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Darksong vs Kunai


They've locked down their fortress... with locks!
1 vs. 1
DQ: 7 days
Damage Caps: 50%
Banned Moves: OHKOs/Direct Recovery Moves
Arena: Mount Mortar - Exterior
Description: The stretch of water between Ecruteak City and Mahogany Town acts as the perfect battle arena. It provides a great battlefield for Water-type Pokémon, while a small, grass-covered, circular island (roughly 8m in radius) is the central point of the arena. Along one side of the channel is a thriving woodland - yet off-limits for this battle - while facing it is a great wall of rock - Mount Mortar. Now, entrance to this great mountain seems to have been blocked by a series of boulders (or perhaps an Onix is napping in front of the entrance), and as such the interior of Mount Mortar is unreachable. Yet at the sealed entrance there is a raised lip of rock, extending perhaps for a few metres outwards.

Darksong's Squad:
[Bang] Bronzor X, Heatproof
[Cicada] Scyther F, Swarm
[Kyu] East Shellos M, Storm Drain

Kunai's Squad:
[Taira] Cyndaquil M, Blaze
[Nova] Riolu M, Inner Focus
[Raikage] Electrike M, Static

1. Darksong sends out
2. Kunai sends out and attacks
3. Darksong attacks
4. I ref
Against my better judgement, I shall be sending out Taira - my male Cyndaquil!

Because I can't really be bothered to write orders now, I'll just give some simple commands.

Will-O-Wisp, Flamethrower, Heat Wave. Unless Will-O-Wisp misses, in which case use keep trying it

Will-O-Wisp ~ Flamethrower/Will-O-Wisp ~ Heat Wave/Will-O-Wisp
I'm nervous now. This is my second battle, and I lost my first one, so I'm not completely sure of myself. But I'm confident in you, Bang. Here's what you'll have to do:

First, use Rain Dance, to weaken Fire attacks. Then Facade, and finally, Earthquake. That will be good for this round.

Rain Dance ~ Facade ~ Earthquake
Today, the outside of the great Mount Mortar seems to be quiet, peaceful, and a relaxing place in general. Darksong and Kunai, however, are here to change that, choosing this quaint spot of land as a battlefield for an arena to have a Pokemon battle in. Darksong smirks and throws a pokeball into the air. It pops open and Bang, the Bronzor is released from the confines of the ball. It begins to float around impassively.
Kunai follows suit, sending out Taira, who lets out a loud battlecry, signifying the begining of this battle!

Darksong O
[Bang] Bronzor (X), Heatproof
Health: 100
Energy: 100
Notes: Apathetic
Rain Dance ~ Facade ~ Earthquake

Kunai O
[Taira] Cyndaquil (M), Blaze
Health: 100
Energy: 100
Notes: I'm gonna win, I'm gonna win...
Will-O-Wisp ~ Flamethrower/Will-O-Wisp ~ Heat Wave/Will-O-Wisp
continue WOW if first (two) miss

Taira starts the battle, ending his loud squeal. He lays eyes on her opponent and smiles, Bang looks to be made of a metallic substance -- good! An easy win!
The patches on his back turn instantly into flame. He opens his mouth, sucking in air for a good second or so. He finishes, and then exhales a blue flame. It swerves erraticly around Bang, who watches it, mystified. It looks so pretty, and so warm! A smile etches itself into the Bronzong's face, which fades when the blue flame makes a sudden turn and hits a small, innocent tree sitting near the battlefield.
Taira's smile begins to fade, but he keeps optimistic. There's always next round, right?

Bang snaps to its senses. It resumes a blank stare and twists and spins within a meter or so radius of where it is floating. It becomes faster and slower at random intervals, confusing Taira. What is that thing doing? He then laughs when he sees that Bang is serious about his little 'dance,' and regains his certainty about the future of this match.
His chuckling stops when raindrops start to fall on his head. He looks up at the sky, and sees rainclouds forming and as they darken, he becomes irritated. The rain sets off small, annoying reactions to his naturally hot fur, making him itch slightly.

Taira tries the same attack as last time, as instructed. He sucks up some more air, and finds it too cool for his comfort. Rain gets in his mouth, leaving a bitter taste. He scrunches up his face, and releases another blue flame. Oddly, the rain seems to not effect the flame as it flickers and dances around Bang, who once again can not help but stare at it. The Bronzor's trance is broken this time when the flame takes a quick turn and makes contact with it. Bang lets out a metallic screech as the flame passes though his hard, outer armour and burns his insides with no mercy.

Bang looks at Taira accusingly -- it's all his fault that he's hurting! It drops any sence of calm as it makes a quick dash at the Cyndaquil, putting all its force into its momentum. It slams into Taira with elevated strength, which makes the burn become more aggrevated. Sharp pain goes through both of thier bodies.

Taira winces. The blow was hard and the opponent is heavy, and the rain doesn't help.

Taira slowly recovers from the pure force of the attack, and gladly lets his flames become bigger and hotter. Eventually they reach a heat that makes the water that hits the Cyndaquil turn to steam instantly. After that, it becomes hot enough that Bang can feel the heat coming from his foe, despite the fact that it is about 4 meters away and that rain is cooling off his bronze coating, and that he is naturally resistant to heat. The psychic energy that keeps him floating wavers a bit, but he regains his stance without too much delay.
Taira looks at the Bronzor after he dampens his flame to normal heat, he tries to see the damage that must have made it squirm, and is very confused when he sees almost no evidence that he did much at all.

Bang strengthens the psychic energies that keep him floating, and flies up a few yards into the air. He shifts onto his side, and falls on to the gorund. Hard.
The ground begins to shake with no warning. The rocks that block off the cave dislodge and open up access to the cave for a few short seconds, when more rocks fall back down to cover up the hole again. Taira, meanwhile, is knocked to the ground and tossed around like a ball. When the tremors finally stop, Taira gets up, shaken.

Darksong O
[Bang] Bronzor (X), Heatproof
Health: 92
Energy: 82
Notes: Pleased with his work so far. Burnt (Severe) 3%/Round

Kunai O
[Taira] Cyndaquil (M), Blaze
Health: 75
Energy: 84
Notes: My head...

- Smaller rocks are blocking the cave, but they are packed together tightly.
- 2 More actions of rain
Bang, listen carefully. Here's what you'll do. First, repeat the Earthquake. Then stare into Taira's eyes and use Hypnosis. Then, please use Hypnosis again if the first one missed, and Rain Dance if it didn't.

Earthquake ~ Hypnosis ~ Hypnosis/Rain Dance
Eh, DQ time's seven days... it's only been four since Darksong posted her attacks.

Edit: Well, kind of five, I guess. Nevertheless, one doesn't usually give out DQ warnings until there's only twenty-four hours left before someone is disqualified.
Oh, wow. D'oh. My forum date is still in American time, while my computer date is in NZ time (one day ahead) and I wanted to give him an early DQ-warning, followed up by a second the next day.

Kunai has used up his/her DQ time. Darksong wins and gets $8, Kunai gets $3 and I get $5. 1 exp is awarded to each pokemon.
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