Whirlpool considered his options, squinting through the sunlight. Decidedly, he threw a Pokeball, and out popped Sharplight the Ralts. He and Preveza sized each other up, and when the Trainers had issued their commands, The Omskivar waved his flags to kick things off.

Preveza (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Health: 39%
Energy: 58% (Chills remaining: 2)
Status: Squeaking happily. Lightly poisoned, 1%/round. -2 Sp.Atk. Energy: focused.
Item: Dragon Scale

Sharplight (Male)
Ability: Synchronize
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Happy to have a big green helmet over his eyes in this sun.
The Sandshrew reappeared with its Quick Claw, apparently bored with it again. It wandered aimlessly around the sands, kicking at dunes to find another hidey-hole. Preveza saw Sharplight watching it, and took the opportunity to strike.
As Preveza reared her face to the sky, a white-gray ball of energy began to form in her snout. It expanded until its diameter was limited by the confines of the Horsea from whence it came, then burst forth in a brilliant beam of light as Preveza lowered her head. The beam struck Sharplight directly in the head, his red horns and green helmet throwing the light in a dazzling display as he cried out in pain. Shaking his head, he focused for a moment as sparks crackled from his horns. With a shout, he sent a bolt of lightning at Preveza, who shuddered as the electricity coursed through her squishy body.
That was
awful. Can't have
that again. The Horsea shook her head to clear it, then concentrated on her opponent. If only she could get inside his head...and there it is! Like a psychic hacker, Preveza twisted the neural pathway connected to Sharplight's Thunderbolt.
That should slow him down.
Sharplight poised himself to attack once more, then found that he couldn't. Strange...he knew what he was supposed to do, but his energies weren't responding. What were his other options? Calm Mind? Shock Wave? Wait--that was almost like a Thunderbolt. Better than nothing, at least. His front headhorn glowed yellow, then fired an electric pulse, which darted eerily side to side as it steadily flew towards Preveza. The Water-type's eyes widened fearfully, and she tried to twist out of the way, but convulsed as the electricity coursed through her again.
Twisting in agony, Preveza felt like she was going to throw up. Then, she remembered her commands, and doubled over, hacking with purpose this time, until she fired a foul-smelling blob of
gross at Sharplight. The Ralts quivered as the revolting fluid dripped down his helmet and onto his tiny white body. Preveza grinned (mostly with her eyes), then heaved again as the poison in her own body seemed to grow...
angrier. She looked around quizzically for any aggravating factor, then squealed in pain as another shock wave tore into her.
The Sandshrew looked around, and once it was satisfied that no one would find its treasure, it left.

Preveza (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Health: 15%
Energy: 40% (Chills remaining: 2)
Status: Wishing she was made of rubber (even if Sharplight isn't made of glue). Badly poisoned (1% this round, 2% next round). -2 Sp.Atk. Energy: focused.
Item: Dragon Scale

Sharplight (Male)
Ability: Synchronize
Health: 92%
Energy: 85%
Status: Get out of my head, Charles! Badly poisoned (1% this round, 2% next round). Thunderbolt Disabled (two more actions)
Flash Cannon- 7% damage, 6% energy
Thunderbolt- 11% damage, 7% energy
Disable- 6% energy
Shock Wave- 6% damage, 4% energy
Toxic- 6% energy
Shock Wave- 6% damage, 4% energy
-This round a Sandshrew was wandering about. Again.
-Extra energy cost for everyone! YOU get extra energy cost! And YOU get extra energy cost!
-No Sp.Def drops or paralysis.
-Dragon Scale was taken into effect, and shaved 1% off of each Electric attack.
-Disable was a bit odd to ref; I decided that Sharplight, as a Psychic type, is intelligent enough, and the attacks are similar enough, that he substituted Shock Wave for Thunderbolt.
-Similarly, the mental block won't last more than two more actions because of Sharplight's Psychic mental resilience. Also three seems like a good number because there is no number or range in the database.
-Sharplight's Synchronize poisoned Preveza as well; this elevated her poisoning to Toxic poisoning.
-Sunny Day is still in effect.
-Ampharos attacks
-Whirlpool attacks
-I ref!