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Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

"I get it," said Laura, softly. "You need to imagine it as a possible thing, first. Until now it was just a fact of existence, huh?"

She smiled. Howls, she was proud of the chimera.
"You're not the only one," Nova said. "I never thought mine'd come off." He looked over his shoulder. "Then I made some friends. It's... funny how that works.

"Things feel different. The air. The light." He tilted his head up and slowly shut his eyes. His crest fanned out like a plant bending in the direction of the sun.
Some bird impulse in Gladion’s head wanted to make a physical gesture of caring, go fix those feathers or something. Of course, he clamped down on that. It would be weird. To do that. Especially in front of other people.

“It always felt impossible ‘til right before it happened. We all needed help with ours. I should thank you, for helping give me the push I needed, even if it was kind of happenstance. So, uh, you need a hand getting the feathers sorted or something, I know that can be a pain to do on your own…”
Sage nodded along with Nova's words. "The air, the light, they feel good." The chimera closed their eyes for a moment, experimentally letting their crest fan out the same way before glancing down at their crumpled neck feathers. "Probably, I will need help..."

But then their eyes lit up, as if they'd just remembered or realized something, tail swaying back and forth. "But first, snacks, is what I was thinking."
Nova was going to respond to Sage's request when he saw their eyes light up. And what came out next was... not what Nova expected at all. He gave a hearty laugh at that, his turquoise feathers jubilantly flashing.

"Of course." He bumped Sage's shoulder. "We can do snacks. I bet they'll taste much better now that that musty helmet's gone."

He strode toward the cabin door and held it open, beckoning his friends inside if they so chose.

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