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Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

Suppose if you don't have an official Pokemon League people just don't care
Wes felt his hackles rise—not at Corey, but at the mention of the League. “Screw the League,” he spat. They’re the reason Orre is a mess in the first place, and we’ve been left to fend for ourselves ever since.”

He huffed and turned his head away, slightly flustered at his outburst. “Anyway, that’s…whatever. Doesn’t matter right now. Hopefully your League is better in your world.” He deflated a little with a small sigh. “And…yeah, more or less. I mean, we got our asses kicked. All of us got pretty badly scraped up. But nothing we won’t recover from, thankfully.”
Archie’s frown deepened. He still felt like something wasn’t adding up, but Wes was the one with the experience, both with Shadow Pokemon and with this Charmeleon in particular. Archie trusted his judgment, even if the possibility existed Shadow Pokemon here weren’t like Shadow Pokemon in the Rockruff’s world. And it was probably best not to continue prodding at this right now, anyway. He didn’t want to come across as insensitive.

“I’m glad you made it back okay, Wes,” Archie said, “Try to take it easy while you’re recovering, okay?”

He paused a moment to look from the Rockruff, to the Ralts, and back, “If either of you guys need anything, don’t be afraid to ask. I’m happy to help!”
Corey turned to Archie and gave him a small but meaningful smile at his words.

"I'm sure we're both equally grateful for that... I'll admit I've... never been the best at making friends... A few here or there but, I've always had trouble keeping most companionships like that alive for a long time..." He cast his gaze over to Wes. "I'm sure that's more than a little obvious from how I've been acting, huh?" he let out a sheepish chuckle, but there was a pretty heavy degree of self-loathing and regret behind it. He'd always worried his behavior was the sort that drove people away, and more than ever in this world he felt he was seeing proof of that in how some people looked at him.
“Try to take it easy while you’re recovering, okay?”
Wes chuckled a little at that. “Too much to do around here to take it easy, but I’ll do my best.” He appreciated Archie’ sincere concern, even if he had no intention of resting.

"I'm sure that's more than a little obvious from how I've been acting, huh?"
Wes blurted out a reply before thinking. “Yeah, it’s pretty damn obvious.”

He clamped his mouth shut a second too late. Dammit. Stumbling a little over his next words, he said, “Ah, I uh. What I mean is…well. That makes two of us. You can probably tell it’s not my strong suit, either.” He threw the Ralts a sideways glance. “Doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying again though, y’know? Not that I’m one to talk, but…out here, away from everything we know, it’s important to try to work together.”

He stretched and gingerly pushed himself up to his feet. “So…how ‘bout a truce? I can’t guarantee I won’t make an ass of myself ever again, and if I feel like you’re being a condescending prick, I’ll let you know about it. But…I’ll try harder. Let’s both work together. How about it?”
The Oshawott couldn’t help but snicker a little, looking between the Ralts and the Rockruff again. “You know, you guys seem lot more alike than you think.”

Still, he was happy to see the two of them trying to put aside their past animosity. Now if only it were that easy for everyone else. But, well, for now, Archie was happy that Wes seemed like someone else he could count on. His expression momentarily turned more serious, though, as he fixed the Rockruff a look.

“But, Wes! I’m going to tell you the same thing I told Corey. You’ll get better faster if you take the time to recover,” he said, “so don’t be afraid to rely on other people from time to time!”
"A truce, huh?" Corey had repeated Wes' offer, letting out a light chuckle in spite of however he may have felt at that exact moment... In all honesty, he wasn't entirely sure. Realities of a harsh truth regarding his behavior, worsened far more by his transformation into a ralts than anything, still feeling lost and adrift in this strange, foreign body in an alien world, already scarred both physically and emotionally with so much work left to be done... It was all a very heavy weight... but at least he was starting to sincerely believe there were others carrying it with him.

"...Yeah, sure, why not? Better than making more enemies, isn't it?" His hand twitched for a second as if he was humoring the idea of a handshake, but, what with Wes' injured leg and his being a quadruped now, it all seemed rather silly an idea. The verbal affirmation would do, most likely.

As for Archie's comment that they were more alike than they realized... well, perhaps he had a point, they certainly both knew how to put their respective feet in the mouths... but for pretty different reasons most of the time. Furthermore the Oshawott's warning was certainly a well-meaning one... but it would be difficult to say if either of them would really have much of a choice in the matter over whether they could even take the time to recover in full. Some serious shit was starting to happen... and the terrors of the unknown weren't the sort to respect a called time-out.
Wes nodded at Archie’s reminder. “I’ll do my best,” he said. Though there was far too much to do for him to truly rest, anyway.

He then nodded to Corey, appreciative of the response. “Thanks for that. And yeah, better to work together. Something tells me we aren’t gonna need any help making enemies if there’s something—or someone—behind shadow mon here.”

He glanced between them both. “Stay safe out there, alright? Probably best not to wander out of town alone.”

He then bid the two a cordial farewell and limped out of the courtyard, glancing at the sun as he went. It was time for a short hike to a certain cabin.

[Ch02] ~ Rangers of the Soja'
Tidesday morning, the day of the Autumn Crossing, saw the arrival of a pair of rangers in town. Certain of the offworlder party may have recognised Nico the Wattrel flying overhead in advance of them, or heard murmurings in town about the unusual appearance of high-ranking rangers in Frontier Town. It wasn't often that elite rangers, let alone the chief, made an appearance this far south. Yet here they were – and they headed first to the Mayoral Residence, presumably to speak with Lucien.

That meeting had now concluded, and the late morning sun saw a Dewott pacing back and forth in the Civic Courtyard while a seated Haxorus watched. From time to time, the Dewott would rattle off a series of thoughts, and get a short reply, or even just a nod, from the dragon.

Both 'mon wore armbands pinned with the 'winged star' badge of the Ranger Union.
Leaf had been keeping an ear on swivel (literally, even, because horse) for the next time Nico visited town; when she heard he'd rolled up with what sounded like even more rangers, she definitely had to go see what that was about.

The trail led her to the ex-mayor's courtyard, and sure enough, it looked like the two pokémon waiting around were wearing the same sorts of badges the wattrel had. It didn't look like he was around, though, at least as far as she could see...

"Hi! Is Ranger Nico with you?" she asked, smiling at the pair as she approached.
"I was wondering when we'd run into more Rangers," Felin spoke as she arrived, casting a glance between them before her eyes fell on Leaf. She greeted the ponyta with a wave of her paw. "Got business in town, I take it?"
The Rangers offered the best chance at getting to know the land and helping people. Plus he'd genuinely enjoyed helping out Nico last time. And most importantly, it was something to do, something real.

He found himself grinning at the sight of two familiar faces in Felin and Leaf. "Hey guys!" he called. He turned to the two rangers. They looked pretty strong. Or at least, high ranking. Maybe they could help them get into the Rangers. "Hello," he said amiably. "My name is Koamaru. Some of us have been helping Ranger Nico out."
The Dewott swivelled on one hindpaw to face the new arrivals, and immediately looked them up and down, as if assessing them.

"Mornin'," she said. "I'm Dewott Ayda, representin' the Sojaveña Ranger Union. I already know you three. This walkin' battleaxe over here is Haxorus Razael."

The tall, muscular dragon nodded to the offworlders, and stood to give a polite bow. He moved carefully, with no sudden jerks of limb or head.

"Nico said you might come find us," continued Ayda, raising a brow and putting her paws on her hips. "What's your interest in the rangers, then?"
Prim, who had deferred to the others until now, chose this moment to step forward.

"I'm Prim," she said, as though it were obvious enough. "Haven't had the pleasure like these three seem to have, unfortunately. But I've heard a thing or two about your union. What I want to know is what it takes for a sapling like me to become one of you." She sniffed. "I may not look like I pack the biggest punch, but I can fend for myself"—she tried not to think about the last drink she had—"and I've got decades of tracking experience. Much as I like herding cattle, I'd like to make myself a little more useful. "
"Nico told you about us?" Leaf looked between Koamaru and Felin, then back at Ayda. "Well, some of us have worked with him before on some missions, or he's helped us out, yeah! He's really nice."

Energy sparked through her as it dawned on her who they were talking to. This was the same Ranger Ayda that Mayor Enubel had told them about all those—all those days ago, she supposed, it hadn't actually been that long yet, had it. This was the leader of the local rangers, the one organizing people like Nico and Xoco and others who were really getting out there and exploring and helping and fixing things, and that was what they were all here for, wasn't it?

"We want to help!" Leaf said excitedly. "Er, I do, at least," she added, not wanting to speak for the others. But Felin and Koamaru seemed like they'd be interested in this sort of thing, too, didn't they? Prim sure sounded game, at least. "I've heard about the stuff you do around here to keep everyone safe and travel the dungeons, from Nico and from other folks, and that's what I want to do. I— we— we came here to help solve problems. And the rangers seem like exactly the ones who're best at staying on top of all that. I want to learn about the frontier and the people who live here and help make sure everything stays okay."
"I'm here for the same reason," Koa said, nodding to Leaf. "To lend a helping paw and try to make a difference. And it sounds like the Rangers are doing a lot. I would love to learn from you." Koa did his best to stand tall and sound composed and professional (but hopefully not too stiff).

"I believe that one mon can make a difference and I want to do my part."
"The name's Felin Boots. My interest in you is straightforward. Your group's reach stretches far and wide across the Sojavena, right?" Felin said, opting for straight honesty above all else with a focus on practicality. "That comes with many advantages. We can reach more places that need our help beyond Frontier Town, and that's not mentioning the ease of getting information we could benefit from."
"I've heard a thing or two about your union. What I want to know is what it takes for a sapling like me to become one of you. I may not look like I pack the biggest punch, but I can fend for myself and I've got decades of tracking experience."
"I've heard about the stuff you do around here to keep everyone safe and travel the dungeons, from Nico and from other folks, and that's what I want to do. I— we— we came here to help solve problems. And the rangers seem like exactly the ones who're best at staying on top of all that. I want to learn about the frontier and the people who live here and help make sure everything stays okay."
"I'm here for the same reason. To lend a helping paw and try to make a difference. And it sounds like the Rangers are doing a lot. I would love to learn from you. I believe that one 'mon can make a difference and I want to do my part."
"My interest in you is straightforward. Your group's reach stretches far and wide across the Sojavena, right? That comes with many advantages. We can reach more places that need our help beyond Frontier Town, and that's not mentioning the ease of getting information we could benefit from."

Ayda gave a low whistle, though her face didn't show any sign she was impressed.

"Well, I sure didn't expect to get a set of pitches like this was a damn jobs fair. Here I was, wonderin' if you folks were fraudsters or troublemakers of some variety – now it turns out that it took y'all all of one goddamn week to turf that conceited shitbird out of his office, and you're askin' for... what, exactly? To sign up with the rangers? Work with us jointly? Well, I guess we'll see."

She sniffed, and tapped two digits rhythmically against one of the shells on her thighs.

"What d'you reckon, Razael?"

The Haxorus carefully bent down, resting an arm on one knee, and lowered his great neck to examine the offworlders more closely. His face looked perfectly unemotional. Stoic.

He rumbled thoughtfully. "They may have... potential," he said, in a surprisingly quiet voice.

"Sure," agreed Ayda, evenly. "Still gotta see it for myself, though."

The otter tilted her head and folded her arms.

"The Ranger Union gets by on the reputation of its members for dependable competence and upstanding conduct," she declared, as if she were already training the group. "We don't just take in every fresh-faced recruit that shows an interest – our resources are too limited for that, and anything less than an outstanding ranger is at risk of getting flattened in the field. So I can hardly take in the lot of you, let alone more of your group... at least before you show your worth. If half of what I've just heard about you from Voclain the younger is true, I'm sure he'll sponsor you... but I still wanna see this mettle of yours up close."

Ayda smiled, and it was a hard, joyless smile, but not a cruel one.

"You gotta prove to me that you got what it takes."
"I wasn't expecting it either!" Leaf said brightly. "But hey, if we've got the chance to ask, why not ask, right? Worst you can say is no, and it's not gonna change what we're here for." She twitched her head in a sort of shrug. "It'd just be easier if we had help from people who know Sojaveña really well, and easier for us to help out in return, I think. If you've already talked to Lucien, then he woulda told you that's what we're here for, right?

"I'm no stranger to traveling and battling in general, but more than fair you wouldn't just take my word for it." She straightened up and smiled back at Ayda, unconcerned. "So, what d'you want us to do?"
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Jade had been chatting idly with Leaf and Koa before everyone had turned their attention to the rangers suddenly. And, well, it wasn't exactly hard to see why--they'd know for a while that the ranger chief traveling all the way out here was bound to be a Big Deal. And everyone immediately launched into these passionate explanations about wanting to help out and make a difference, and it all reminded Jade of herself, a long time ago.

She took a deep breath. "How should we prove ourselves? If I know these guys at all, they'll be willing to go for it." Jade wasn't sure if that looked naive or foolish, but she wanted to stop worrying about things like that.
Ayda looked aside for a moment, clearly weighing up a few options.

"I could ask y'all to perform any number of tasks... but it comes down to needing to see what you're made of for myself."

She clenched a paw into a fist and held it in the air like a challenge.

"I'll battle you. Several of you at once, even. Battle is the truest and best way to see what lies in a pokémon's heart."
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