that bitch what arranges the blocks
- Pronoun
- they/her/hers
2 vs 2
Single Set
DQ time: 2 weeks
age Cap: 50%
Restricted Moves: OHKOs, Weather moves
Star to finish
An almost feautureless landscape that seems to go on forever. The ground is made up of blank metal tiles that are tough to dig through. The night sky is dotted with strange green stars and a green cresent moon that provide the arena with an eerie light, and blurred silver objects may occasionally grace the sky. Good look catching more than a glimpse of one though. The alien nature of the sky means no weather moves can be used. Any pokémon that manages to dig through the tough tiles may become poisoned from the black earth underneath.
The coin of ultimate final decisions dictates:
Byrus sends out.
Proto_Fan sends out and attacks.
Byrus attacks.
Single Set
DQ time: 2 weeks
age Cap: 50%
Restricted Moves: OHKOs, Weather moves
Star to finish
An almost feautureless landscape that seems to go on forever. The ground is made up of blank metal tiles that are tough to dig through. The night sky is dotted with strange green stars and a green cresent moon that provide the arena with an eerie light, and blurred silver objects may occasionally grace the sky. Good look catching more than a glimpse of one though. The alien nature of the sky means no weather moves can be used. Any pokémon that manages to dig through the tough tiles may become poisoned from the black earth underneath.
[Yami] Houndour (Female)
Ability: Flash fire
Battle exp:
(Approved here.)
[Ruaig] Stunky (Male)
Ability: Stench
Battle exp:
(Approved here.)
[Freezie] Piplup (Male)
Ability: Torrent
Battle exp:
(Approved here.)
[Zoltan] Starly (Female)
Ability: Keen eye
Battle exp:
(Approved here.)
[Tak] Spiritomb (Male)
Ability: Pressure
(Approved here.)
[] Gyarados (Female)
Ability: Intimidate
(Approved here.)
Tyson the Mankey (male)
Ability: Vital Spirit
Item: N/A
EXP: 0/3
Approval: Right here
Shambler the Mareep (female)
Ability: Static
Held Item: N/A
EP: 0/2
Approval: Right here
Miles the Vulpix (male)
Ability: Flash Fire
Hold item: Fire Stone
Approval: Right here
The coin of ultimate final decisions dictates:
Byrus sends out.
Proto_Fan sends out and attacks.
Byrus attacks.