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Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

Thanks for All the Fish

so long~ and...
It's self-explanitory, If you like Scrubs, you join.
Current Members.....
Teh Hyper Pikadator
Arylett Dawnsborough
Notory/Notoriously Unknown
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Re: The Scrubs club! *or the newbie club*

I wanna join!! I too share your love of that show!!!

I just discovered the "clubs" part of the forums so what exactly can you do once you join one?
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*Pops in*

Here we go. I love Scrubs...heck, what's not to love? It's deep, it's funny, it's dramatic...heck, pretty much every episode has a music video built into it.
Quite true. Hey you know that one episode where there's this patient that hears everyone singing and stuff instead of talking? Yeah, that episode was a music video. (Please forgive me as I suck at describing things on such short notice and that I don't know any of the episode titles)
Oh god, this is the coolest Scrubs pic I have seen.....
...Well, that's been there for a while. *Granted, only if you watched it when originally aired on NBC*...Still, very shocking.
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