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Open Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 4 more players!]

((Oh f you anyway Robert, ruining my big dramatic apeshit-going.))

Benedict raised his hand.

"Uh yeah, I have one. If I've been an OmegaRanger longer than you and I'm older than you, what makes you think you're assuming leadership?"
Benedict frowned.

"I agree with Jason, I'm not taking orders from a 19-year-old when I've got 12 years Infected-fighting experience behind me. In case you didn't know, I was in the British Army when the Infected first rose and fought to defend London for 10 years before it was lost."
"Fine. We'll settle this the old fashioned way. Grab your Risers and meet in Training Room 1 in 15 minutes" Inochi said, and walked off. They didn't know how much he missed Rei.
Benedict rolled his eyes.

"No we won't, you insolent brat. We don't have 15 minutes, we don't have the time to be waiting around fighting for a temporary leadership. I'm 11 years your elder and I've been fighting the Infected a lot longer than you, for over half your life. I saw my entire family eaten alive by the Infected when you were just a little boy and I'm taking charge of the team simply because I have the most experience and the best claim to leadership.

(Oh, i love you to Dean. :P)

"Do you have the slightest idea what the Dark Lord keeps in that prison? The creature that attacked us earlier is as deadly as paper-cut compared to what's locked up out there. You two wouldn't survive ten minutes in that gods-forsaken place"
Benedict laughed. He actually laughed.

"DO I KNOW!? Of COURSE I frickin' know, didn't you hear the whole "British Army, defending London" speech? I've encountered worse than that. I've bazooka'd worse than that. But if you want to waste time beating each other up when we could be rescuing Rei, then go ahead, but you'll have to beat me up while I'm on my way to Australia to rescue Rei."
"Guys, if I may make a small suggestion. Since you each don't want the other to be leader, why not make me leader. And besides, lets go, you can argue about who's in charge while we're traveling!" Jason said.
"I'll be sure to pick up your body and bury it properly on my way out the door." He threw his Riser on the table and left the room.
Benedict actually burst out laughing.

"Right, I won't let the 19-year-old strategist be leader, but I'll let the 18-year-old computer nerd. Let's face it, this is an argument that only I'm going to win, so get in the helicopter."

Before they could ask what helicopter, Benedict pressed the communications button on his OmegaRiser.

"This is Nihilist, requesting immediate chopper bound for Outback Fortress, north Australia, purpose; rescue mission, aim; retrieve Rei Saigoni. Over."

The confirmation was returned and Benedict look at the two of them, waiting for a response.
"Today was my last fight boys. I broke a personal rule, so I got to leave. Guess I'll see you in Death Land, unless I can get there and save Rei first." He left the area, and headed outside the city, to a hidden hangar, where he found the helicopter he used to fly to Tokyo a few weeks earlier.
Benedict sighed but went to the chopper nonetheless. He relieve the pilot of his duties and instead decided to fly there himself. He tapped his fingers together as he waited for Jason.
Inochi sighed as he brought the helicopter into the air and began heading south. He spoke out loud, "What am I doing? Why am I risking my ass for a little kid in an adult's body. He's just another human, food for the Infected. Do I care for him?"
Rei woke up some time later. He had a massive pain in the side of his head. He knew it was bleeding, but couldn't remember how it had happened. The last few days in captivity under Gai had been hellish.

As soon as he had arrived at what appeared to be an abandoned prison, Gai had begun a very sick trial for Rei to partake in. It was a tournament for him to test out his Infected army.

He sent Rei into an abandoned court-yard that had a huge cage around it. He then allowed Rei to use his Riser, as the cage was made of a very strong steel that was resistant to any attack.

Rei was forced to fight for his life against all kinds of Infected, from the huge mutated one from the other night, to small, super fast ones. He knew that he was getting more and more exhausted. Gai knew this too, which is why he gave him food three times a day and lots of water. Rei was allowed train for an hour each day to keep his strength up.

Gai has said "the only way you'll ever stop fighting is when one of my warriors kills you. Until then, you're a very handy learning tool" with a huge smile, mocking Rei's own. But Rei hadn't smiled in a long time. He didn't think he could anymore.

He had become everything he despised. He lived to fight now, fighting to live. He was a killer now, a vicious killer. He knew that his team-mates would try to rescue him. He didn't want them to. He couldn't let anyone see what he'd become. Gai's prison fortress was almost impenetrable anyway. They would likely die trying to help him.

The bell sounded, signalling that Rei needed to fight again. With a resigned and determined look, he walked briskly into the cage, and his Riser was thrown to him.

Gai was sitting on a pedestal looking into the cage. He said over a loud-speaker "Will this be your last fight little Rei? I hope not, you're so helpful. They're even more fire-resistant now!".

Rei looked disgusted when the child Infected entered the cage from the opposite side. He looked very human, lately the Infected looked less like corpses, and more like their human selves. The boy looked at Rei and give an innocent smile, then ran at him with a savage speed. He kicked Rei in the face, sending him flying back.

With tears in his eyes, Rei resigned to killing the boy.

"Rise Up" he said, and attained his armored form, the form of a killer.

He then lunged at the boy.
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