energy: 59%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Speed -1; Hidden Power [Grass]; Fury Cutter BP 40 to 80; still feeling pretty good
Fern's Commands: Fury Cutter ~ Fury Cutter ~ Fury Cutter

Arena: Mirror Ball

The combatants are inserted psychically into a giant ball, which has been polished on the inside to make the entire thing a mirror. The ball is about 25 feet in diameter.

Due to the reflective surfaces, all light based attacks, including aurora beam, confuse ray, and such, will have one hundred percent accuracy. On a similar note, energy attacks, such as energy ball, hyper beam, aura sphere and force palm, will occaisonally bounce around the sphere if they miss. They have about a 10% chance of hitting either combatant, and will dissipate after one action.

The attack Rollout, if taken to 3-5 actions, may cause the user to go wildly out of control while rolling around the sphere. They will loose one action, which will be counted as another rollout move, but with a halved percent of accuracy.

Round Eight: Begin

The scourging vine comes slashing down at Pam's face again, hitting her much harder and more vigorously this time. A crack and painful-sounding smack can be heard quite clearly as hard-edged vine strikes soft flesh and fur, and Pam's flinch is much more exaggerated this time; her back arches sharply and she cries out, brought cruelly back into wakefulness. Hurt, Pam tries to scoot further away from Fern and her horrible vines, although she doesn't get very far before she finds herself starting to slide back down. She tries to shut out the pain and just relax, but it isn't working very well.

And then Fern attacks yet again, bringing her vine down with more speed and force each time. She smiles nastily as Pam cries out--she doesn't usually get to do this kind of damage, and it's proving to be a lot of fun! Well, for her, anyway. The distraught and stinging Pam finds absolutely nothing amusing about the whole situation, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for her to relax even with the effects of the worry seed gone.

The loudest CRACK! yet rings around the arena as Fern lashes out with more force than she's ever done before, this whip actually opening up a long cut across Pam's back and eliciting a terrible scream from the Poochyena. The Bulbasaur is beginning to grow a little tired now, and her vine is a little sore from repeated abuse of her foe, but right now she doesn't really care. Whatever she's feeling, it can only be twenty times worse for Pam. And she's quite right; Pam's eyes are watering profusely with the pain, and she has curled up into a miserable, whimpering little ball. The power behind that last blow was devastating, and she isn't sure she can really take much more of this...

Round Eight: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet]
Health: 46%
Energy: 45%
Status: Leech Seeded; miserable and sporting several very nasty welts

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 65%
Energy: 39%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Speed -1; Hidden Power [Grass]; Fury Cutter BP 160; a little tired, but never knew she could whip that hard before and quite impressed with herself

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Pam woke up on the first action.
-shadow_lugia attacks first next round.
Whoo, nice work, Fern. You're doing really well. However, Pam will most likely use Protect on the next turn to prevent more damage, so we'll just Chill. Torment is also a bitch that's lurking in the darkness, so we'll not use Fury Cutter for this round. Use a Giga Drain instead. And finish it up with Energy Ball.

Chill~Giga Drain~Energy Ball
Animorph vs. shadow_lugia, Round Nine

Pre-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet]
Health: 46%
Energy: 45%
Status: Leech Seeded; miserable and sporting several very nasty welts
Pam's Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Rest

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 65%
Energy: 39%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Speed -1; Hidden Power [Grass]; Fury Cutter BP 160; a little tired, but never knew she could whip that hard before and quite impressed with herself
Fern's Commands: Chill ~ Giga Drain ~ Energy Ball

Arena: Mirror Ball

The combatants are inserted psychically into a giant ball, which has been polished on the inside to make the entire thing a mirror. The ball is about 25 feet in diameter.

Due to the reflective surfaces, all light based attacks, including aurora beam, confuse ray, and such, will have one hundred percent accuracy. On a similar note, energy attacks, such as energy ball, hyper beam, aura sphere and force palm, will occaisonally bounce around the sphere if they miss. They have about a 10% chance of hitting either combatant, and will dissipate after one action.

The attack Rollout, if taken to 3-5 actions, may cause the user to go wildly out of control while rolling around the sphere. They will loose one action, which will be counted as another rollout move, but with a halved percent of accuracy.

Round Nine: Begin

Giving her vines--and her entire body--a rest for now, Fern settles down and relaxes, keeping one eye on Pam. The Poochyena doesn't act either, however. Instead, she curls up and tries to do a little relaxing of her own. Both Pokémon glare at one another as they rest, but neither one makes a move.

Fern is the first to get to her feet, and when she does her vines snake out again, Pam cringes and shrinks away, expecting another vicious lashing, but instead the vines grab her and curl around her midriff. A pale, greenish light surrounds Pam, the vines and Fern, and at last the Bulbasaur can begin siphoning more health away from her foe without worrying about any silly shields getting in her way. Pam does not struggle against the restraints; she simply goes limp in Fern's grip, trying her best to ignore the pain and refrain from struggling in the interest of saving her energy.

The green light surrounding Fern suddenly intensifies, shining brightly and becoming a vibrant shade of emerald. The Bulbasaur opens her mouth and fires a sphere of the brilliant green energy point-blank at the captive Pam, the energy ball blazing across the Poochyena's muzzle and searing the skin under her fur with raw, natural force. She stifles a cry of pain, grits her teeth and shuts her eyes. And she keeps them shut even when Fern drops her; she seems to have lapsed into another deep trance. The nasty welts on Pam's body start to close up and her minor burns disappear as she rapidly accelerates her natural healing process. She stays asleep after her work is done; she desperately needs the rest after all of the hard work she's just done...

Round Nine: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet]
Health: 99%
Energy: 7%
Status: Asleep (Rest); Leech Seeded; healthy, but deathly tired

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 68%
Energy: 38%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Speed -1; Hidden Power [Grass]; crap, she's asleep again. That's always so annoying...!

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Animorph attacks first next round.
Hmph, that is annoying. If only we had an attack that drained their energy D:

Well, let's just show them some more Fury Cutter. Muahaha *hopes for critical hit*

Fury Cutter x 3
Animorph vs. shadow_lugia, Round Ten

Pre-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet]
Health: 99%
Energy: 7%
Status: Asleep (Rest); Leech Seeded; healthy, but deathly tired
Pam's Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 68%
Energy: 38%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Speed -1; Hidden Power [Grass]; Fury Cutter BP 160; crap, she's asleep again. That's always so annoying...!
Fern's Commands: Fury Cutter ~ Fury Cutter ~ Fury Cutter

Arena: Mirror Ball

The combatants are inserted psychically into a giant ball, which has been polished on the inside to make the entire thing a mirror. The ball is about 25 feet in diameter.

Due to the reflective surfaces, all light based attacks, including aurora beam, confuse ray, and such, will have one hundred percent accuracy. On a similar note, energy attacks, such as energy ball, hyper beam, aura sphere and force palm, will occaisonally bounce around the sphere if they miss. They have about a 10% chance of hitting either combatant, and will dissipate after one action.

The attack Rollout, if taken to 3-5 actions, may cause the user to go wildly out of control while rolling around the sphere. They will loose one action, which will be counted as another rollout move, but with a halved percent of accuracy.

Round Ten: Begin

Fern smiles; her various warped reflections around the ball all grin their own twisted grins along with her. The Bulbasaur likes her new orders... she likes them a lot. And that irritating Poochyena can't do a thing to stop her. The familiar scourging vine slithers out from beneath Fern's bulb. She gives it another experimental crack, the sharp sound it makes bringing the memories of wild power rushing back into Fern's mind. Still grinning evilly, she slashes the sleeping Pam with her whip as hard as she can, revelling in the horrible squeal the blow elicits from her foe. Pam fights to stay asleep, to get the relaxing rest she desperately needs, but the pain makes it nearly impossible.

CRACK! goes the whip as it strikes Pam hard for a second time. This beating finally drags Pam roughly into wakefulness, accompanied by another ear-splitting scream. A thin line of blood slowly oozes up from this fresh injury, leaving a red stripe across the Poochyena's back. Pam rolls into a little ball and tries to ignore the horrible stinging as best she can...

It seems that Pam has only awoken to a world of more pain with no end in sight as Fern beats her with the vine yet again, leaving the Poochyena staring through crossed, watering eyes and whimpering pathetically. She curls back into her little ball, but the long, bleeding welts on her body and the agony she's in do not make her resting any easier. Fern actually laughs out loud, her red eyes wide and mad. Again... again... must do it again...!

Round Ten: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet]
Health: 27%
Energy: 22%
Status: Leech Seeded; still tired and now covered in hideous, painful welts all over again

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 71%
Energy: 8%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Speed -1; Hidden Power [Grass]; Fury Cutter BP 160; too mad with power to realize how exhausted she is

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-For the record, yes, Fury Cutter was supposed to start with 160 BP again; I forgot that the increase in base power carries over even if the attack isn't used consecutively as long as the user doesn't miss, and so I took the note out of the status section when Fern was ordered to stop. Just to clear up any confusion.
-All of Pam's chills only regained minimal energy due to the extreme pain she was in.
-shadow_lugia attacks first next round.
Awesome, Fern >:D You can kick some major butt with those vines.

I'd really love as much as you would to do that again immediately, but even though you don't realize it, you're damn tired. Chill the first round, imagine what the next turn will be like.

And now we let the juices flow from this Poochyena, 'cause we're fucking Chinese and can't wait to eat her. Fury Cutter once more (and pray to dear God that she finally dies), and repeat it on the final action if she doesn't keel over.

Chill~Fury Cutter~Fury Cutter
Animorph vs. shadow_lugia, Round Eleven

Pre-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet]
Health: 27%
Energy: 22%
Status: Leech Seeded; still tired and now covered in hideous, painful welts all over again
Pam's Commands: Rest ~ Chill ~ Chill

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 71%
Energy: 8%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Speed -1; Hidden Power [Grass]; Fury Cutter BP 160; too mad with power to realize how exhausted she is
Fern's Commands: Chill ~ Fury Cutter ~ Fury Cutter

Arena: Mirror Ball

The combatants are inserted psychically into a giant ball, which has been polished on the inside to make the entire thing a mirror. The ball is about 25 feet in diameter.

Due to the reflective surfaces, all light based attacks, including aurora beam, confuse ray, and such, will have one hundred percent accuracy. On a similar note, energy attacks, such as energy ball, hyper beam, aura sphere and force palm, will occaisonally bounce around the sphere if they miss. They have about a 10% chance of hitting either combatant, and will dissipate after one action.

The attack Rollout, if taken to 3-5 actions, may cause the user to go wildly out of control while rolling around the sphere. They will loose one action, which will be counted as another rollout move, but with a halved percent of accuracy.

Round Ten: Begin

It takes Fern a great deal of effort to settle down, force her vines back into her bulb and rest for a while. If she's relaxing, she isn't cutting Pam into itty bitty pieces. And that is boring! Boring is unacceptable! Still, the Bulbasaur has to admit that the brief respite does feel a little nice. Not as nice as killing little hyenas, but kind of okay, yeah.

That's certainly more than Pam can say. Once again she hunkers down and curls into her sad little ball, forcing herself into another healing trance and directing all of her energy into closing up those nasty wounds. Unfortunately for the beleagured little Poochyena, she is still absolutely exhausted and simply doesn't have enough strength to sustain the healing process for long. As Fern watches Pam uncurls suddenly and just slumps on the sloping floor, not moving. The welts on her back have not vanished as they did before, still visible and one of them still a very angry red. She seems to have passed out completely, too strained to keep pushing herself any further.

Round Eleven: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet]
Health: 71%
Energy: 0%
Status: Knocked out due to fatigue

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 71%
Energy: 18%

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Rest is so energy-intensive that Pam ran out of energy before she could regain the full amount, knocking her out on the first action. Sorry, Animorph. :/
-FYI, shadow_lugia, you can actually drain energy; you just use a normal health-draining attack but tell the ref that you want it to act on energy instead. Had you used Giga Drain on Pam's energy during the round you asked about it (or during this round, actually), Pam would have fainted and you would've won earlier than this.
-The annoying stallfest battle is over and shadow_lugia is the winner. She gets $8 for winning and Fern gets 2 exp. Animorph gets $3 and Pam gets 1 exp. I get $5 for reffing.
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