Lars The Turtwig
Will probably not come back.
Im battling my friend, preparing a team, and all that stuff.
Anyway, this team should be around OU.
If you rate this, please read everything trough and carefully.
<(Pokemon's sprite)
This is the opener. Because my friend would never start with something other than a physical sweeper, the way I know him, I chose Forretress.
While this only contains one attack move, the idea of this pokemon is spreading traps anyway. Gyro Ball can deal devastating damage if used against the right pokemon, while Explosion can be used after all traps have been layed(spelling?) down. Spikes, Toxic Spikes and Stealth Rock are the traps, and I don't think any other pokemon suits the job of laying traps better.
Leftovers is there simply to survive while laying traps. However, it might be switched for Focus Band, but I think this idea sucks.
Well, that's your average special sweeping Raichu. Don't even ask me to change it to pikachu- I always hated the little rat.
Focus Sash is there to survive the set-up phase, and wise glasses are there to reach even more power. Because Raichu is fragile, the former is a better choice. However, I can also run Choice Specs for quick sweeping, although I hate choice items...
Usually, I'd send in this guy after the opponent has been hit by all of the traps. However, if it didn't get hit by a single trap, for instance if Forrestress was defeated too fast, I'd rather send in blissey, provided it's a special sweeper opponent.
Anyway- Nasty Plot doubles the special attack, but can be switched for Signal Beam if choice set is the choosen set.
Signal Beam has an okay coverage, and deals a lot to many pokemon that resist the three other atacks.
Focus Blast and Hidden Power(Dark) cover every pokemon but Heracross and Toxicroak, and both have their puny ass kicked by ThunderBolt. As a final option, Nasty plot can be exchanged for the overly popular Grass Knot.
Blaze @ Muscle Band/Shell Bell/Choice Scarf/Choice Band
Adamant(+Attk, -SpAtk) @ 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Hp
-Fire Punch/Flare Blitz
-Brick Break/Close Combat
-Shadow Claw
Most of the time, when you meet infernape, you tell yourself 'here comes another mixed sweeper' and expect moves like Fire Blast, Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Flamethrower, Hidden Power and Grass Knot.
However, most people forget that Infernape's natural level up moves suggest that it will be a physical sweeper rather than a mixed one, even if his stats are perfect for mixed sweeping, a technique I hate.
I will usually send him against a low HP foe he can't face, use a quick U-Turn, and hopefully K.O. said opponent. In addition, the varied movepool allows some unexpected attacks.
Fire Punch has STAB and can pack a punch(no pun intended), and a nice chance to burn those who didn't get affected by the traps.
Flare Blitz is it's alternate, but the high Recoil is nothing for me.
Brick Break is also there for STAB and coverage, and has the nice abillity of crushing my enemy's barriers, while Close Combat is another suicide atack. Shadow claw has a lot of power and creates a perfect coverage. What must I say more? U-Turn is there for enemies that are too strong for me or to scout around.
Now to the items: Muscle Band gives a tiny bonus, but I'd rather go for the HP recovery Shell Bell gives. Leftover recovery is too small, especially for a sweeper(imagine the difference of the HP gain after using a brick break on Blissey, for example!). Infernape can go for a choice items, but as said before, Choice items aren't my way.
That's your average, cliched Blissey. SoftBoiled is there for Health recovery, and in gigantic chunks. Thunder Wave is there for those who aren't poisnoed, and Seismic Toss&Shadow Ball are there to lower the opponent's health steadily. The EVs are spread in the manner they are spread in because Blissey has a lot of HP and should have even more;She has a lot of special defense and low Defence, so a few EVs in defence should keep her from getting KO'd on the spot by physical attacks, making her even more of a wall. Leftovers are there for Health recovery(even more).
In other words- thats the main wall.
*Note: I called all of my pokemon 'he'(expect blissey) Because im going to use a(n almost) exclusively male team.
I thought about using a roserade for the final slot, using some strong special moves and aromatherapy to support teammates.
Anyway, this team should be around OU.
If you rate this, please read everything trough and carefully.
<(Pokemon's sprite)
The 'Trapper'
TheWarm Cold, Poisonous Welcome
Sturdy @ Leftovers/Focus band
Relaxed(+Def, -Spe) @ 252 HP/ 176 Def/ 80 SDef
-Gyro Ball/Explosion
-Toxic Spikes
-Stealth Rock
Sturdy @ Leftovers/Focus band
Relaxed(+Def, -Spe) @ 252 HP/ 176 Def/ 80 SDef
-Gyro Ball/Explosion
-Toxic Spikes
-Stealth Rock
This is the opener. Because my friend would never start with something other than a physical sweeper, the way I know him, I chose Forretress.
While this only contains one attack move, the idea of this pokemon is spreading traps anyway. Gyro Ball can deal devastating damage if used against the right pokemon, while Explosion can be used after all traps have been layed(spelling?) down. Spikes, Toxic Spikes and Stealth Rock are the traps, and I don't think any other pokemon suits the job of laying traps better.
Leftovers is there simply to survive while laying traps. However, it might be switched for Focus Band, but I think this idea sucks.
The Sweepers
The Special Sweeper
Static @ Focus Sash/Wise Glasses/Choice Specs
Modest(+SpAtk, -Attk) @ 252 SAtk, 252 Spe, 4 Hp
-Nasty Plot/Signal Beam/ Grass Knot
-Focus Blast
-Hidden Power(dark)
Static @ Focus Sash/Wise Glasses/Choice Specs
Modest(+SpAtk, -Attk) @ 252 SAtk, 252 Spe, 4 Hp
-Nasty Plot/Signal Beam/ Grass Knot
-Focus Blast
-Hidden Power(dark)
Well, that's your average special sweeping Raichu. Don't even ask me to change it to pikachu- I always hated the little rat.
Focus Sash is there to survive the set-up phase, and wise glasses are there to reach even more power. Because Raichu is fragile, the former is a better choice. However, I can also run Choice Specs for quick sweeping, although I hate choice items...
Usually, I'd send in this guy after the opponent has been hit by all of the traps. However, if it didn't get hit by a single trap, for instance if Forrestress was defeated too fast, I'd rather send in blissey, provided it's a special sweeper opponent.
Anyway- Nasty Plot doubles the special attack, but can be switched for Signal Beam if choice set is the choosen set.
Signal Beam has an okay coverage, and deals a lot to many pokemon that resist the three other atacks.
Focus Blast and Hidden Power(Dark) cover every pokemon but Heracross and Toxicroak, and both have their puny ass kicked by ThunderBolt. As a final option, Nasty plot can be exchanged for the overly popular Grass Knot.
The Scouter/Physical Sweeper
Blaze @ Muscle Band/Shell Bell/Choice Scarf/Choice Band
Adamant(+Attk, -SpAtk) @ 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Hp
-Fire Punch/Flare Blitz
-Brick Break/Close Combat
-Shadow Claw
Most of the time, when you meet infernape, you tell yourself 'here comes another mixed sweeper' and expect moves like Fire Blast, Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Flamethrower, Hidden Power and Grass Knot.
However, most people forget that Infernape's natural level up moves suggest that it will be a physical sweeper rather than a mixed one, even if his stats are perfect for mixed sweeping, a technique I hate.
I will usually send him against a low HP foe he can't face, use a quick U-Turn, and hopefully K.O. said opponent. In addition, the varied movepool allows some unexpected attacks.
Fire Punch has STAB and can pack a punch(no pun intended), and a nice chance to burn those who didn't get affected by the traps.
Flare Blitz is it's alternate, but the high Recoil is nothing for me.
Brick Break is also there for STAB and coverage, and has the nice abillity of crushing my enemy's barriers, while Close Combat is another suicide atack. Shadow claw has a lot of power and creates a perfect coverage. What must I say more? U-Turn is there for enemies that are too strong for me or to scout around.
Now to the items: Muscle Band gives a tiny bonus, but I'd rather go for the HP recovery Shell Bell gives. Leftover recovery is too small, especially for a sweeper(imagine the difference of the HP gain after using a brick break on Blissey, for example!). Infernape can go for a choice items, but as said before, Choice items aren't my way.
The Supporter
So, not much to explain. It's about using Wish, surviving strong attacks and protecting to abuse Leftovers and the Wish. Vaporeon can either use Protect if the wish variant is used, or Substitute if the Baton Pass variant is used. Surf is an obvious Stab move, and Ice beam is there for coverage. That's all I've got to say about this.
The Protect variant heavily relies on the enemy being poisoned, meaning they lose health while Vaporeon regains 9/16 of his health.
The Walls
The Special wall
Natural Cure @ Leftovers
Calm/Sassy @ 252 HP, 98 SDef, 160 Def
-Thunder Wave
-Seismic Toss
-Shadow Ball
Wish Supporter
Water Absorb @ Leftovers
Bold @ 252 Def, 188 Hp, 68 SAt
-Ice Beam/Baton Pass
Water Absorb @ Leftovers
Bold @ 252 Def, 188 Hp, 68 SAt
-Ice Beam/Baton Pass
So, not much to explain. It's about using Wish, surviving strong attacks and protecting to abuse Leftovers and the Wish. Vaporeon can either use Protect if the wish variant is used, or Substitute if the Baton Pass variant is used. Surf is an obvious Stab move, and Ice beam is there for coverage. That's all I've got to say about this.
The Protect variant heavily relies on the enemy being poisoned, meaning they lose health while Vaporeon regains 9/16 of his health.
The Walls
The Special wall
Natural Cure @ Leftovers
Calm/Sassy @ 252 HP, 98 SDef, 160 Def
-Thunder Wave
-Seismic Toss
-Shadow Ball
That's your average, cliched Blissey. SoftBoiled is there for Health recovery, and in gigantic chunks. Thunder Wave is there for those who aren't poisnoed, and Seismic Toss&Shadow Ball are there to lower the opponent's health steadily. The EVs are spread in the manner they are spread in because Blissey has a lot of HP and should have even more;She has a lot of special defense and low Defence, so a few EVs in defence should keep her from getting KO'd on the spot by physical attacks, making her even more of a wall. Leftovers are there for Health recovery(even more).
In other words- thats the main wall.
*Note: I called all of my pokemon 'he'(expect blissey) Because im going to use a(n almost) exclusively male team.
I thought about using a roserade for the final slot, using some strong special moves and aromatherapy to support teammates.