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Open Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 4 more players!]

Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Inochi sighed as he pulled an oval shaped locket from under his shirt. "This kid is a lot like you, Damien. I miss you a lot, and I swear we'll bring the Dark Lord down and return this world to normal." He teared up as he opened the locket, revealing a picture of himself with an American boy. Damien was 21 with sandy brown hair and deep brown eyes. He was built, but not overly done. The two were standing beside each other in front of their favorite sushi cart, with Damien making rabbit ears above a smiling Inochi's head.

He closed the locked and put it away, and headed out the door, to begin looking for the kitchen.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

2 hours later, Rei called Shiro and Benedict to Briefing Room 2 to talk about their mission.

"Okay, here goes, as you both know, 12 years ago, the man who has come to be known as Emperor Gai created and released a virus. The virus spread very rapidly. It took over Europe in a matter of months. And right now, there are only 8 remaining safe havens. 8 cities in the world constructed walls around them, special walls containing sonic transmitters, that both blocks the airborne virus, and most of the Infected. Whoever, some of the Infected have the natural immunity to the sonic waves, and can enter the city.
They've learned to do so in packs. Ben, Shiro, they are getting stronger, and smarter. Every day it seems they have a new trick to try on me in order to screw this city over. Anyway, as you should also know, OmegaTech is an organization set up specifically to combat the Infected, and in turn, Emperor Gai. 8 OmegaRisers have been produced to date. We currently have only 3 Operators. At the rate the Infected are developing new skills, we may not be enough." Rei said with a grim look on his face.

"But anyway" he began with a bright smile at Shiro "the extra help will come in handy! It is our duty to primarily protect the people of this city from the Infected, and once that objective has been completed, our next objective is to eliminate the Infected threat. To do that, as you know, we have these" he said holding up his right hand, to which his own OmegaRiser was affixed.
"Once we transform with these, we are BOUND to them. They serve as tracking devices, com units, and a transmitter. A real Swiss Army Knife device. However, since the Swiss Army has been wiped out, they're more of a... super... device" Rei said trailing off.

"Anyway!" Rei began again. "Any questions so far?"
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

"Yes" Inochi spoke up. "Does this place have access to the virus? I've not had a lab in some time. Before the infection spread too far, I was studying the virus in an attempt to create a vaccine, possibly even a retro-virus. I'd also like a closer look at the Riser technology, and see if there is anything I can do to improve it".
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

"Yes" Rei replied, happy that someone asked a question. "OmegaTech does have several labs to study the virus, but is totally off-limits to almost all employees." Rei then gave Inochi a stern look and said "And about the Riser technology? It's perfect. Well, not perfect, but it's as good as it's going to get. My parents were working on the original plans when they... when..." Rei trailed off.
“Look, they’re as good as we can get at the present time. If you manage to kill all the Infected yourself on the way out the door, feel free to get some materials from the 98% of the Earth that we can’t go out in anymore.” Rei said, slightly aggravated.

“They’re updated with the newest revisions every week anyway by the Tech Team. Only draw-back of the Risers are…” Rei said as he waited for inquisitive replies but got none. “Well, there are no games on them.” He said with a sigh.

“Anything else?”
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Name: Lilac Freshwater

Age: 12

Physical description: OH CLICKY HERE AN IMAGE!

Personality: Lilac is very shy and drawn back, but loves animals.

Colour: Violet

Codename based on personality/motivation (ie. OmegaRed's is Commander): Purple Cat

Why do you wish to become an OmegaRanger: Lilac feels she should be more of a help in life.

Weapon: Deep purple Nun-chucks - Melee

Other: Pic by Kindling Queen. Also cat's name is Samuel, nickname Sammy, and Lilac never goes anywher without Sammy.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Under consideration / revision

Name: Lilac Freshwater

Age: 12

Physical description: OH CLICKY HERE AN IMAGE!

Personality: Lilac is very shy and drawn back, but loves animals.

Colour: Violet

Codename based on personality/motivation (ie. OmegaRed's is Commander): Purple Cat

Why do you wish to become an OmegaRanger: Lilac feels she should be more of a help in life.

Weapon: Deep purple Nun-chucks - Melee

Other: Pic by Kindling Queen. Also cat's name is Samuel, nickname Sammy, and Lilac never goes anywher without Sammy.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

"Yes" Rei replied, happy that someone asked a question. "OmegaTech does have several labs to study the virus, but is totally off-limits to almost all employees." Rei then gave Inochi a stern look and said "And about the Riser technology? It's perfect. Well, not perfect, but it's as good as it's going to get. My parents were working on the original plans when they... when..." Rei trailed off.
“Look, they’re as good as we can get at the present time. If you manage to kill all the Infected yourself on the way out the door, feel free to get some materials from the 98% of the Earth that we can’t go out in anymore.” Rei said, slightly aggravated.

“They’re updated with the newest revisions every week anyway by the Tech Team. Only draw-back of the Risers are…” Rei said as he waited for inquisitive replies but got none. “Well, there are no games on them.” He said with a sigh.

“Anything else?”

"Yeah. Wha..." before Inouchi could finish his question, the three Risers began beeping.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Rei pressed the left button on his Riser.
"Infected infiltration in Shibuya. Rescue any civilians and eliminate any Infected. Move out" came the voice of OmegaTech's Boss.

"You heard him team. Let's move." Rei shouted as he ran out the door and dashed down the stairs, with Inouchi and Benedict in close pursuit.

3 minutes later, they arrived at the scene to find a crowd of around 40 Infected. Rei had a look of great shock on his face when he saw the crowd.

"This is the biggest crowd of Infected so far in a single breach..." he said slowly. "And they've NEVER had THOSE before!" he cried, pointing to an Infected that had a form of chainsaw.

Well, at least there's no civilians around...

"Great. This will be fun." he sighed as he assumed his transformation pose.

"Ready guys?!"

"OMEGA! RISE UP!" they cried in unison. In the short seconds it took for his armour to appear on his body, Rei thought of the difficult fight that was sure to come. Then, he looked to his left, at Shirou in his White armour, then to his right at Benedict who's helmet had just formed, then smiled to himself.

At least you're not alone this time.

"Chou Sentai! OmegaRanger!" the three cried, then ran towards the crowd of Infected, Rei entering with a flying kick, knocking two of the Infected to the ground.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Inochi began attacking the Infected using his family's special Swan-style Kung Fu. He summoned his Omega Trident and gracefully attacked the crowd of rotting corpses.

"Power of Lightning, come to my aid!" shouted the warrior in his white armor, as he activated his weapon's special ability. The trident sent out a special energy wave, charging the air around him and creating bolts of lightning, which fried 5 of the Infected. He turned around to see his comrades finishing of the last of the crowd, watching Ben pull of the arm of the Infected with the chainsaw, using to to removed the creature's head.
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Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Benedict started laying the smackdown on the motherfucking Infected fo shizzle. He saw the OmegaWhite-dude-person whip out some sort of trident. Out of nowhere. But Benedict was of course, completely surrounded by the living dead so he wasn't paying that much attention.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Rei was amazed that Shiro had whipped an item he had never seen or heard of before out of no where, which would be difficult seeing as he must approve each weapon that the team can use. Rei shrugged this thought off as he side flipped and snap kicked an Infected. He felt a sudden pain in his side, but shrugged it off and continued attacking the crowd.

He sighed as the battle dragged on, then decided to finish off the crowd with his final attack.

"Omega Party Fire Storm!" he shrieked as and mashed the buttons on his Riser, causing an amazing storm of flames to envelop the crowd of Infected, forcing Shiro and Ben to jump out of the way.

When the flames settled, Shiro began shouting at Rei for using such a violent and excessive attack. Ben shrugged and walked away. Shiro joined Ben as he walked away, then they heard the sound of glass shattering.

They turned around and saw Rei lying on the ground, still in his armour, with his helmet rolling down the street.

"I...fell..." he moaned as Ben noticed blood pouring from his side.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Inochi and Ben ran to Rei's side and de-morphed. "Oh this looks bad", Inochi said in a hushed voice, in case there were more Infected around. He tore off his shirt, covering the wound with it and applied pressure.

"Don't suppose OmegaTech has some sort of medical transport?" Inochi asked Ben, with slight concern in his voice.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]

Name: Jason Cullen

Age: 18

Physical description: Black hair, blue eyes, approx 6' tall,

Personality: Prefers to simply get on with business. Likes to work on small electrical projects, or read during his free time. He usually remains calm, but if he is in a long fight with the infected, then he loses it, and goes into a rage, where he attacks using only brute force, and doesn't defend himself.

Colour: Blue

Codename based on personality/motivation: Tech Support

Why do you wish to become an OmegaRanger: Destroy Gai, and try to undo all the damage he has done to the world.

Weapon: Ranged / Melee - A Kusarigama with a black handle, and blue blade, and ball.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 5 more players!]


Name: Jason Cullen

Age: 18

Physical description: Black hair, blue eyes, approx 6' tall,

Personality: Prefers to simply get on with business. Likes to work on small electrical projects, or read during his free time. He usually remains calm, but if he is in a long fight with the infected, then he loses it, and goes into a rage, where he attacks using only brute force, and doesn't defend himself.

Colour: Blue

Codename based on personality/motivation: Tech Support

Why do you wish to become an OmegaRanger: Destroy Gai, and try to undo all the damage he has done to the world.

Weapon: Ranged / Melee - A Kusarigama with a black handle, and blue blade, and ball.
Benedict messed around with his OmegaRiser until he found its contact function. He put a call to OmegaTech.

"Rei is down, I repeat, Rei is down. We need a medical transport IMMEDIATELY."
Shortly after that, an OmegaTech emergency support vehicle arrived, and took Rei, Ben and Shiro back to OmegaTech head-quarters, where Rei was brought to the OmegaBarracks, and seen to by a team of doctors. As it turns out, he was hit by the Infected with the chainsaw as he was engaging with a large crowd of the undead.

Several hours later, Rei emerged alone from the operating theatre with a very slight limp to find Ben and Shiro standing there.
"Hey guys... I'm pretty beat up... but anyway, I'll be fine. Okay, the Boss just contacted me. There's been a successful applicant for the position of OmegaBlue. He sounds good enough, but sadly, I won't be able to assess him. Ben, do you think you could?

Shiro, I want you to go scouting the streets, try to find any trace of Infected activity.

"I, in the meantime... am going to get some rest. Press and hold the Red button at any time to send a direct call to me." Rei said as he hobbled out the door and groaned at the thoughts of climbing the stairs.
"Searching for zombies sounds better than interviewing the new guy." Inochi responded. He turned around to head out to scout.

"Have fun Bennie".
Jason stood in the room, pacing, while he was waiting for one of the rangers. He was about to go and find someone, when the door opened.
After resting for 2 hours, Rei decided to drop into Interview Room 1 and see if Ben was still explaining to the new applicant. He entered the room to see a tall man with black hair and blue eyes standing before him.

"Benny never showed up?" he said with a look of surprise on his face.

"Ah well, can't be helped!" Rei said with his big bright smile. "My name is Rei, and I'm OmegaRed, your team leader. Nice to meet you! Well, the first thing I need to do is train you. You need to pass a pretty standard test in order for me to present you with one of these" he said as he held up his right wrist, to which his OmegaRiser was affixed.

"Let's begin. Oh yeah..." Rei began "What's your name?" he said with his wide smile.
~Downtown Tokyo~

"Tokyo in July. not. fun." Inochi sighed as he drank down the last of his water. Normally, the heat would be such a bother, but since the city is no longer the bustling metropolis it once was, water was hard to come by.

He brought his Riser to about 6 inches from his face. "Sector 12 is clear, Rei-chan. I'm heading back".
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