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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Best. Exam. Ever.


Probably shouldn't be here.
Right, art exams today and tomorrow.

Today, the Art table of mine brought in tea. Yes, tea. Cakes, the kettle, biscuits, cookies, everything. Five hours and all we did was paint and eat.

Best exam ever.
Haha, our Chinese exams are kind of like that. We have a ridiculously easy test that takes about half an hour (out of the half an hour to two hours they give us), and then when we're done, our teacher passes out candy and origami. Meanwhile, all the kids in Spanish and Latin are giving us deathstares. :P
Haha, our Chinese exams are kind of like that. We have a ridiculously easy test that takes about half an hour (out of the half an hour to two hours they give us), and then when we're done, our teacher passes out candy and origami. Meanwhile, all the kids in Spanish and Latin are giving us deathstares. :P
It wasn't even exam conditions where you're not allowed a peep.
Right, art exams today and tomorrow.

Today, the Art table of mine brought in tea. Yes, tea. Cakes, the kettle, biscuits, cookies, everything. Five hours and all we did was paint and eat.

Best exam ever.

My art exam was today (and tomorrow) too, and we had to work in silence. No music, either.

My art exam was today (and tomorrow) too, and we had to work in silence. No music, either.

We weren't allowed music, but there's a loophole; break and lunchtime. However, we were allowed to sing the whole score of Avenue Q.
The bulk of my Religion exam (Yes, we unfortunately have to sit a Religion exam for Junior Cert. Waste Of Timeee) and C.S.P.E (Civic, Social and Political Education. Another waste of time subject.) are based on 'reports' that can be written up off the top of your head. If someone achieves high marks for the booklets, you've already gotten enough marks to pass the subject. xD

Something similar applies for my Science exam. 10% is given out for filling up an experiment booklet while a further 20% is given out for doing two easy investigations. They where so easy to do that I was able to talk to friends all through the double class given for the experiments. xD

And if you're curious, it takes 40% to pass a subject.
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