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ASB Rules

Could it be possible to define Mantine as Consentually flying?
No, because so far as I know there's nothing to indicate that it can stay airborne for any considerable length of time.

Speaking of Mantine, how would you go about evolving a Mantyke? Do you level it up while a remoraid is in your active squad?
It's the same as any other of the weird evolutions (e.g. ones that require a specific location, a specific move in the moveset); I think it's four EXP to evolve, but I don't remember. It's in that group as listed in the PRO, anyway.

Just felt I should point out that there aren't any levels here; you mean battle with Remoraid in the Squad. Sorry.

To give a purpose to this: I plan to keep track of my Pokémon's EXP even after they're fully evolved, in case I need / can use it elsewhere (like the memory modifier). But for my Feebas, should I contiue tracking Happiness or begin tracking EXP?
It doesn't matter, they're both irrelevant to a milotic as far as I can recall.
One point for being sent into battle as usual, plus one additional point for each opposing pokémon that fainted while it was on the field.
Any changes you want to make to a pokémon are fine and don't even need approval as long as they are purely aesthetic. Anything that would actually affect how a pokémon performs in battle needs special approval as a modification, though.
If a Pokemon is confused, how exactly does the ref determine whether or not it gets to attack on any given action? From what I can see, you'd do some sort of random number generator from 1-100, and then go from there, but it's never really made clear anywhere...
It's up to you, really. Choose a maximum confusion chance (say, 25% chance of being fully confused) for the level of severity in question; whenever the pokémon is asked to make a move, use the RNG and see if it rolls within that percentage. Paralysis and attraction would work similarly.
Okay, so I've noticed a couple of arenas where people specify that pokemon who require water to battle are not allowed to participate. I thought I had read in another comment that really, you can use a water pokemon on an arena without water (such as a fish like Feebas or Remoraid), though it might make it hard for them to get around. Even so, that sort of negates the whole "pokemon who need water are banned" thing.

So... are there any pokemon who really can't battle outside of water? If not, then that's fine but if so, is it possible to maybe make a list of them similar to the list of flying/hovering pokemon?
Pokémon that would have severe mobility problems (basically anything fishy) are the ones that "need water." They don't need it, but they can't fight very well without it. I guess I could make a list, but it seems a pretty common-sense grouping.
Sorry for asking so many questions lately, but I searched the thread and found nothing.

Can an evolved Pokemon use it's prevolution's attacks?
Can a pokemon that has no hands hold an item? Example: Unown.

And as a follow-up to the above question, what about moves pokemon can only use in the TCG. Are these moves available to them?
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And as a follow-up to the above question, what about moves pokemon can only use in the TCG. Are these moves available to them?

Not as far as I know. The TCG works completely differently, and most of the cards have attacks and effects that are pretty much made up. ASB sticks to the main pokemon video game series' moves.
If a Leech Seeded Pokémon hits the damage cap, does Leech Seed still do damage, and does the Leech Seed user still recover health?
This is probably a stupid question, but...

If Dream Eater is used to attack a pokemon's energy rather than HP, it is still limited by the damage cap, correct? And if so, does the pokemon using it still regain energy even though the other pokemon is capped?
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