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Open Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 4 more players!]

"Where'd you get a lisence? The mountains? Dude, slow down!" Inochi shouted from the backseat. Driving fast made him uncomfortable. It reminded him of his days of outrunning the Infected
"Hey, it's all okay!" Rei shouted back to Inochi. "Don't worry! Daijobu!" he said in a calming voice, as the did a U-turn in the road.
"See, we made it in once piece! Everybody out!" he said banging on the car roof.

Once they got inside, he spoke to the attendant in Italian, explaining how they were the party from OmegaTech. She smiled, and guided them to a table in the centre of the café.

"Grazie" he said as they sat. "Hmm, this place looks great. Now... what to have" he said as he opened one of the menus.
"It's weird enough you can speak English and not Engirsh. How do you know Italian?" Inochi said while hiding his face with his menu. He was sitting across from Rei in the booth, noticing how cute he looked in the lighting. Inochi blushed as he looked through them menu for an entree.
Jason, who had closed his eyes about 3 minutes into the journey, climbed out of the vehicle quickly.

"I'm thinking about having spaghetti."
"Yeah, I love languages. I like to be able to communicate with as many people as possible!" he said loudly, then noticed a couple across from them looking at him with a shocked look in their eyes, causing him to quite down. "Sometimes I communicate with people unintentionally too" he said quietly.

"Yeah Jason, spaghetti sounds good! I'm having that!" he said to the waitress.

After she left, Rei noticed Shiro looking at him from behind his menu, blushing.

"Oh God, what is it? Did I do something stupid? Oh no, what is it?" he said with an alarmed look in his eyes.
"Oh nothing! I'm just feeling a bit warm. it's probably a mild fever" Inochi said quickly, embarrassed, "I'll probably get the baked ziti"
"Oh, okay..." Rei said slowly.

Just then, a young boy rushed into the middle of the café, and screamed "Infected! So many of them! On the way here! One of them is...is... not normal!". He then ran out, and was soon joined by the rest of the people in café.

Rei looked at the rest of his team, and with a knowing look, they all stood up at the same time, and in single file, walked out the door.

They were greeted by a huge crowd of Infected rushing towards them, bigger that even the one from that day. This time, however, they were lead by a very tall, mutated creature. It looked like a very tall, muscular adult male, with a deformed right arm.

"Gai's been experimenting" Rei said with a disgusted look.

"Show no mercy!" he yelled as he ran towards the creature, shouting "Omega! Rise Up!".
"Omega! Rise Up!" Jason yelled as he ran towards the Infected. He quickly called his weapon. He swung the ball around his head, allowing it to hit several of the largest Infected in the head, before pulling his blade up across the chest of the nearest Infected and wrapping his weapon around the legs of another.
"Oh crap. Can't we have one night without an army of cannibalistic zombies attacking us?" Inochi sighed and transformed, but was happy to be out of the previously awkward situation.
"Yeah, come on Shiro! SMILE SMILE!" Rei yelled as he forward flipped over an Infected and stabbed it from behind with his longsword. He then began to make his way towards the huge Infected, trying to veer it's attention away from Benedict, who seemed to be having a hard time with it.

"Yo, Shrek, look at me! LOOK AT ME!" he screeched as he hopped up and down. It turned it's attention to him and began to slowly walk towards him, dragging it's mutated arm.

"That's right, come to-" Rei began, but was tackled by a small female Infected.

"Argh, gettoffame!" he yelled, and threw the little undead at a crowd of adult Infected, whom Benedict was beating on. When he turned around, the huge mutated Infected was right in front of him, staring right into his face.

"Oh noes"
"I don't smile, hun." Inochi said to himself.

"Hey big and ugly! So you wanna play huh?" Inochi shouted at the large creature, then hit it with several lightning bolts.
After Inochi had hit the creature with his lightning attack, Jason then lifted his weapon, and wrapped the chain around the creatures legs, before trying to pull it backwards. However due to the size of the creature he failed, and all it did was make it angrier.

"Erm ... guys, how are we supposed to beat this thing?" Jason called.

'What I wouldn't give for a weapon that can attack from a distance. Inochi is so lucky.' Jason thought.
"That's a good question Jason!" Rei yelled as he side flipped away from the creature as it tried to smash him with it's huge fist.

"I'll try this! You know what to do this time!" he said as he smashed all the buttons on his Riser.

"Omega Party Fire Storm!" he yelled as flames burst forth from his Riser, and engulfed the monster, and several of the surrounding Infected. Rei smiled to himself as the fire raged on, but as the flames began to clear, Rei was horrified to see that the creature was barely damaged by the attack, it only showed minor burns on it's arms.

"I knew it. Gai's experimentation. He's watching our fights, and improving his creations. These flames don't hurt it. Damn it. Now what?" Rei said as he signaled for his team to fall back.

From the distance, the four looked on, as the creature slowly advanced, along with the still-sizeable crowd of Infected.

"Okay, desperate times call for desperate measures" Rei said as he tapped the small, round, red button on his Riser. His Riser began to vibrate violently, as extra armour appeared on Gai. It covered his arms and legs, and with it came a side-arm.

"It's OmegaTech's new trump card. Armed OmegaRanger. It will help. Press the small red button on your Risers" he instructed his team.

They did so, and they too gained the new armour upgrades.

"Alright, we need to form a circle around this beast. A united effort. Then, when I give the signal, I want you all to press the right button on your Risers. A number pad will pop out. Enter 8-8-8, press ENTER, then attack with everything you've got, as fast as you can. It'll power you up for only a few seconds. I hope it'll be enough. We have to physically beat this thing to death."

By the time he'd finished explaining, the hoard had caught up to them.

"Go team!" he shouted as they surrounded the giant, mutated Infected.

He then gave the thumbs-up signal and began the power up procedure.
"...whose idea was it that my new armor should have pink accents? Rei, I swear to the gods if you did this I will turn you into a steaming pile of rotten flesh" spoke OmegaWhite, angry even though he kinda liked it.
"I don't no Inochi, I think it suits you. Hm, I like this gold armour. Okay, and fire!" Jason called as he slashed the beast with his powered up weapon, before hurling the ball up in the air, and pulling it down, to hit the creature on the head.
Rei was busy beating on the giant Infected to notice any of his team's clever banter. He smashed the creature with his elbow, then took a few steps back, ran towards it, and gave it a flying kick.

It stumbled back a few steps, then hit the ground. It was finally dead. Rei turned around with a huge smile on his face, but instead of seeing his team standing to congratulate him, they were all on the ground, unconscious. Rei looked around, and all the remaining Infected were gone. He then heard clapping behind him. He turned around quickly, and was stunned to see that he was standing before Emperor Gai himself.

"Well done Rei. Or is it OmegaRed these days?" Gai said in his drawling voice. "Ah, you're getting so big! Last time I saw you, you were only this high" he said with his hand at his knee. "You really were a tiny, weak child. Couldn't even help... your parents?" he said with a sadistic smile.

"Gai... you..." Rei said, shaking with anger.

"What's up Rei? Cat got your tongue?" the evil Emperor said with a cruel smile. "Come on" he began "show me what you've gotta say to me.

Rei dived at Gai, aiming blow after blow at the man who ruined the world. Gai dodged each blow easily, then grabbed Rei's arms. He pulled him close and whispered "I've got something to show you" then kneed Rei in the stomach, causing him to faint.

Gai scooped him up in his arms, and as Shiro and Jason began to get up he said "let this be a warning to you! Any who oppose me will die. Or become my slaves" he said, as he motioned to the two Infected who had taken Gai from him, and were carrying him away.

Rei, and Gai and his Infected slaves then disappeared in blue light, just as Jason and Shiro caught up to them.
"Oh this is not good."Inochi said, demorphing in a white a light.

Several hours later, the remaining team is gathered in the Situation Room. "Okay. As we all know, Rei was captured by the Dark Lord earlier this evening. We can assume both Infected attacks were used to merely weaken us, to allow Rei's capture to off without a hitch. According to the tracking system in his Riser, our leader is in the Australian Outback. Satellite images show what looks to be a prison there. In 36 hours, we had for the prison. Until his return, I am assuming leadership of the team. Questions?"
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