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In Progress Dawning of Dusk (a PokéMorph Story)


Among the few morons with straight A's.
Dawning of Dusk (a PokéMorph Story)

Here's another story of mine, this time about morphs. (I might continue the ranger one if I get more replies.) Give "constructive criticism" (helpful advice while reviewing the story). Enjoy "Dawning of Dusk" everyone.
'Hurry, Dusk,' the Murkrow cried, flying close behind his master. The dark haired girl nodded and began going faster, slowly letting her instincts take over. Her parents had been experiments of Team Rocket, causing them to become infamous morphs. Her father was a Gallade, and her mother was a Misdreavus, like her. Few Pokémon would associate themselves with these morphs, but Krow's original master had been killed in the experiment. Krow had wandered around aimlessly afterwards, having no point in life until meeting Dusk. There was something about her that reminded him of his master, so he began following her. He dedicated himself to her, becoming her sole companion.

"Alone," Dusk muttered, thinking of this. Her parents were killed when she was just six, which was eight years ago. She'd been wandering ever since then, looking for somewhere she could call "home". But now she isolated herself from the world that shunned her. Only Krow was willing to accept her, but he could change his mind if he was convinced otherwise. She began to slow down, despite the fact someone was chasing them. Krow swiftly realized what was wrong, and began solacing her.

'Relax,' he comforted. 'I'd have to be half dead before leaving you. That is a promise, miss Dusk.' She smiled weakly, and continued running. Where they were going didn't matter. As a twig snapped, Dusk began floating to provide as little sound as possible so her pursuer couldn't follow her footsteps. She was growing tired now, since she didn't have much rest the night before. Still, she was going faster and faster, trying to avoid her pursuer. Their presence was increasingly obvious: they were walking on foot--wearing boots?--whispering among at least two people, but 0. They'd rarely walked so much in one day, but being followed was even rarer.

"Get her!" a voice shouted. No! Dusk thought in horror as a Rocket grabbed her from the side, scaring Krow away. "You're in a lotta trouble, morph," the Rocket said, holding her by the arms. Geo, she cursed silently. "I've been trying to capture you for so long, and now..." Geo smiled evilly as he yanked her arm, making her screech in pain. Krow suddenly dove at Geo, causing him to react by shielding himself with his left arm. Dusk took this opportunity to become ghost-like and float through his right hand's grip on her.

"Krow! Run!" she screamed. The bird stopped attacking to stare at her. "Er, fly!" He nodded and spread his wings, taking off with her close behind. Geo wouldn't chase them, because he'd start creating a strategy. He always did that after losing, unlike other Rockets who'd follow Morphs. It wasn't as stupid as people who work with him would say, though. After all, if a morph escaped, they could just change their routine a little to escape again. Dusk had learned that from experience, so she kept her strategy simple: change a little detail he'd ignore, and improvise during battle. Geo hadn't captured her yet, so his strategies got more and more complex. But despite Dusk's constant reassurances, Krow was protective of her. Dusk stopped moving, suddenly tired from moving so long.

'Are you okay?' he asked. Dusk nodded, but he was still worried. 'Let's stop and rest. It's too dark to see anyway.' He flew towards a tall tree, landing on a low branch. Dusk sighed and took a blanket out of her bag. She was too tired to argue, so she just wrapped it around her body and swiftly fell asleep.
"Who do you think she is?" a voice said, shaking Dusk. Slowly she opened her eyes to see two boys--the younger one had short light brown hair, and the older one had medium-length red-orange hair--looking at her. "She's waking up!" the younger one cried.

"Who are you...?" Dusk asked groggily, and rubbed her eyes.

"I'm River," the older boy replied warily. "That's Claw. Who are you?" Dusk noticed he had a split orange tail with beige-white tips. The younger boy had short claws, and a pale yellow moon on his cheek, almost invisible against his skin. They're morphs! she thought in surprise.

"My name is Dusk," she replied solemnly, and tilted her head. "You two are morphs, right?" River looked at his tails in horror, while Claw glanced at his small stubby tail (which Dusk didn't notice earlier). "You need to hide your tails and claws better."

"Please don't tell anyone!" Claw exclaimed, getting on his knees to beg.

"Relax," she said, pulling down her shirt collar to reveal a "necklace" made of red spheres. "I'm a Misdreavus morph." River tilted his head at her.

"Misdreavus morph?" he asked. "Aren't you nocturnal?" Dusk shrugged, and laughter arose from the tree. Claw and River looked around in shock, much to Dusk's amusement. "Uh, we have to go now," River muttered. "Maybe we'll see you later." Claw was dragging him away only a few seconds after he finished, afraid of the invisible presence.

"Krow, did you have to scare them?" Dusk asked after a moment. The only answer was Krow's laughter.
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Re: Dawning of Dusk (a PokéMorph Story)

You decided to make one after all...... :D
Good luck, so far it seems good and i like the chericters even though i haven't learned much about them. Keep it up!
Re: Dawning of Dusk (a PokéMorph Story)

Well, I had a little trouble posting this one... First I had to refresh the page, which turned all of my BBCode tags into HTML tags. Thank goodness I know some HTML, or else I'd have a hard time figuring out what to fix!
Chapter 1
Dusk seemed to be talking to herself when River arrived. Hearing her voice made him sad, as it had loneliness and isolation in it. "Why did they die?" she asked the air. The only answer was silence, but she seemed to take comfort from it. As River hid behind some bushes, he wondered if he should leave for a while, and return later after she finished her "conversation" with the air. He quietly backed away, but didn't notice a Bonsly behind him until he tripped over it. A yelp escaped his throat as he fell, and the Bonsly began crying, swiftly drawing Dusk's attention. "Who's there?" she demanded warily, approaching slowly.

"Uh, sorry," River called as he got up. The Bonsly wasn't ready to let him leave without revenge, though, and slammed into his leg before leaving. "Ow!" he cried, but Dusk only stared at this like she'd just seen flying Oddish attacking with Flamethrower. River looked at the confusion on her face and burst out laughing, though she didn't understand why. Hearing laughter was rare for Dusk, so jokes didn't make much sense. But River quickly regained his composition, and looked at her seriously. "My village elder wants to meet you," he said. "Are you willing to come?" Krow gave a little laugh, which made River think the forest was haunted (again), but Dusk didn't seem to notice.

"Fine," she said slowly, "But only to make sure you don't trip on more Bonsly." Although she was serious, River thought it was a joke and laughed until he saw her confusion. The rest of the walk was mostly silence.
Seeing Dusk made the elderly Pidgeot morph smile. Despite his appearance, he was actually a mid-aged Ditto morph, or at leas that's what she'd been told. "Thank you, Guiding Light of the River, you may leave," he said, making River nod as he left, though hearing his full name embarrassed him. "Now then, Dusk, tell me your story." Dusk tilted her head as she recalled what River had told her about their leader, Shashi.

"His full name is Shape Shifter of the Sunlight," he'd said. "However, you should call him Shashi, as he doesn't like his name. When you meet him, he'll most likely ask for a story. Tell him about your journey, what has happened to you, and answer his questions. If you do this right, you'll be welcome in our village." Dusk had wondered about morph villages, so she wanted to pass.

"My name is 'The Fading Star of Dusk'," she began. "I was born to Gallade morph 'Fading Destiny', who was a former human, and Mismagious morph 'Star in the Black Sky'." Shashi seemed shocked by this, which she expected, since few morphs were human at one time. She paused for it to sink in before adding, "They were killed when I was six by a Rocket named Geo. I escaped, but I've been chased by Geo since-"

"That's enough," Shashi interrupted calmly, shocking her. "I can tell you need to rest just looking at you." Dusk sighed, not used to being forced to sleep around lunch. "I'll arrange for a bed, but for now, you should go eat at the large tree in the center of our village. That is where resident morphs gather for meetings, and there is usually food for visitors there." Dusk thanked him before leaving his small room, and glanced around the clearing. On one side was a mountainside, the sides next to it were trees, and an "entrance" to the clearing faced it.

The village had been arranged to hide rooms by using Secret Bases, like in the Hoenn region. Trees filled the clearing like a maze, while the mountainside had other spots for Secret Bases. Shashi's base was near the center, but was inside a mountainside base. One tree stuck out because of soft voices inside it, so it was probably the tree Shashi had been talking about. Fake branches and vines covered the entrance, but Dusk swiftly found it and went inside. A few morphs there were surprised by this stranger, though others didn't notice her. Behind a counter made of stone stood a Shuckle morph, who was making some soup out of berries and spices, presumably gathered by several other Pokémon morphs. He looked up as she walked over, and smiled at her. He was a late teenage morph, around 18 or 19.

"You want some?" he asked kindly, automatically making Dusk wary. Hearing kind voices made her wary out of habit, since she'd rarely felt love since her parents died. She tried shake it off, though, and nodded, so the morph gave her a bowl. This morph was nice, perhaps a little too nice...
Two morphs stood in front of Giovanni. One was part Nidoking, the other was part Golbat, and both wore black shirts with big red R's on them. They had chosen to become morphs, to become outcasts, to become freaks, all for Team Rocket. "You understand your mission?" Giovanni asked, and they nodded. "Good. Now go." The two voluntary morphs turned and left, ready to help end it once and for all. Only a few were willing to do this, and they were all either very brave, or very stupid.
Re: Dawning of Dusk (a PokéMorph Story)

Chapter 2
Krow was hidden among the tree’s shady branches, thinking of Dusk. He recalled the two boys who had found them. One had hair that was almost fiery, but for some odd reason it made him think of water. Maybe that weird hair color was the reason he didn’t like him, since the other one seemed fine. They both had tails and weird markings, like how the brown-haired one had a pale moon on his cheek. Suddenly he heard some kind of squishing noise, and he became perfectly still. After a moment, the two boys appeared, glancing around. The red-haired one gave a small wave of his hand, and a girl came out behind them. “Here we are,” the younger boy whispered.

“Do you honestly believe this place is haunted?” she asked in a normal voice, making them cringe. She was wearing a white halter dress with light-green trimming that ended just below her knees. Her neck and arms was pale violet-tinted white skin, but her legs were a light sky blue that strangely matched her hair. Krow wondered what she looked like without the dress, maybe in that two-piece clothing female humans sometimes wore when they’d swim. She looked like a morph, though, so she probably wouldn’t go swimming in broad daylight. Maybe she’d wear a short top that ended above the stomach with a skirt or something, that would suit him fine. Dusk had called him a “pervert” when he spoke of things like this, but he wasn’t a pervert. He just liked to see girls in outfits like that, and perverts probably didn’t do that. Whatever those are.

“Yeah,” the older one--River, wasn’t it?--replied. “Seni, can you find out what’s going on?” Seni sighed, obviously annoyed by this. She didn’t like doing “séances” so much, but River and Claw were her friends. Besides, they needed to go into the forest to get stuff for the village, which they wouldn’t until they knew what was really going on. Slowly she raised her hand, and they knew she was going to search for spirits. Her ruby red eyes closed as psychic energy entered her body, which was easily visible to Krow, a dark-type Pokémon. Normally he could channel this energy out to remain hidden, but something about her mesmerized him. If he had been paying closer attention the energy, he would have channeled it out right away, or the next few moments’ events would not have happened.

“It isn’t a spirit, it is a Murkrow!” Seni cried, and Krow realized the danger he was in too late to flee. River opened his mouth as a glowing blue ball began to form, hitting Krow with a beam of ice before he could react. The morph must have used one of those discs to gain that ability, like his previous master did on his Buizel. Wait, River must be a Buizel morph! That was why Krow didn’t like him, because the one he worked with was arrogant. “Keep it away from me!” Seni cried fearfully, moving back behind her friends.

“Why are you here?” Claw demanded, stomping his little two-clawed foot. Krow tried to move, but pain surged through him. The ice beam had hit his right wing, making him unable to fly. He was now defenseless against these odd creatures, who were neither human nor Pokémon. River glanced back at the others in shock. What had he done in his panic?

‘Help!’ he cried painfully, and Seni began thinking fast. On one hand, the Murkrow couldn’t hurt her now that he was injured. But he was still hurt, and she hated to see Pokémon in pain. Unlike many of the villagers, she remembered living in the Rocket lab. The memories from when she was eight were still fresh in her mind, even though she was now fifteen. All the Pokémon that had been hurt, their plan to make her a weapon of destruction. Most morphs were considered useless, but she wasn’t. She was considered too valuable to kill, and so was Claw. He had also been there, though he was only about two at the time, too young to recall the horror. They were rescued just in time to prevent being used as the Rockets’ weapons, but the sight of this Murkrow brought back the horrors she’d seen. She turned and ran for help while her friends stayed.

“You panicked and hit it?” Nurse Joy asked River sternly, who nodded. Although she came to the village often, her opinion of most morphs were bad. She’d only come because her brother had died in an experiment to turn him into a morph, and those who used to be human or Pokémon were the ones she wanted to help. River was a common target of her anger, because he’d been born this way, with one parent who was made in a lab, and the other a second-generation lab morph. She carefully lifted the Murkrow into her arms and carried him away, scowling at the three morphs one last time as she left. Claw sighed and went back to the village, so afraid of her that he wanted to go to his room as soon as possible. The nurse didn’t know he was a lab morph, or else he’d be off worse than River. After a moment, Seni and River began walking back.

“It’s not my fault,” River muttered. “I didn’t mean to hurt it so badly. I panicked, that’s all…” A small bit of doubt was still in his voice, though, making Seni shudder. Why it did, she wasn’t too sure, but no words of comfort came to her. Why did she do that “séance” when she knew it was a bad idea? As they approached the village, they could see a Roserade morph in the distance, most likely waiting for them. Next to him was another morph, wearing a cloak with the hood up to hide his or her identity. “Not now,” River muttered, but they had to pass him anyway.

“River, I hear you hurt a Murkrow,” the elderly Roserade morph said. His hair was naturally white, and had been combed to partially cover part of his face. A dark shade of green circled his golden eyes, but his mouth and arms were a paler spring green. Thankfully his hands weren’t red and blue bouquets, just green. Otherwise he’d probably be laughed at by the more mischievous children in the village. He wore a green cloak with a red patch cut to resemble a rose stitched on the left side, and a similar blue rose on the right. The other morph wore a cloak made out of dark purple fabric, but the sleeves had a large, dull pink strip around the cuffs, and a dull blue-gray strip just below the elbow. River thought it looked familiar, though he wasn’t sure.

“He didn’t mean to,” Seni said, hating the thought of him being falsely accused of purposely hurting a wild Pokémon. The last morph that had done such a thing had been forced to leave the village, and they’d moved away to its current location, by Blackthorn City in Johto. She knew it would probably happen again, or else the Rockets would find them. “Please, Firospi, he was protecting me, and wasn’t thinking! And-”

“It is alright,” Firospi chuckled, and motioned at the morph beside him. “I’d like you to meet my new friend” --River gasped when the morph lowered her hood, recognizing--“Dusk. She is new here, and is a Misdreavus morph. I was hoping you two could show her around the village.” He smiled at her as he said this. “The Kirlia morph is Serenity of Nine Suns, and the Buizel morph next to her is River.” Seni wasn’t mortified of her full name like River, but her white skin made her cheeks look redder than she felt when she blushed. Dusk took note of this, contemplating the way her skin was normally too dark for blushing to be noticeable, though her skin could look more human when she desired it. It was an ability she’d been born with, and her mother taught her to use it when she was three. This way she could go into the human world whenever she needed to without standing out, though she still couldn’t do normal things. “…and don’t forget to brush your teeth!” Firospi finished, getting blank stares from Seni and River as he left.

“Uh, he’s kinda scatterbrained,” River explained to Dusk. “Anyways, uh, I don’t think you really need the tour, do you?” He chuckled when he said this, putting her on the defensive again.

“He showed me around an hour ago,” she admitted warily, but then worry entered her eyes. “Did you say you hurt a Murkrow earlier?” River nodded, slightly surprised by this worry. “Where is it?”

“The local Nurse Joy took it to the Pokémon Center,” River said. “Why do you ask?”

“I’m going to see it.” The answer surprised the two, who hadn’t expected an answer like this.

“Uh, she doesn’t like morphs,” Seni began, “except the ones who used to be human, and-” Dusk looked at her with determination, making her stop. “Fine, I’ll take you there, but we have to be careful.” Dusk nodded and walked towards the town she’d passed earlier, which made Seni sigh. “We’ll be back in a while, River.” Before he could reply, she went to catch up to Dusk as she got a reddish-pink cloak out of her bag. All of the villagers had one to cover their morph features as disguises. Maybe wearing a halter dress to the woods wasn’t such a good idea after all.
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