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In Progress Battle to the Ban!


Among the few morons with straight A's.
Okay, this was popular on another site I go to, and relax, it was not by me. It's a combination of Battle Royale and game shows where you have to fight someone to go on to the next round. All I need are the characters, though I can give you an example "fight".
A wild crowd cheered as a man wearing a helmet walked into the center of the big arena. "This is Miror C, I welcome all of you to Battle to the Ban!" he announced, and more cheers filled the air until he raised a hand. "Before we start, let me go over the rules. All contestants will fight one another but are not allowed to kill. Using the special roulette or a coin, their powers for the battle are determined. Also, the loser is banned from TCoD and sent somewhere they will never return, sent by the power of the almighty ban hammer, used only by staff members. However, they can always create a new account with the same name to join again. So let us begin with our first fighters, Taco and Kyle!" Cheers and gasps filled the air as the names of the fighters were announced.

From the left side of Phenac Arena danced out a boy with a giant white hat and green hair. He was literally dancing, and in his hands were corn dogs. His shirt said in big bold letters "I HATE TACOS". Some of the crowd cheered, while others were quiet. From the right side came a strange human wearing the heroine outfit from Pokemon Platinum, though the sleeves were shorter and there was no hat. Also, he wore a pink Mohawk wig and icy blue lipstick. It was a sight that brought on more screams and laughs than cheering. The two stood facing each other, while the host stood between them.

"Okay, for their powers, Taco has chosen corn dogs," he said with a gesture to Taco, "And Kyle has chosen... soap for some reason." Some gasps and whispers arose in the crowd. "Okay everyone, let's begin! Any final words?"

"I love corn dogs and hate tacos and love collecting hats and hate wearing hats for jobs!" Taco declared.

"I am in love with Soapette Ladine Schoonmaken even though I'm dating Kylie right now!" Kyle declared, and a girl suddenly stomped onto the battleground.

"We're through Kyle!" she screamed, and slapped him before stomping away.

"With that through, let's begin," Miror C muttered. "For the remainder of the fight I will be hosting from the announcer's box." He twirled around and disappeared in a puff of smoke, but the two strange, seemingly human competitors were unfazed by it.

Taco: Corn Dog Blizzard, go!
[Corn dogs begin to rain on Kyle]
Kyle: Nice try, kid, but I'm not Village Idiot for nothing!
[Pulls out a bottle of liquid soap and sprays on ground; uses slippery path to slide away from corn dog]
~Miror C: Wow, didn't think Kyle was smart enough to do that...
Taco: You're smarter than I thought, Kyle. But you overlooked something.
Kyle: Oh yeah. Taco, I am YOUR FATHER.
Taco: WHAT!? NO!! *falls to knees*
[Soap begins to pour onto Taco]
Kyle: So do I, but I love soap.
Taco: Wait, you like soap but not baths?
Kyle: Soap is better than baths. Oh yeah... SOAP ATTACK!!
[More soap rains on Taco]
[Tiny corn dogs fly at Kyle]
Kyle: Aww, they are so cute!!
[Tiny corn dogs continue to pile up on him]
Taco: So you like that? Then OLD CORN DOGS DEPLOY!!
[Moldy corn dogs fly at Kyle but suddenly fall]
Taco: Oh yeah, old corn dogs can't learn new tricks...
Kyle: Well, soap can! Sunny Sun Soap Suds!!
[Throws yellow soap bars at Taco and Taco slips on them]
Taco: Hey, that wasn't fair!
Kyle: Lady's Lavender Loofah, go!!
[Some kind of purple girlie loofah flies at Taco]
Taco: NO!! SO GIRLIE!!
[Suddenly giant flying corn dog swoop down and drag Taco away]
Kyle: Flying corn dogs? That is so weird... Anyways, LIQUID SOAP USE SURF!!
[Giant wave of blue liquid soap appears from Phenac fountains and goes towards Taco]
Taco: OH NO! Corny, get me away from it!
[Flying corn dog glides higher]
Kyle: Oh no you don't! LIQUID SOAP, HIGHER!!
[Liquid soap wave rises higher; suddenly it stops and falls to ground, flooding arena]
Kyle: Hey, what happened!?
[Taco falls onto ground with a thud]
Taco: Corny suddenly disappeared!! What's going on!?
[Miror C appears on Taco's flying corn dog]
Miror C: Sorry to interrupt this battle, but you guys are hurting the crowd. And I've got soap in my new helmet!! Bleh! Anyways, proceed, but no more flying corn dogs or soap waves. Got it?
Taco/Kyle: Okay...
Miror C: Good.
[Corn Dog flies away]
[Wave of corn dogs appears from fountains and a giant flying soap bar picks up Kyle; Taco uses giant corn dog stick as surf board]
[Suddenly wave and soap bar disappear and Kyle and Taco fall to ground]
Kyle: What now?
[Miror C appear on flying soap bar]
Miror C: What did I just tell you two!?
Kyle: No flying corn dogs.
Taco: Or soap waves.
Miror C: And what did you guys just do?
Kyle: I rode a flying soap bar, not corn dog!
Taco: I surfed a wave of corn dogs, not soap!
Miror C: In that case, no more waves of anything, no giant flying objects you can ride, and no other act that can affect the audience! I mean seriously, look at them!!
[Audience waves while eating corn dogs and holding new soap bars]
Miror C: *whispers loudly* Look like you're scared!!
[Audience starts moaning in agony; one guy eat soap and throws up]
Miror C: Look at their horror, you two!
Kyle/Taco: Sorry...
Miror C: If I have to come down here one more time, you're both BANNED!!
[Miror C disappears in blinding flash]
[Corn dog sticks fly at Kyle and sudden burst of soap hits Taco; both stand looking at each other before falling on ground]
-----END BATTLE-----
Gasps arose in the audience as a referee ran into the arena to check their pulses. "They're unconscious but alive!" he declared, and the crowds filling the stands groaned in dismay. Some even cried. Miror C went into the arena, looking at the two fallen fighters with worried eyes.

"I forgot about one thing," he announced to the crowd grimly. "If both competitors faint, neither have to go, and they have a chance to compete again." Now people began crying in the audience, and the sad sigh of the staff members holding the ban hammers could be heard by all.

"Someday, we will get them," one staff member muttered to the others as the arena began to empty.


This chapter was much weirder than others may or may not be, as the characters are my two idiot characters, and the powers are based off of the stories they appear in. Anyways, the battles are always in script form, but outside of the battle may be any type of writing. The "powers" will be more varied, too, based off of anything from Pokémon types to classic stereotypes to even brain versus brawn. And remember, this is Battle of the Ban: if you lose, your character can never come back.

To submit a character, just post here. I don't need descriptions or anything; the characters are called by your username, and the powers may be based off of that.
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