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In Progress Digimon Legends (My ideas for Season Six)

It is the year 2013, and a primal Demon Lord Digimon called Leviamon has arisen to get his revenge and plots to destroy Earth and rule the Digital World.

There will be ten Chosen Children (the series will begin with five of them), and a Digimon Partner for each of them. Leviamon has gotten an army of his followers to try and stop them.

The Chosen Children have been called to the Digital World by Anubimon, protector of the Dark Area (the Digimon's equivalent to Heaven and/or Hell). Leviamon somehow escaped from the Dark Area's confinement, and made his own lair hidden somewhere in the Digital World. The Chosen Children receive their Digivice Version 6.0's from Anubimon, and meet their Digimon Partners.

The current Chosen Children and their Digimon (Rookie forms) are... (this list will be edited when new Chosen Children and Digimon are revealed in the series).

Takeshi Sakaki, the brave yet stubborn leader. His Digimon is a different version of Guilmon, with a new Digivolution line.

Kazuki Toriyama, the brain of the group. His Digimon is the elephantine Jumbomon, who can fly.

Haruka Takahashi, who is so far the only female Chosen Child, and is the most caring and truthful of them. Her Digimon is Kunemon, an insect-like Digimon who, like her human partner, is currently the only girl.

Kojiro Hongo, the most independent of those Chosen. His Digimon is Sharkmon, who despite his aquatic nature, is quite fine on land.

Ichigo Uzumaki, the hopeful young boy. His Digimon is the appropriately-named Quackmon.

Episode One
"A Whole New Digital World"

In Yokohama, Japan, an odd string of events began back in December 2012. Now it is mid-January 2013. First, it became really hot, like it should in summer. Then, it seemed to be back to normal winter weather, but oversized hailstones fell out of the sky, causing quite the damage. It gets even weirder. Five human children whose ages range from 8 to 12 seemed to disappear into another dimension overnight.

The five children were actually called to the Digital World, chosen by Yggdrasil, its powerful god, to save both Earth AND the Digital World.

The children woke up in this world to a strange humming noise the next morning. It was January 12, 2013. The humming then turned into a voice, that explained "Welcome to the Digital World. The creatures you will meet in this world are called Digimon. I am a Digimon named Anubimon. You have been summoned by Yggdrasil, our god, to save both our world, and yours. Check your pockets, there will be a machine in there called a Digivice 6.0. You will soon meet your chosen Digimon partners. They will know your names, and they will help you on your quest. I am very busy, and I will talk to you later to explain more about this world. Goodbye."

The five children were puzzled, and their Digimon approached from behind. The children turned around and saw their Digimon. Takeshi, a blonde 12-year old boy who was wearing goggles, was face to face with a red dinosaur-like Digimon that introduced himself as Guilmon. Kazuki, a brunette 11-year old boy, was inches away from a bluish flying elephantine Digimon that said its name was Jumbomon. Haruka, a raven-haired darker-skinned 10-year old girl, was staring straight at a yellow caterpillar-like Digimon called Kunemon. Kojiro, a redheaded 9-year old boy, was looking a toothy fish-like Digimon named Sharkmon. And Ichigo, a dirty blonde 8-year old boy, encountered Quackmon, a duck-like Digimon that was jumping up and down.

Soon after they met their Digimon, another Digimon, that looked like a dark purple and cream-colored skunk that walked on two legs, burst from the shade. This was Stenchmon, who smelled like dead fish, dog poop, garlic, and bread mold. Stenchmon chuckled "Ooh... humans! I heard your data tastes great, especially with sushi and chicken! Time to chow down! STINKY SPRAY!" The five children ran off from Stenchmon's smelly attack, but their Digimon fought back. Guilmon attacked with Pyro Sphere, Jumbomon attacked with Aero Cutter, Kunemon attacked with Electric Thread, Sharkmon attacked with Aqua Beam, and Quackmon attacked with Super Screech. Stenchmon took a lot of damage from the five Rookie Digimon, despite him being an Ultimate-level Digimon, and his data scattered. Stenchmon was defeated and his Digi-Egg vanished to the Dark Area.

The Chosen Children ran up to their Digimon and thanked them for saving them like that. Guilmon said "Oh. Don't mention it. We were just doing our stuff." Jumbomon added "You're welcome!" Kunemon said "Well that was fun, wasn't it? Sharkmon said "He got what he deserved!" Quackmon ended saying "Eeww! Now I have to clean my feathers! YUCK!"

Anubimon's voice came back and congratulated them by saying "Stenchmon was an Ultimate level Digimon, and your five Rookie Digimon took him out easily! I'm impressed. Just wait until they can Digivolve, and then they'll be stronger. Now I have to give Stenchmon his final judgment. He was a very bad Digimon."

The Chosen Children and their Digimon went on their way out of the forest.

Episode Two will be up soon, hopefully. This first post took two hours for me to make!
DISCLAIMER: I'm not trying to bash you, Celestial Blade, so thar.

Haruka Takahashi, who is so far the only female Chosen Child, and is the most caring and truthful of them.


Ichigo Uzumaki,

oh no you didn't

Takeshi, a blonde 12-year old boy who was wearing goggles

THE GOGGLES DO NOTHING Introduce the characters before, instead of saying 'the five children'. And.. wouldn't they be shitting themselves after waking up in the middle of nowhere? With complete strangers?

The Chosen Children ran up to their Digimon and thanked them for saving them like that. Guilmon said "Oh. Don't mention it. We were just doing our stuff." Jumbomon added "You're welcome!" Kunemon said "Well that was fun, wasn't it? Sharkmon said "He got what he deserved!" Quackmon ended saying "Eeww! Now I have to clean my feathers! YUCK!"

Could you be a bit less descriptive? =) Well, you could give the kids dialogue, instead of having them 'thank them for saving them like that.'

Anubimon's voice came back and congratulated them by saying "Stenchmon was an Ultimate level Digimon, and your five Rookie Digimon took him out easily! I'm impressed. Just wait until they can Digivolve, and then they'll be stronger. Now I have to give Stenchmon his final judgment. He was a very bad Digimon.

Why didn't he come out of nowhere and kick Stenchmon's ass? Where did Stenchmon even come from? o_o

Well, it's kinda short for an episode, but. And I think it's Anubismon..?
It can be either name. Anubimon is his Japanese name. And yes, I matched two random anime character names.

And Stenchmon appeared from the darkness.

Episode Two
"Terra Firma"

After resting for the night, the five Chosen Children and their Digimon continue on their way out of the forest. They reached a river, and saw a pair of large tentacles come out toward Takeshi, who was five feet away from the water. Then, a Gesomon, the Digimon whose tentacles grabbed Takeshi. Guilmon then shouted "ROCK BREAKER!", as he jumped up and used his arms to try and save his human partner. It didn't even help. Then, Guilmon landed on his feet, and muttered "Why you...!", and Takeshi's Digivice began to glow scarlet in his pocket, and a crimson light surrounded Guilmon. Takeshi shouted "GUILMON! GET ME AWAY FROM THIS THING!" Guilmon then said "Guilmon Digivolve to....", as the light enveloped him. He grew twice his size, a long white mane grew from the back of his neck to his shoulders, a pair of jagged pointy horns appeared on his head, above his eyes, and lightning bolt-shaped blades jutted out from his elbows. The light vanished, and the newly Digivolved Champion said its name loudly, "TERRAGROWLMON!" TerraGrowlmon attacked using his elbow blades which became surrounded by electricity, and said "PLASMA BLADE!", as he slashed at the squid-like Digimon's two large tentacles, making it release Takeshi. TerraGrowlmon caught him in midair, then placing him on the ground. Gesomon then attempted to attack by spinning his two biggest tentacles around in circles, and shouted "CORAL CRUSHER!" while doing so. The squid-like Digimon missed, and became dizzy. His red, dinosaur-like opponent took advantage of this, and shouted "EXHAUST FLAME!", as he inhaled, then exhaling black and fiery breath that incinerated Gesomon, who was deleted. His Digi-Egg went to the Dark Area. Anubimon then said "Takeshi, I'm glad you're safe. And I've noticed that you've discovered Digivolution. You guys were lucky to come out completely unharmed!" TerraGrowlmon then degenerated back to Guilmon, who then cried "Oh, All that fighting makes me hungry." Takeshi then ran up to Guilmon, and gave him a huge hug, and said "Thank you for saving me. I would've been in that thing's stomach if it weren't for you." Guilmon then told him "Now I need something to eat." The chosen children and Digimon then continued on for two hours, and Guilmon kept stopping to eat leaves and berries until he felt full. The other patiently waited, knowing fighting and Digivolution was very tough, especially if you've just Digivolved for the first time. They finally reached a strange abandoned house in the middle of the forest, by the river. They went inside, noticing there were ten beds, one for each Chosen Child and Digimon. They slept for the night.
And Stenchmon appeared from the darkness.

But you didn't say that in the story.

After a different character talks, there is a enter space. As in
"Oh, all that fighting makes me hungry."
Takeshi then ran up to Guilmon, and gave him a huge hug, and said; "Thank you for saving me. I would've been in that thing's stomach if it weren't for you."
Guilmon then told him; "Now I need something to eat."

Makes it easier to read. Semi-colons=may be commas, but. And why don't the others do anything..?

The other patiently waited, knowing fighting and Digivolution was very tough, especially if you've just Digivolved for the first time.

How'd they know?

They finally reached a strange abandoned house in the middle of the forest, by the river. They went inside, noticing there were ten beds, one for each Chosen Child and Digimon. They slept for the night.

So they slept together Ignore that. Why'd they go into a strange house they know nothing about, and fall asleep? Just because it's abandoned, summer cottages could be technically abandoned.

Again, rather short, but meh. :/
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