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Open Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 4 more players!]

Just as he'd asked the new member his name, Rei's OmegaRiser beeped indicating a message. "Sector 12 is clear, Rei-chan. I'm heading back" came Shiro's voice from his Riser.

"Chan? It's nice to see he's getting comfortable with friendly names anyway." Rei said quietly then pressed the right button on his Riser to send a message back to Shiro.

"Awesome, come on home Shiro! Oh! Oh! Bring some cake!" he said with an excited hop, then remembered his new team-mate was in the room and said "Ahem, excellent work OmegaWhite. Return to base immediately" and turned back to the new OmegaBlue.

"Okay Jason, great to meet you! All right, we need to go to Training Room 1. And then we'll give you a little test to see if you're worthy!" Rei said with a slight smile.

"Follow me!" he shouted as he burst out the door and ran up the stairs.
"Cake?" he asked himself out loud, "where the hell am I supposed to get a cake?". Inochi began walking back to the base, muttering to himself the same way his Aunt Sanako used to.
Jason raised an eyebrow at Rei, while he was contacting Inouchi. "Whatever," he mumbled as he wandered out, following Rei, with an amused smile on his face.
Rei dashed up the stairs, with Jason on his heel.
"Come on dude, gotta keep up!" he said as he swung around the corner into Training Room 1 and ran half-way up the long room.

"Okay!" Rei shouted down the room at Jason. "Your assignment is..." Rei paused for dramatic effect. "Catch me!" he shouted as he began hopping up and down.

"If you catch me..." Rei said as he pulled the Blue OmegaRiser from his jacket "you get this!" he said with a huge smile.

"So kid!" he exclaimed "come get me!"
Jason sighed at the task, but jumped to try and catch Rei, however, OmegaRed had quickly moved out of his grasp. Jason then tried faking a dive at Rei, to see his reaction.
Rei yelped at Jason's fake jump, and without thinking, made several jumps backwards and then fell flat on his ass. As Jason ran towards him, he screamed loudly, jumped up and side flipped out of the way, and began running down the room as fast as he could.

"Come on Jason, this Riser is getting lonely!" he shouted back at the frustrated new member.
Jason growled as Rei got out of his grasp again. He ran after Rei to see if he could catch him with pure speed, but he was unsuccessful. Then he had another idea. He tried to chase Rei into a corner.
Rei was running away from Jason when he realized what his plan was.

He's trying to corner me!

He then stopped suddenly, causing Jason to skid and halt. Rei began laughing at Jason, then ran away again, however, he then tripped over his shoe-lace.
Jason smirked as Rei fell over his own shoe lace. He rushed over to the fallen boy, and before he could push himself up, Jason put his foot on his back.
"Shut it Inochi" Rei snapped as he pushed Jason's foot off his back, and following Jason's hopeful look, he threw the Riser at him.

"I'm too tired to do anything. It's late. I'm going to bed. YOU!" he said loudly, looking at Inochi "explain to this nice boy how to use the Riser. Then show him to his room, it's beside your's. Your name plates are on them now. Jackets'll be ready tomorrow. Good night!" Rei said in one breath as he stormed out of the room, leaving both Jason and Inochi with amazed looks on their faces.
Jason looked down at the Riser in his hands. He couldn't help but smile. Now he could actually do something to stop the idiot who caused the world to become the shard of what it once was.

He looked over at Inochi, as Rei stormed out. "What's up with him?"
"Someone has a needle in his butt" Inochi muttered. "Well Jason, looks like you're the new Omega Blue. strap the Riser on, hit the middle button, and shout 'Omega Rise-up' to transform. left button is for communication, hell if i know what the right one does. kitchen is down the haul on the right". He turned and left the room, headed for the kitchen for a quick snack before bed.
Jason shrugged, strapped on his Riser, and went to his room. He lay down on the bed, and the logged onto the system network. He used his Riser to access data on ranger technology, and saw one project that he couldn't help but enjoy. He sent an email to the chief techie about his ideas for the project.

"The others better be grateful for this," Jason sighed.
Rei woke up early the next morning, the hectic events of the previous days in his mind. How everything had changed so quickly, he was no longer alone. He now had three more members. It was a feeling he wasn't all that used to. He had been alone for as long as he could remember.

Rei jumped out of bed, and walked over to his locker, where he took out his brand new OmegaRanger team jacket. It looked good. Black leather with a Red trim, and the Omega Ω symbol on the back. His own name, Rei Saigoni, was stitched into the right breast, and his codename and position, Commander and OmegaRed, were on the left.

He felt proud as he left his room that morning, for the first time not being afraid to face the day. He headed to the kitchen, where he met Benedict, Shiro and Jason, who were already having breakfast.
They too were wearing their jackets. They looked so content, and unified. Rei smiled as Inochi pulled out a chair for him to sit on. Rei gave his wide smile, then sat down on the chair.

"Morning honorable leader" came Ben's slightly drawling voice. "Morning captain!" Jason said, as Shiro just smiled.

Rei had just gone over his ideas for a team role call when an extremely loud alarm bell went off, and over the intercom came the receptionists voice "Chou Sentai OmegaRanger, there has been a massive Infected breach in Shinjuku, it is of immediate priority to defeat them, there have been no confirmed survivors. Go now!"

"Well, this sounds like fun." Rei said, jumping up. "We all ready team?!" he yelled as he ran out the door.

Minutes later, the four of them reached Shinjuku, and were stopped dead in their tracks by what they saw. Buildings were on fire as a massive hoard of Infected swarmed around them. There were bodies everywhere, some of which were beginning to rise as new Infected. The scope of the situation became apparent when they were totally surrounded by the pack of undead.

"Well team... this will be fun" Rei began as the Infected closed in. "You know what to do!" he shouted as the four assumed their transformation stances.

"OMEGA! RISE UP!" they shouted simultaniously.
When their armour had completely formed, they began the role call Rei had taught them earlier that morning.

"Commander OmegaRed!" Rei exclaimed.
"Nihilist OmegaBlack!" Benedict shouted.
"Observer OmegaWhite!" Inouchi proclaimed.
"Tech Support OmegaBlue!" Jason yelled.

"Fighting to restore the Earth! OmegaRanger, Move Out!" they yelled in unison, and assumed their fighting poses as the crowd of Infected closed in on them.
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"Aw hell. They would have to attack Shinjuku. now where the fudge am I supposed to buy cakes and new clothes? Oh. Right. Guys, i suggest calling out your weapons. We're going to need them." Inochi had a slight hint of disgust in his voice, seeing his beloved stores destroyed.
"Good idea... speaking of which, did you get cake last night?" Rei said slowly, but had to abandon his question when an Infected came right towards him.

"Okay, let's do this, weapon time!" Rei said, as he pulled his longsword from what seemed like no where. "Omega Blade!" he screamed as he began to cut down the crowd around him, then forward flipped and pressed the yellow button on his Riser, causing his sword to glow bright red.

"See how they handle this" he sneered from behind his helmet as he ran forward swinging his now red-hot sword around the place.
"Yes, I did. White with Strawberries. It's in the fridge. Oh. Omega Trident!" He shouted as his regal trident appeared. He began his attack on the numerous Infected, more than the team had ever faced before.
"Oh my God! White with strawberries! How did you know!" Rei yelled to Shiro as he ducked under a blow from an Infected with a chain saw who was trying to removed his head.
He rolled forward and sliced the creature in half. In the middle of the crowd, he saw Benedict and Jason fighting through the crowd, Jason hacking at them with his weapon, Benedict breaking them down with his bare hands.

Rei then pressed the orange button on his Riser, and a key pad popped out of the side. He entered 5-5-5 on the pad, and pressed the ENTER button. The Riser began to shake and vibrate, as Rei ran towards the crowd. He jumped and in mid-air did a forward flip, ending in a flying kick, that took out a group of the Infected, leaving a trail of flames.
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