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Open Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 4 more players!]

Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Benedict caught Rei's inbound leg and held on tight before tossing his leader backwards with a mighty display of physical strength one would hardly expect from his slight frame.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

"Whoooooa" Rei screamed as he went flying through the air, but managed to land on his two feet.

"Damn dude, you hide your strength well" he said gesturing to Ben. "But... do you think you can take me down? Let's see!" he screamed as he dashed towards Benedict, and jumped into the air, heading straight for his Black armoured comrade.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Benedict raised his hands into an X-cross block and received Rei's attack before pushing back once again. He switched into a tae kwon do stance and smiled.

"I don't know if I can take you but I'm pretty sure I can at least match you."
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

"Heh, maybe so... so let's have some fun!" Rei said as he aimed a flying kick at Ben's head.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Rather than resist the kick, Benedict rolled with it, almost literally. As Rei's foot connected, he backflipped and sent his own feet into OmegaRed's back.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Rei was sent running by the force of the kick from Benedict. Then, in a ridiculous move, Rei tripped over his right leg, did some outlandish attempts at flipping to save himself, then crashed down onto the ground.

"Argh, my back! Must be losing my touch". Rei said as he double-pressed the middle button of his Riser to dissolve his armour, and as Benedict did the same, Rei noticed the bewildered look on his face.

"What, I'm not the most graceful of heroes, okay?" Rei murmured whilst rubbing his head and beaming at Ben.

"Well, you pass the test... I guess" Rei said. "Well done! You now need to-" Rei began, but was cut off as his Riser triple beeped.

"This means that the Boss has a message for you" he explained to Benedict. "Just press the right button once to hear it.

"Omega Team Leader, OmegaRed, there has been a successful application for the position of OmegaWhite. Please proceed to Interview Room 1 ASAP. And I MEAN ASAP Rei!", came the voice of a stern-sounding man.

"He loves me really..." Rei grumbled. "Anyway Ben, let's go meet our new team-mate!"
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Benedict raised his eyebrows and let out a sigh before following Rei wherever it was he was going.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Rei dashed down the 4 flights of stairs to the ground floor, raced across the lobby, almost knocking down some of the merchandising staff, then burst into Interview Room 1 with Benedict close behind him.
In the corner was a man with white hair, looking out the window into the street outside. He didn't turn around to inspect the noise.

"Hey there! You must be our new member! My name is Rei! This is Benny!" Rei said gesturing behind him. "What's your name?"
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Benedict rolled his eyes.

"I prefer Benedict but whatever."
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

The young man turned to look at his teammates with a slight look of disgust. "You two are not seriously Omega Red and Black are you? Sorry for being rude, but you two are just a little too 'happy-go-lucky' for my taste"
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

"Oh, a smart one. Want to come up to one of the training rooms and let me show you exactly how qualified I am to be OmegaRed? The results may surprise you!" Rei said with the slightest of snarls.

"Do you have a name, or do you prefer "Ice Queen"?"
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Benedict looked disdainfully at the supposed OmegaWhite.

"I once watched a crowed of Infected break into a hospital and devour three hundred newborn babies. I am so not happy-go-lucky."
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

"Shiro. Inouchi Shiro, to be exact" spoke the man. He was born and lived in an American neighborhood in Osaka, despite being full-blooded Japanese. He spoke English flawlessly, a talent most Japanese natives lack.

"All right Mr. Sunshine. Let's go out find out what you can do." Inouchi left the room and headed upstairs.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

"How does he even know where to go?" Rei said with a bewildered look on his face.
"Benny, I'll take control of training this... person. You go... explore the building.", and with that, Rei took off at break-neck speeds up the stairs, back to Training Room 1, passing out Shiro on the way.

"Gonna have to be faster that that, Inouchi-kun!" he screamed back at Inouchi, then burst in Training Room 1.

As Shiro entered the room, Rei pulled out the White OmegaRiser from his jacket.

"Well Smart-ass, your training goal is this: If you manage to get this Riser out of my hands, I will acknowledge you as my subordinate. Until then?" Rei smirked, "you're nothing more than an annoyance."

Rei stood his ground against Shiro, and while dangling the Riser from his left hand, assumed a defensive stance.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Inouchi closed the door behind him and assumed a Crane-Style offensive position. "Hon? Don't call me Inouchi-kun. You're cute and have a nice ass. Maybe in a different time, that would have meant something. Now watch carefully". He shot towards Rei, with his fist outstretched to being his attack.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Rei smirked, and as Inouchi's fist came towards his face.


Rei's own hand shot out and caught Inouchi's fist. "Oh yeah, by the way, I can call you whatever I like. Even if you manage to get this Riser from me" Rei said as he grappled Inouchi to the ground one handed, then began tossing the Riser in his left hand "I'll still be your leader" he concluded with his signature warm, wide smile.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

"Heh. you're quicker than you look, let's see how you counter this!" As he spoke, Inouchi grabbed Rei's left arm and pulled him to the ground. The pair wrestled for a few minutes, til Inouchi managed to quickly stand up and step on Rei's left wrist, forcing the him to release the Riser.

"Well, you did better than I thought. But I win this round, cutie". He took the Riser and strapped it to his left wrist.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

"That... was awesome!" Rei said as he jumped back up to his feet. "Well done Inochi-kun... ah yes, you don't like that. Shiro it is then. You don't want a cute name, you'll get the rude one!" Rei quipped as he massaged his wrist and paced away from Inouchi.

"Well, in order to operate the Riser, you simply press the middle button, exclaim "OMEGA! RISE UP". Then that's about it. I'll go over some stuff with you and Benny later about our mission. I need to go get some rest. I've been fighting Infected on my own for weeks now. Go... explore like I told Benny or something." Rei said in one non-stop sentence.

"Oh yes, just for you Shiro, call me Sir. Or Your Majesty. Either works!" Rei said with a wink before he slouched out the door, heading for his room, leaving Inouchi Shiro standing alone in Training Room 1.
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