Murderer of Words
1vs1 single battle
DQ: four days, okay?
Banned Moves: NONE AGAIN :D :D
Arena: Distortion World
The battlers are taking it to Giratina's realm, folks! Dawn caught Giratina and its trust, and it gratefully opened it for her and the battlers. Now, the trainers battle over several small floating platforms in a place where the rules of space and time are distorted. Nearby is a waterfall crashing... upside down, and below is an infinite spiral of who knows what. Dialga and Palkia are irritated that Giratina opened up this area to little kids, and so are battling... each other just outside the opening? Geez. Anyway, because of the weird space and time thing, slower and/or heavier Pokémon strike first. If a Pokémon is pushed off the platform, it spends an action and base 4% energy trying to get back up onto the platform or possibly another. Giratina is trying to get Dialga and Palkia out of the way so that they leave the little creatures (humans) alone, periodically. Oh yeah, Shaymin's there in its Land Forme. Goodness knows what it's doing.
5% chance each round that Dialga will fire the Roar of Time far below the battlers; the damage will be 10% damage to all Pokémon, but the trainers will be allowed to grab them to prevent falling off.
10% chance each action that Palkia will use Spacial Rend, which deals no damage but negates said action's moves and effects because everyone's trying to overcome a wave of nausea.
5% chance every two rounds that Giratina will decide to intervene and use Ominous Wind on those darned creatures. This sweeps Pokémon that are 50 pounds or over off the field, causing them to try to get back up.
15% chance every round that Shaymin will use Aromatherapy to make everyone shut up with kindness.
These can be combined, by the way.
Blastoise Fortooate’s Active Squad:
[Blaise] Wartortle (M)

Ability: Torrent
Item: Expert Belt
[Ed] Axew (F)

Ability: Mold Breaker
[Stoneralla] Geodude (F)

Ability: Sturdy
[Neveu~d'un~Prisme~Tombé] Nidoran (M)

Ability: Poison Point
[Bépya] Bulbasaur (M)

Ability: Overgrow
Item: Miracle Seed
Body Mod: Fire Flower Power
[Tandy] Yanma (F)

Ability: Speed Boost
[Curare Wurari] Croagunk (F)

Ability: Anticipation
Body Mod: Poison Dart Gourd
[Celeste] Chimchar (F)

Ability: Blaze
Body Mod: Celestial Goddess
[Leper Dot] Venonat (F)

Ability: Compoundeyes
[Veggie Swazz] Farfetch'd (M)

Ability: Keen Eye
Item: Stick
Mewtini’s Active Squad:
[Elektrizität] Pichu (F)

Ability: Static
[Mintleaf] Snivy (F)

Ability: Overgrow
Body Mod: Minty Leaves
[Staticspidera] Joltik (F)

Ability: Compoundeyes
[Swift] Taillow (F)

Ability: Guts
[Mia] Scyther (M)

Ability: Technician
[Warrior] Rasqueon (F)

Ability: Battle Armor
[Jessica] Gothita (F)

Ability: Frisk
Item: Sooth Bell
[Eelektroidia] Shinx (F)

Ability: Intimidate
[Fantomé l'Opera] Gastly (M)

Ability: Levitate
The Ref Says:
Blastoise Fortooate sends out.
Mewtini sends out and attacks.
Blastoise Fortooate attacks.
I ref.