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One-Shot Break of a Bond


New member
Basically a letter, from one character of mine to another.

Break of a Bond

Oh the time, where has it gone since we last spoke on good terms? You know I didn't ask for this, and yet you treated as if I did. Do you even know the truth? About what I am? What I have to deal with? My responsibilities? Heh, I honestly don't even think it matters at this point, we are pretty unrepairable, even if I tried, I believe that we will always be as such.

What happened to Dad, I wish I could take it back. You have no clue how much I miss him, and yet you act as if I never have. Your Mom might as well have been my Mom, she took care of me as her own, despite knowing the fate that Dad spoke to her. Do you really think she didn't know? She was so calm for those last moments of her life after I came home that fateful night, as if she was expecting it to happen anyday.

Your fury, I remember that all to well. I can understand it, after all, you were born of their bodies, and I was born of his soul. Unfortunately, one soul cannot have two bodies, well not for long anyway, despite having so many voices. It's amazing how many different people I've been, and how only one of us is ever supposed to exist. I suppose one thing is the same about all of us, our Lust, and our Kindness, our vice and virtue. We are not supposed to have kids after all, well you are but, in a sense, as our laws go, Half-Elis shouldn't exist, but you do, and many have.

I remember, it was my 18th birthday. Dad took me out for one more lesson, he told me it would be the last one, I thought I'd never stop learning, I was right, but little did I realize that I'd actually really never a learn a thing from him again. He wanted to fight me head on, as a test of my powers. This fight was different, I should have seen it then, but I didn't, well I could tell it was different, but I didn't think it was doing to mean the end.

It started off like normal, he was easily blocking everything I threw at him, I was always the calm one while you'd get angry with him for being stronger if you fought him. But as the fight grew on, I would feel a pain in my very core, as to not worry him I'd never show that I was in pain, but as I felt myself grow weaker due to this pain, I began to overpower him. I honestly felt like he was letting me win, it was kinda insulting, felt like he was treating me special all of a sudden because I'm blind, despite me being blind for a very long time and him never treating me any different.

"Use your powers to your advantage, you'll be able to better hone them then other Elis because you actually have to use them just to survive day by day, and not just to use them for taking care of Vermilion."

He always told me that, I'm sure you remember that, particularly in the beginning. After a while of me slowly overtaking him, he fell to his knees. I stopped. I could smell the salty water, faint in the air, and not from the sweat. I wanted to ask whats wrong, if he was ok, but I couldn't get the words out. The pain I felt, that had built up the entire battle, it prevented me from even uttering a word, like there was a lump in my throat and my heart had sank into my stomach.

"This is the end. Tell Noelle, a-and your Mom... I love you guys... a-all, ohf, you....."

His voice grew soft at the end, and he fell forward. I started to make a move towards him as he fell, once he hit the ground, I stopped. I was overtaken with some much pain all of a sudden that I fell forward onto my hands and knees, hard enough I heard a crack come from somewhere, but since at that point I felt nothing but a loud, screaming ache in all of my body, I couldn't feel what I had broken. I threw up as soon as I hit the ground, it felt warm and sticky on my tongue, smelt of iron, tasted like coins. It didn't smell like my own anymore, felt so foreign, and yet as if it belonged. I was trembling from it all, I fell forward into the warm pool, wondering if he hit me hard enough to have even caused that kind of damage. I felt a huge rush of power that felt hard to control, as if all that belonged to my dad was now mine.

My head, felt like someone was bashing it in with a rock, and yet was doing no physical damage so I'd be left to suffer for all the rest of time. My mouth jerked open as I clutched my head, I believe I was so loud, that no one could hear me. All of these memories passing through my head, of lifetimes that weren't mine, but from centuries old, even to when Alex was still around. So much heartache and so much triumph, to see it all at once, from everyone who protected and ruled over the village of Vermilion. I'm not even sure how I kept sane.

When it stopped, it felt like hours have passed by, it smelt of dusk, like it had before the end, so I doubt that it had, but I felt weak. I knew that Dad was no longer Dad, but he was me. I began to hobble home, no one seemed to notice me, the dull expression I had, the ached look my bleach stained eyes wore, the blood all over me.

When I walked in, Mom was downstairs, she had already expected that this had happened. Her warm embrace, the smell of baguettes, the tears welling up in my eyes. She was dry, as if she had already prepared for this. When you came in with the basket of herbs, your smile turned into worry.

"Dad died."

I could feel the air around the basket being pushed upwards at a medium-fast rate, did you drop it out of sheer sadness, fury, or both? First came the tears, then the scream that ended it all. With a burst of power like that, Mom died of the shockwaves. I was unable to protect her but was was able to protect the rest of the village, it had happened so fast. She slipped out of my arms as you rushed toward me. I wasn't sure of what to do, you being my older sister and all, I didn't think you were going to attack me, but your pose felt hostile. I went to try to calm you down, hopefully a hug.

Remember when we were little? How you always looked after me, making sure that I'd stay out of trouble, helping me being raised into a good person. How we always hung out by the river, roll up our pants, walk in the shallow bits of the water. Remember the kids that pushed me around, due to my snow white hair and dark blue eyes? How you caught them one day, pretending to drown me, by holding me underwater until I could barely breathe. I remember how you fought for me, protected me, loved me as an actual younger brother. I repayed that favor.

That girl we saved from those bandits, remember how they chased after us instead? You escaped, and before Dad rescued me, they made me blind. They wanted to know where you ran off to, tortured me to try to get me to tell, injected bleach into my eyes. Remember how I hated that I was blind, that I wanted to die and felt so useless for the first few months? You were always there for me when I needed it. I wanted to be there for you, right then, because I knew you needed it, probably much more then I did.

I spat up more blood as I felt a sharp pain go through my chest, I thought the pain was over, what more was I gaining now from what had happened? Why wasn't it over? Your nose was suddenly touching mine, you seemed angry. I went to apologize for getting blood on you, but I still couldn't speak. All of a sudden, I felt the pressure in my chest lift, as you pulled your arm out of it. I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to believe it. After our life, why would you hurt your best friend, your little brother? As I began to fall I reached out to grab your arm, to hopefully be mistaken, to hope I wouldn't feel blood on it. I managed to touch it but not grab it as you backed away while I fell. How wrong I was, the goo smeared on my fingertips proved it to me.

"You are no longer a brother of mine"

You spat, while you walked away, to leave me for dead. I felt a power rush through me, but I felt too weak to get up. That was the last I remember of that day, the day I wish so desperately to take back.

You will never get this letter, probably never even find out of it's existence, but if you knew, would it make a difference? Would you stop tormenting me if knew my feelings? Would you ever accept me as your brother again? Somehow, I really don't think it won't, I don't think you'd believe me, even though I never lied to you.

Noelle, I love you, I wish you could see past the past, I miss you, my protector.

Ryu the Eli of Vermilion.
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So silly grammatical errors were they only issues you could find with this and you're sighing? I can imagine you must not go on DA often enough.

Either way, if you have better critique then the wrong uses of two words, I'd be willing to hear it.
I love this.
It kind of feels like a half-explained story told backwards, and i love it.
Good on ya, Kat.
I really like this.
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