- Pronoun
- any
3 VS 3
DQ: One Week
BANNED: OHKO's, Perish Song
Additional Rules: The first pokémon sent out by both trainers must be a Bug-type. All trainers must wear a Bug Catcher uniform, the referee as well. The cocoon must be, when referred to by its full name, be called the GIGANTIC COCOON, not the gigantic cocoon or Gigantic Cocoon or any of that crap. It's disrespectful, you see.
Round 5
Blastoise Fortooate (OOO)
Currently out: Leper Dot

Female Venonat
Ability: Compoundeyes
Item: Sitrus Berry, Coba Berry
Health: 26%
Energy: 75%
Status: 1- Speed. Paralyzed (Severe), confused (Moderate).
Commands: Agility ~ Toxic ~ Venoshock
Le Sabre (OOO)
Currently out: Nickolaus

Male Joltik
Ability: Compoundeyes
Item: Apicot Berry, Rowap Berry, Yache Berry, Rawst Berry
Health: 48%
Energy: 72%
Status: Poisoned (Severe), paralyzed (Severe).
Condition: Staring at the curly leaves, not realizing what they mean.
Commands: Frustration ~ Discharge ~ Discharge
Blastoise Fortooate (OOO)
Currently out: Leper Dot

Female Venonat
Ability: Compoundeyes
Item: Sitrus Berry, Coba Berry
Health: 26%
Energy: 75%
Status: 1- Speed. Paralyzed (Severe), confused (Moderate).
Commands: Agility ~ Toxic ~ Venoshock
Le Sabre (OOO)
Currently out: Nickolaus

Male Joltik
Ability: Compoundeyes
Item: Apicot Berry, Rowap Berry, Yache Berry, Rawst Berry
Health: 48%
Energy: 72%
Status: Poisoned (Severe), paralyzed (Severe).
Condition: Staring at the curly leaves, not realizing what they mean.
Commands: Frustration ~ Discharge ~ Discharge
Arena status: Spinarak, Wurmple, Weedle and Sewaddle have been attached to the trainers and referee.On the rocky cliffs of the Asber coast, underneath a ridiculous overhang of nondescript stone, a bunch of bugs have decided to join together and make a GIANT COCOON that hangs and swings dangerously low over the crashing gray waves below.The huge, white-silk orb is oblong in shape, with huge, wiggly support beams sticking out of the top. Bugs, from anorith to yanma and joltik to scolipede, crawl across the surface, bringing food and water and other necessities. It's a rather nice community, honestly, and like all good communities it must inevitably be the site of an ASB pokémon battle.
The cocoon's inner parts, about the size of a few three-story buildings laid on their sides, on top of one another, are divided in such a way that the very bottom, where the battle takes place, is about as big as a mansion. The floor is interwoven silk, very soft and damp, and you can see the ocean below through gaps as big as a guy's head. The ocean, by the way, is about thirty feet away at the bottom of the floor's curve, and can easily fuel water-based attacks. Kakuna, cascoon, and other hibernating bugs coat the walls like sleeping ornaments, and spires of supporting silk spring from the ground to the ceiling, like trees. Small rocklike balls of the stuff also cover the ground, and can be used as projectiles if needed. Also, this section of the GIGANTIC COCOON is big enough for weather moves to work easily, and if Sunny Day is used it makes a bunch of League Volbeat use Tail Glow and Flash all at once on the ceiling, to be inclusive.
Once every round, during a random action, a swarm of any given unevolved bugs (caterpie, joltik, etc.), led by their fully-evolved form (a butterfree, a galvantula, etc.) will attack, dealing 4% Bug-type damage to the battlers but giving each on a random berry in addition to its other item. These berries stack, but will be taken by Blastoise for his shop at the end of battle. They will also leave one of their number behind on each trainer and the referee, as adorable spies. No two pokémon will swarm twice unless there are no more new ones to be chosen, and due to strange pokémon cruelty laws no one can technically remove one of the little buggers from their person by force. (Why would you want to, though?)
The battling bugs started to show clear signs of fatigue as the battle dragged on. Neither of them seemed likely to last too much longer.
As always, their mutual paralysis undermined their battling efforts; again, they were immobile for all of the first few minutes of battle.
When they started to move again, Nickolaus interrupted an enemy charge with a powerful electric blast. It left spots of her hairbunch charred and briefly disoriented her movement; however, she got over it quickly, picking up her foe and unleashing venom all over his face.
Much to her dismay, though, the Joltik's immunologic system had been at extensive warfare with the toxic spores from earlier. Neutralizing a smaller threat from the same source was nearly effortless.
At that point, as in the other rounds, there was a swarm. However, instead of a coordinated attack, there just seemed to be a large army of Skorupi roaming leaderlessly and ocasionally taking a potshot at the battlers. Some of them clung into the humans as well, but for no particular reason, as they had no commanding insect to relay anything to. As the others, they left berries -- one bright pink and very sweet, which was immediately consumed to put an end to hole stuck shenanigans, and other deep red, horribly spicy, but that was unknown to its willing taker.
Both of the fighters were distracted plenty by this turn of events, but the tick Pokémon regained focus faster and caught his opponent right off guard for another voltaic discharge. Furious, the Venonat moved to attack, unleashing a flurry of chemical powder. Before these could land, however, their target rapidly ate up one of his berries, screeching at its fierce sourness. When the Venoshock landed on his fur, it quickly kicked up painful reactions before it was bounced off by nutrients in the eaten Berry, being hurled right back at the attacker with forceful impact.
It was the straw the broke the gnat's back. Leper Dot stumbled backwards and, for a change, landed on solid ground. Her macro-eyes seemed to become darker and duller in colour as her micro-eyes closed in unison.
Round 5 – End
Blastoise Fortooate (XOO)
Currently out: Leper Dot

Female Venonat
Ability: Compoundeyes
Item: Sitrus Berry, Coba Berry
Health: 0%
Energy: 64%
Status: Knocked out!
Condition: Holding onto the Sitrus Berry tightly.
Performed: Fully paralyzed ~ Toxic ~ Venoshock
Le Sabre (OOO)
Currently out: Nickolaus

Male Joltik
Ability: Compoundeyes
Item: Yache Berry, Rawst Berry, Occa Berry
Health: 26%
Energy: 62%
Status: 2+ Special Defense. Poisoned (Moderate), paralyzed (Moderate).
Condition: Pumped up for the next challenger.
Performed: Fully paralyzed ~ Discharge ~ Discharge
Blastoise Fortooate (XOO)
Currently out: Leper Dot

Female Venonat
Ability: Compoundeyes
Item: Sitrus Berry, Coba Berry
Health: 0%
Energy: 64%
Status: Knocked out!
Condition: Holding onto the Sitrus Berry tightly.
Performed: Fully paralyzed ~ Toxic ~ Venoshock
Le Sabre (OOO)
Currently out: Nickolaus

Male Joltik
Ability: Compoundeyes
Item: Yache Berry, Rawst Berry, Occa Berry
Health: 26%
Energy: 62%
Status: 2+ Special Defense. Poisoned (Moderate), paralyzed (Moderate).
Condition: Pumped up for the next challenger.
Performed: Fully paralyzed ~ Discharge ~ Discharge
Arena status: Spinarak, Wurmple, Weedle, Sewaddle and Skorupi have been attached to the trainers and referee.
Additional notes:
- Toxic did not work because Nickolaus was already poisoned.
- Leper Dot obtained a Persim Berry this round and immediately consumed it to heal her confusion.
- Damage from the Rowap Berry's effects finished Leper Dot off.
- Next round, Blastoise Fortooate sends