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Open Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 4 more players!]

"Omega Kusarigama!" Jason called, before his weapon appeared in his hands. He threw the ball to wrap around one of the infected's legs, and dragging it towards him, knocking over several others in the way. He then slashed it across the crest, before unwrapping it, causing it to spin away.

He then sliced a pair of Infected to his left, before swinging the ball above his head, and throwing it into the crowd of Infected around him.
"It seems to be the preferred flavor around here! I summon the Power of Lightning!" shouted OmegaWhite as his trident destroyed 10 Infected with electrical energy. He turned around to see Jason and Ben finish the last of the Infected.

"Now...let's go have cake." He smiled as he demorphed and started the walk back home.
Rei saw Shiro walking away, and as he did he finished off the rest of the crowd with his final attack "Omega Party Fire Storm!" he yelled as he mashed on his Riser. Flames erupted for his Riser and engulfed the rest of the crowd, causing Ben and Jason to jump out of the way.

"You should learn to react properly to that!" Rei shouted to them as the flames cleared and the bodies of the Infected dissolved.

"Now..." Rei began "where's that cake" he shouted as he caught up to Inochi and hopped on his back.
Inochi threw Rei off onto the ground and held his foot as his throat. "I'm not a horse. stay off my back, literally". He removed his foot and began walking home again.
"Someone's got issues..." Rei said rubbing his back and joining Jason walking home.
"So, how did you find your first day on the job?" he asked, tossing Jason's hair.
"You seem a little ... different to me. It's a wonder someone as fun loving as you can lead the team. You really do amaze me." Jason said, as he fixed his hair. "Today hasn't been so bad. I mean, I got to finally beat up some Infected, with an added power boost."
"Yeah, I'm certainly... unique." Rei said with his big smile, looking in Jason's eyes.
"We're lucky the crowd went down so easily to be honest. The weapons were a definite help. Sorry if I got a little... flame-y towards the end" Rei said quietly.

"Hmm... we need to do something fun tonight! Oh! Oh! Let's go out for dinner! No! Let's go dancing! Actually, I wanna go for dinner!" Rei said rapidly.
"Well mercy me. Looks like little Rei here has himself a crush" Inochi had snuck up behind the pair and spoke with a Southern drawl, startling the boys.
Rei almost jumped out of his skin when he heard Inochi's voice from behind him.
"Oh shut it White" he said with a defensive glare. "And that's an order!" he said loudly.
"By the way... didn't I tell you to refer to me as "sir" or "your Majesty"?" he said with a smirk.
"Ah go blow it out your ass" Inochi walked away, feeling slightly hurt, but hiding it from the others.
"Stupid... argh" Rei growled after Inochi.

"Anyway team" he said as they arrived back at OmegaTech HQ. I'm treating the team tonight, we're going out for dinner. Be back here in 30 minutes. Or I'm leaving without you." Rei said rapidly.
"Wait. where are we going to eat? Italian, Chinese, American? Is it casual or fancy? What should I wear?" Inochi inquired, looking slightly stressed.
"Oh god, no one is that gay" Rei said sounding exasperated.
"We're going to eat Italian. Casual. VERY casual. Wear... clothes. Or something" he said slowly, making sure Inochi got the message.

"30 minutes kids. Aaaaand... go!" he yelled as he dashed up the stairs to his room.
"Oooh Italian." Inochi ran to his own room, which was filled with mystical objects he had gotten inside the city. He decided to wear a black shirt with a Swan, his family's animal, on it, and an old pair of jean shorts that had belonged to Damien. He grabbed his Aunt Sanako's amulet, and quickly placed it around his neck, then ran back down stairs.
Rei opened his closet, and picked out what to wear: black leather jacket, plain red t-shirt, and blue jeans. After having a shower, Rei grabbed his OmegaTech credit card, and put his Riser in his jacket pocket.

"This will be a good night" he promised himself.

He grabbed his keys from the hook beside the door and proceeded to rush down the stairs, passing out Benedict and yelled "come on Benny!"

He jumped the last five steps and landed in the middle of the foyer, with Shiro waiting there.

"Oh... hey Inochi" he said quietly.
"Yeah... you too. Hey, that amulet is really cool." Rei said looking at Inochi's neck, but snapped out of it.

"Any sign of Jason or Ben yet?" he said, changing the subject.
Jason walked down the stairs to join Rei and Inochi. "Hey guys."

He was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a blue t-shirt, and a black jacket.
"Hey Jason!" Rei said loudly, breaking the silence between himself and Inochi.

"Looking good man!" he said as Jason joined them. He was soon followed by Benedict, who was wearing his team jacket.

"Okay, let's go guys!" Rei began "We'll take my car!" he said as he lead them to OmegaTech's Garage, housed in which was Rei's red Jeep.

"Hop in!" he yelled at the others as he revved the engine. "Belts on! And heeeere we go!" he shouted as he took off at break-neck speeds, swerving in and out of traffic.
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