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Departure Song

$ $ hey hey

Collide is an Californian electro-goth/industrial rock band, and I think they're too awesome not to share. Their music is very laid-back, intimate, and enchanting.

If you want to check them out, start with Transfer, an upbeat and catchy track, or Razor Sharp, which still makes me shiver even after hearing it multiple times. Both songs are from Chasing the Ghost, which is widely considered their best album.
Brian E. Erland on Amazon.com said:
If Tim Burton remade the film 'Alice In Wonderland', 'Chasing The Ghost' would be the soundtrack. With its slow, melodic pace and electronic dissonant sound evoking a near trance-state, the listener is progressively hypnotized with each successive track moving you deeper and deeper into a dreamy, surreal world of multi-layered shadow.

KaRIN is not so much singing, but whispering to us to follow her on a journey down the rabbit hole. It has a somewhat disquieting affect, as though someone else is listening in and she doesn't want them to hear.

All -10 tracks- work well together as they seamlessly weave there way through the ever-shifting darkness. I particularily enjoyed -track 4- 'Dreamsleep', -track 5- 'White Rabbit' (great cover of the Jefferson Airplane classic) and -track 8- 'Monochrome.'

So turn out the lights and sit back and enjoy. No need to light any candles, the Cheshire Cat will arrive shortly and his glowing eyes and wide, mocking grin will provide all the illumination necessary.
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