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Sojaveña Wilds Divine Thunderhead

As they recovered their footing, the lines between clouds and firm ground blurred into whirling dust and miasma. The field spiraled like a clock in fast-forward, doing more to expose the eye of the storm than to hide it the closer they got. Or maybe it was just the immense Shadow energy ebbing and flowing from within, guiding the chaos, driven by an imposter. Some-fucking-how, Zapdos wasn't the edgiest Zapdos-shaped creature Astrid could perceive at the moment. A strange world, this could be.

A low thrum built in her chest—familiar sizzle with a new twist. She'd practiced this routine in silence. Hadn't told anyone about it out of fear of having to explain herself. But all explanations were due for a trial eventually.

"This look familiar?" she called to the Saint, a tiny smirk slipping past the urgency in her voice.

Astrid (167 STM, 5 TMP, +1 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- Walk to Storm's Eye
- Umbral Flicker (-40 STM, +2 TMP, +36 SHD, +36 RAD)
- AGILE Soul Rocket @ Stormbringer(ACTIVATE: effect) (-45 STM, -5 TMP, +5 TMP)
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
- RADIANT Soul Rocket @ Stormbringer (-30 STM, +5 TMP, +27 RAD)
- Sheer Cold @ Stormbringer (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-60 STM, -15 TMP, +5 TMP)
- Activate feat (Spotter Feat) @ Stormbringer [Def and Res]

Net change: -165 STM, +2 TMP, +36 SHD, +63 RAD
Net totals: 2 STM (52 after regen), 7 TMP, 36 SHD, 63 RAD
Turn 1
Player Phase

The Wayfarers rushed forward to meet the Dark Stormbringer, Steven taking up a defensive position in front of Astrid while he raised an electromagnetic barrier around everyone.

Steven is defending Astrid!
Steven's electromagnetism protected the party from special moves!
Leaf's Radiant Strike dealt 173 to Sparkshade A! Destroyed!
Koa's Ganbatte Soul dealt 38 damage to Sparkshade B!
Koa's RADIANT Thunder Punch dealt 123 damage to Sparkshade B! Destroyed!
Astrid's AGILE Soul Rocket dealt 21+19 damage to Stormbringer!
Astrid's RADIANT Soul Rocket dealt 33+34 damage to Stormbringer!

Astrid's Spotter Feat — Stormbringer's Defenses:
Def: 211 Res: 254
Astrid's Sheer Cold—

In a flash, the concentrated pinprick of supercooled air expanded outward, enveloping the false Stormbringer. Flash-frozen chunks of shadow wraith snapped from its body and fell to the ground, sinking through the clouds. The wraith-turned-legend let out a garbled cry of agony as it turned its baleful gaze on Astrid.

Zapdos met Astrid's eye with a smirk of his own. He'd felt the full might of that cold snap—seeing it unleashed on the abomination must have been immensely satisfying for him.

Meanwhile, the sparkshades crackled and hissed when met with Leaf and Koa's Radiance, easily evaporating into Shadow mist. A hail of sparks washed over the two, and and with it, a wave of foreign emotions—guilt, shame, grief, despair, all long-buried, centuries old. The kinds of buried emotion that shadows were made of.

The tattered remains of a war party had gathered on a hilltop, facing down their enemies on the opposite end of the valley. Drums pounded, horns bellowed, carrying their prayers to the heavens.

And then their prayers were answered. Zapdos— not the Cyclone, but the Stormbringer, the true Stormbringer—descending from the clouds, thunderbolts trailing from his wings.

And his might tore through the enemy with ease.

Astrid commands the enemy's attention.
Steven is guarding the party.
Turn 1
Enemy Phase

The false Stormbringer's shadow-tinged lightning rained down on the eye of the storm without mercy...

Stormbringer's Hurricane hit Koa and Astrid's Protects! Destroyed!
Stormbringer's Eerie Impulse weakened Astrid! -2 Mag
Stormbringer's Thunder hit Koa and Astrid!
Koa: 40, can't be paralyzed
Astrid: 69, paralyzed!
Legendary Action: Sure Crit!
Stormbringer's STRONG Shadow Bolt hit Koa and Astrid!
Koa: 81!
Astrid: a CRITICAL 107!

Void Swarm expanded to Storm's Eye!
Void Swarm Focused...
Void Swarm's Shadow Debilitate weakened Astrid! -2 Spd, Confused!
Shadow Sky rained down on the party...

The Roaming Cyclone had just finished stamping a cluster of Void Shadows into the ground when he noticed the false Stormbringer fixated on Astrid.

"Don't think you can ignore me, demon," he spat, bolting forward.

Zapdos will draw some enemy fire next turn.

Stormbringer flew to Lightless Plain
Storm's Herald! Four sparkshades appeared.
Stormbringer is preparing Umbral Augury
Storm's Eye
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Fighting. War. Death. Power and fury raining down from the sky onto—

Leaf screwed her eyes shut instinctively, as if it'd stop her from having to see the lightning strike in her head as if you're surprised that these pokémon have that kind of power, that this is what they'd do. She tried to focus, forget, now wasn't the time, but it was hard to shake the twisting in her chest, or the feeling that it wasn't entirely her own.

Zapdos said:
"Don't think you can ignore me, demon," he spat, bolting forward.

The Cyclone was turning toward them, about to sprint back across the storm toward the flock of shades, but the clouds were still thick with growing wraith swarms. Just a stupid distraction, getting in the way, not worth anyone's time. He had to get to the false Stormbringer, they had to get there, all of them. She tried to catch his eye (piercing, like lightning), then concentrated, forced herself to ignore the acid rain sizzling against her back, and willed herself back and Zapdos forward.

"Fuck 'em up!" she shouted after him as he ran, before turning and bounding back toward the storm's eye herself. Cut through, jump over, soar through the air, and bury her horn in the imposter's chest on the way back down.

Leaf (Aux)
- Paladin Strike (RADIANT, 100 BP, +3 Atk, apply -1 Def for [3]) @ Stormbringer

Interact: Ally Switch Zapdos closer to the Sparkshades

- Steven
- Zapdos pls? + Steven gets launched?
- Astrid
- Leaf
- Koa
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Cold static flowed through him as the shadowy apparitions faded. And with it, a cacophony of inexplicable sensations swarmed over him.

Shadow tainted rain and mist seeped into his fur. He saw an army, and an enemy. Tearing through them. He answered their prayers. Struck them down. Guilt? Shame? Why...

Reality snapped back into place as the false Zapdos struck back with a furious counterattack. He winced under the onslaught, grateful for Steven's quick thinking and shielding.

What was that? A glimpse of the Stormbringers past? What the real one had felt? He pushed the thought aside. Right now they had the fight to win, and he couldn't afford distractions. Couldn't afford to lose.

Clinging to the light he braced for another strike. They had to destroy this false saint. Stop this. Wipe out Alex. He was so sick of this. Sick of him. Sick of every world, every time, always the same. People stealing legendaries and using their power. Not again. He could do something here. He was stronger, he could stop it.The knot of rage in his chest began to spread, crawling down his legs, pooling in his paws before hardening.

His lips curled into a snarl as he glared at the shadow wearing the visage of the saint. At Alex's incursion. "I'm going to rip you apart, and burn every last scrap of you to ashes. You will never take this power."

He lunged with narrow minded focus, battering the false legendary with golden light and shadowed claws, relishing in the sensation. In being able to strike back after everything Alexander had done. He liked it. Liked how the cold shadow lessened the sting of the rain, liked how it felt to pummel the wraith. The way the shadows made him even stronger.

It felt good.

See? This is who you are.

Koa (133 STM, 20 TMP, +1 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 14 RAD)
- Dash to Lightless Plains (-2 TMP)
- Mach Punch @ Stormbringer (-6 STM, +4 TMP)
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
- STRONG CRITICAL RADIANT Thunder Punch @ Stormbringer (ACTIVATE: paralysis) (-21 STM, -25 TMP, +8 TMP, +14 RAD)
- Umbral Retribution @ Stormbringer (-40 STM, +4 TMP, +40 SHD)
- Walk to Ridge
Net change: -63 STM, -6 TMP, +40 SHD, +14 RAD
Net totals: 70 STM (118 after regen), 14 TMP, 40 SHD, 28 RAD
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Steven staggered back under the false Stormbringer's onslaught. Bolt after bolt rained down, the last one sending dark violet sparks shooting through the barrier and up his arms. He winced, concentration broken with how much the shadow-tinged electricity stung, and kept stinging, clinging to his skin like jagged lines of venom.

He hissed, swiping a claw at the offending pain, pouring more light at it to burn the taint away, when a foul snarl caught his attention. A new threat? But it wasn't an enemy who'd made the otherworldly sound, it was...


But his concern fell on deaf ears, as the Electrike was already gone, tearing across the battlefield, golden and violet sparks boiling in his wake. Steven hesitated, worry etched in his expression, as the others dove back into the fray themselves. There's no time to falter. Heat snaked around the knot of ice in his chest, soothing, focusing. Worry later. Fight now.

Steven held onto the golden thread, wrapping himself in it, bolstering himself to the sound of approaching hoof-falls. He turned, only to watch Leaf blip out of existence, and a mid-stride Zapdos take her place. The Saint's fury surged through the clouds with every step he took, and an idea struck.

"Cyclone!" Steven shouted, waving a gold-tinged claw to get the Saint's attention. "You saw what we could do by combining our power, so use mine! Launch me, and I will carve you a path to the heart of our enemy!"

He braced himself-- he knew how hard the Cyclone could kick-- and set his gaze on the closest target, Radiant energy coiling about his fists. This would definitely be the fastest way to catch up to his teammates, and besides, wasn't he pretty much a glorified lodestone himself?

- Interact: Requesting a one-way ticket on the Zoop Express. Next stop, Sparkshade's face with a Radiant Meteor Mash
- Defender Protect (Radiant) @ Astrid
[Flavor at a friendlier hour]

Astrid (52 STM, 7 TMP, -3 SPD, +4 ACC, 36 SHD, 63 RAD)
- Walk (+1 MC) to Lightless Plain (-3 TMP)
- **Act:** Item (Lum Berry) @ Confusion
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -30 RAD)
- RADIANT Soul Rocket @ Swarm (ACTIVATE: effect) (-30 STM, -5 TMP, +6 TMP, +27 RAD)
- RADIANT Draining Kiss @ Sparkshade (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-9 STM, -3 TMP, +6 TMP, +8 RAD)
- Activate feat (Spotter Feat) @ Sparkshade [Def and Res]
Net change: -48 STM, +6 TMP, -20 SHD, +5 RAD
Net totals: 4 STM (54 after regen), 13 TMP, 16 SHD, 68 RAD
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Turn 2
Player Phase

"Cyclone!" Steven shouted, waving a gold-tinged claw to get the Saint's attention. "You saw what we could do by combining our power, so use mine! Launch me, and I will carve you a path to the heart of our enemy!"

Zapdos let out a low chuckle. "Ha. It seems you grow bolder by the minute. Very well. I hope you don't regret it!"

The Cyclone drew himself back as Steven readied himself, and then—WHAM! Electrified talons connected with the Metang's metal shell and launched him forward at breakneck speed.

Zapdos's Thunderous Kick launched Steven!
Steven's RADIANT Meteor Mash dealt 78 damage to a Stormshade!

Fresh off of launching Steven, Zapdos suddenly found himself psychically pulled through space, transported to where Leaf had been just seconds earlier.

"Fuck 'em up!" Leaf yelled, and he didn't need telling twice.

Zapdos's Trailblaze dealt 33 damage to two Sparkshades! +1 Spd Destroyed!
Zapdos's STRONG Dual Wingbeat dealt 46+44 damage to one Sparkshade and 46+48 to another! Destroyed!
Zapdos's Stomping Tantrum dealt 49 damage to a Sparkshade! Destroyed!
Astrid's RADIANT Soul Rocket dealt 82+92 damage to the Void Swarm! +1 Mag, Destroyed!
Astrid's RADIANT Draining Kiss dealt 104 damage to a Sparkshade! Drained 40 HP, Destroyed!

Astrid's Spotter Feat — Sparkshade's defenses: 100/100
Leaf's RADIANT Paladin Strike dealt 50 damage to Stormbringer! -1 Def!
Koa's Mach Punch dealt 18 damage to Stormbringer!
Koa's STRONG RADIANT Thunder Punch dealt a CRITICAL 83 damage to Stormbringer!
Steven is guarding Astrid

A second time, the Sparkshades dissolved into mist and sent a wave of sparks raining down over the ones who'd destroyed them. And with it, more of those same shadow-laced emotions, from a time long past.

The Stormbringer flew over the remains of the battlefield, gazing down at the scars his lightning had wrought. The battle had been victorious. His clan was miles from here, celebrating. And yet, in this moment, it was hard to see the bodies scattered across the fields as anything other than a tragedy.

The Stormbringer landed amongst the enemy and bowed his head. He was alone.

Shadow Sky rained down on the party...
Koa and Astrid gained 10 Shd.
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Turn 2
Enemy Phase

A rotating disk of condensed shadow laced with lightning had been steadily building overhead until finally, it struck.

Stormbringer's Umbral Augury struck everyone in the Lightless Plain!
Astrid: a partially-protected 45
Koa: 73
Zapdos: 41
-1 Atk and Mag
Stormbringer's Hurricane dealt 39 damage to Zapdos!
Stormbringer's Thunder dealt 37 damage to Zapdos!
Stormbringer Focused...
Stormbringer's STRONG Shadow Bolt dealt a CRITICAL 68 damage to Zapdos! Paralyzed!

A hail of wicked lightning and shadow-tinged bolts rained down, but Zapdos and the Wayfarers weathered the storm, both still standing by its end. The swarms were too busy reforging themselves and couldn't do anything. The tide of the battle was turning.

Stormbringer retreated to Windswept Ridge
Legendary Action: Divine Protect!
Storm's Herald! Six Sparkshades appeared.

Zapdos stamped a talon into the clouds. "Turning tail?! You may have stolen his power, but you're nothing like him!"

And then... a change.

The clouds swirled. Thunder boomed over the chaos of battle. But amidst the storm, a rift in reality split open, revealing two pinprick red pupils glaring at the Wayfarers.

"Here, too?!" he snarled—Alexander, the one responsible for all this, had shown himself at last. "Don't think spreading me thin will do anything! You are NOTHING! This is NOTHING!"

Zapdos took a step forward, feathers bristling. "So you're the one behind this," he said in a low, cold voice.

And then the Cyclone broke into a breakneck sprint, his spearlike beak aimed directly at the demon hydra. He launched into the air, leg outstretched, and—!

A set of jaws lunged toward him, catching his leg in their grasp and latching on tight. Zapdos flailed against their hold, his muscles seizing up from the lingering paralysis of the last attack he'd taken.



The jaws holding Zapdos's leg began crackling with sparks. Meanwhile, the other two heads prepared a barrage of attacks...

[ ] New Objective: Repel the Void Usurper.
[ ] New Objective: Free Zapdos.
[ ] Bonus Objective: Demonstrate what your Radiance means to Zapdos.
Andre kept firing his Bullet Seeds at the wraiths while the others focused on more important targets. He'd been hesitant about using Radiance first - he didn't want to lose himself - but found it to be necessary later when regular attacks seemed like they weren't going to be enough. A mellow light coursing through his veins, he kept glancing at the others to see how they were doing, and bore witness to regrets long buried...

The Stormbringer had used his power for war. Andre had too little context to know for sure how justified this had been, but the Stormbringer seemed to consider it tragic afterwards nonetheless. Briefly, he wondered what he would do with the power of a Saint - whether he'd abuse it - but shook his head and -- fuck! Ow! That bolt of lightning was a motherfucker...

Worse was yet to come, however, as a rift tore itself into reality, and on the other side was... Alexander.

Zapdos attacked the dragon right away. Yes, fucking kill him! Andre thought - but no, Alexander caught him by the leg! They had to act! He had to act. Yes, him. No more cowardice. None of that shit when that bastard was here, when Andre could hurt him. Well, he probably couldn't hurt him, he was weak -- No, fuck that. No hesitation. This guy didn't deserve hesitation. What he was doing on Forlas, what he'd done to Mhynt and gods knew how many other people - he deserved to suffer. Maybe, maybe if Andre was just angry enough, it would do something.

"Hey, fucker!"
Andre shouted, drew up as much light as he could and fired a full-force Bullet Seed at Alexander.
His sense of impending victory was short lived, shattered by the appearance of the rift in the sky. Two hateful red eyes glaring down. He was here. Koa froze, shadow flames blocking the exit, nowhere to run. Failure. his hackles up and legs stiff. Fear crawled down his spine. A second later his hesitation was broken as Zapdos shot past him with a mighty leap and a sparking kick- Yes!

Snap. One moment Zapdos was headed right for Alex's head, the next he was caught in one of his jaws. Trapped. No no no. No. Not again.

His eyes shimmered through the storm of black rain as he glared up at Alex and shoved down his fear and doubt. Determination burned in his chest and a familiar swell of power with it. His paws began to glow. He'd played it careful this fight, paced himself. But he wouldn't let Alex have another Saint. Wouldn't let history repeat. Wouldn't let another despicable villain win.

Zapdos was in danger and he had to do something.

Koa seized the light.

The world sharpened. Everything else fell away. Doubt. Fear. Caution. He could make a difference. He could help. Be a hero. Save a legendary. A radiance tinged howl exploded from his jaws. With a mighty leap, he lunged for Alex. The light lent him speed and power, his fists blurring into bright streaks as he pummeled the dragon.

He could do it. Free Zapdos. Gold aura flared around his body and he snarled before jamming his paws into the shadow dragons maw, wrenching the jaws apart, forcing them open as wide as he could. However much it took. The light began to burn but he didn't stop. He couldn't.

Save Zapdos. Save Forlas. Stop Alex. No matter the cost.

Nothing else mattered.

Koa (118 STM, 14 TMP, +1 SPD, +1 ACC, 50 SHD, 28 RAD)
- AGILE Ganbatte Soul @ Alexander (-45 STM, +4 TMP)
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
- RADIANT Ganbatte Soul @ Alexander (-30 STM, +4 TMP, +30 RAD)
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
- CRITICAL RADIANT Thunder Punch @ Alexander (-14 STM, -20 TMP, +4 TMP, +14 RAD)
- Interact @ Open wide! (Strength on Alex, pry open jaws and free Zapdos) (-3 TMP)
Net change: -84 STM, -3 TMP, +0 SHD, +44 RAD
Net totals: 34 STM (82 after regen), 11 TMP, 50 SHD, 72 RAD
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The shades scattered into sparks and acrid fog. (Clouds breaking.) The fake Stormbringer retreated. Something else took its place.

The shadow rain, the ice-cold pressure, sickly ink-stained thunderheads tearing open and leaving a howling void more horrible than any storm, panic clawing at the inside of her chest to get out, get out, get away, now—

Leaf didn't move. Just stared. Her head was ringing, don't freeze, run, what could you even hope to do, she knew they'd been trying to split his attention but he'd really gotten all the way here this shouldn't have happened you shouldn't have been here for this run. Which had been the plan. No. He's going to destroy everything. If he was here then he couldn't destroy anything else because they would stop him. How. The only thing you know is that he's invincible. Even the zapdos you won't shut up about can't touch him. He had Zapdos but one grab didn't mean anything, not while she was here, they were here and they could fix this. Not for long. He'll kill you now or he'll kill you later. He was definitely going to do it if they just rolled over. She wasn't going to roll over. Don't roll over, run. She had to try. You have to run. Someone had to try.

Run. Please. Please.

So she ran.


"We're not going anywhere."

She launched herself over the rift, the buzzing of the light in her head harmonizing with the plan Beetle whispered to them. You can't possibly— there's no way he'd let you get away with— you're just letting him kill you if you— It was wild but it just might work. It had to work. They were going to make it work. So she smashed into the hydreigon while he was still reeling from Koa's onslaught, shoulder-checked his head into the semisolid cloud and held him with his stupid soggy sock puppet maw hanging open.

"Soup's on, motherfucker."

Leaf (Aux)
- Brawler Strike (Fairy, 100 BP, +3 Atk) @ Alexander

Interact: say ahh

- Koa
- Leaf
- Steven
- Astrid
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The resounding BONG from Zapdos's kick was still ringing through Steven's entire body when he sliced through one of the Sparkshades. But as soon as he hit the ground in a cloud of mist and sparks, he doubled over from the pain.

He felt it, smoldering beneath his bracer, squeezing his heart, but it wasn't his pain. It was... The Stormbringer's?

There was no time to think, though, as more shadows rained down, and then he appeared. Through a rift in the stormy sky, the Usurper King showed his face and snatched the Cyclone in his shadowy jaws.

Steven jolted forward with a cry of, "No!" but he was too slow. A bolt of golden energy ripped past his head, colliding with one of Alexander's own. Blow after blow landed, each one burning brighter than the last.

"Koa!" Steven couldn't blame the young trainer, but something was wrong... It was like the Electrike was beyond sense. Suddenly, Koa was the one between Alex's jaws, prying them open with golden paws. No! Alex couldn't have him. Alex couldn't be allowed to have anyone.

Steven shot a claw forward, searching for the lodestone in Koa's pocket. Find it. Grab it. Grab them.

He focused, expanding his magnetic field and psychic hold until he was sure, and then he pulled. Yanking Koa and Zapdos away from danger. Away from the one responsible for dredging up the Stormbringer's sorrow and turning it into his weapons.


The light was a righteous flame, a lance he wanted to drive through Alexander's heart, but something reminded him of what Powehi had said; why he saw fit to arm them against Alex with his own power. They could turn the pain Alex had stolen against itself.

With a cry, Steven drove both hands into the shadowy clouds beneath their feet. Claws shining, he lifted, peeling shadows up from the ground like a sheet. Sparks of violet light coiled around his left arm as he strained, intertwining the shadows with the barrier he raised around his allies.

If shadow was Alexander's weapon, then he would use it as his shield.

- Interact: Pull Koa and Zapdos away from Alex
- Defender Barrier (Shadow) @ Koa and Astrid
Steven had wasted no time with his motion of safety, but Koa had created a window. Precious seconds that slipped by fast as they arrived. But it was enough. And like air filling a vacuum, Astrid was there.

Fire roared in her veins, her tails, her eyes, her brain, the very air around her as she shoved off. Radiance bled from beneath her fur and sparkled with the shadow rain to form a dense miasma of lightning and ash. Sweet release. Sweet call of the void. Forwards. Forwards. Splitting through a screaming sky.

"This is my will!" she roared, as much as Zapdos as at Alexander. It was him who needed help now, him at the mercy of another's power. Their old foe didn't deserve that. So they would make damn sure their collective power would be greater. They would be too much to stop. Fire and brimstone, but she pushed through with grit teeth. Right now, they would do as they pleased.

"This is my fucking will!" she roared again, her glow getting violently brighter. Caution abandoned to the rain, she closed in fast on a gaping darkness—

Astrid (54 STM, 13 TMP, -1 SPD, +4 ACC, 26 SHD, 68 RAD)
- **Act:** Item (Ether) (+60 STM)
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -30 RAD)
- Interact @ Alexander (-3 TMP) [ENTER GULLET]
- AGILE CRITICAL RADIANT Frost Breath @ Alexander (-15 STM, +5 TMP, +9 RAD)
- CRITICAL RADIANT Frost Breath @ Alexander (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-10 STM, +6 TMP, +9 RAD)
- CRITICAL RADIANT Draining Kiss @ Alexander (-9 STM, -18 TMP, +6 TMP, +8 RAD)
- Activate feat (Spotter Feat) @ Alexander [AI]
Net change: +23 STM, +1 TMP, -20 SHD, -4 RAD
Net totals: 77 STM (127 after regen), 14 TMP, 6 SHD, 64 RAD
Turn 3
Player Phase

The Void Usurper had shown himself, here in what had once been the Divine Thunderhead, now blackened with his dark influence. And neither the Wayfarers nor Zapdos could forgive that.

Steven is guarding the party with a Shadow Barrier!
Andre's RADIANT Bullet Seed dealt 44 damage to Alexander!
Koa's AGILE Ganbatte Soul dealt 13 damage to Alexander!
Koa's RADIANT Ganbatte Soul dealt 70 damage to Alexander!
Koa's RADIANT Thunder Punch dealt a CRITICAL 111 damage to Alexander!

Koa unleashed a barrage of golden punches, and on the last one, he hooked his paws around the jaws of Alexander's right head—the one locked around Zapdos's leg—and pulled with all his might.

It was like trying to pry open the jaws of a rabid animal. Alexander snarled and bit down harder, only for Steven's magnetic field to suddenly yank both Koa and Zapdos free, leaving a bony fang embedded in Zapdos' leg—thankfully inert.

Alexander gasped with surprise, tail lashing at the ground. "WHAT do you think you're doing?!" he roared. "Do you think this will AMOUNT to anything? NO! This will be a setback of territory for me to reclaim later... but meaningless gains for you! Once I'm done with this...!"

Leaf's Fairy Strike dealt 95 damage to Alexander!

Leaf's power collided with the demon hydra, holding his central mouth open. Within his throat, a twisted swirl of fire, ice, and lightning had been building, nearly ready to fire. But just before he could launch it properly, a sudden and unexpected meal made itself known. The Hydreigon's eyes bulged and on reflex he chomped down, only to completely miss his target.

Then came the blazing Radiance that pushed Astrid further down. Alexander's attack was cut off as he grasped at his throat, light spewing from his face and nostrils, mixing with ichor that boiled in the light.

Astrid's AGILE RADIANT Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 53 damage to Alexander!
Astrid's RADIANT Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 68 damage to Alexander!
Astrid's RADIANT Draining Kiss dealt a SUPER-CRITICAL 103 damage to Alexander!

He arched his back painfully--and Astrid popped out, leaving a clean and gaping hole in the back of his throat as she went straight through him.

Astrid's Spotter Feat — Alexander's Behavior:
Astrid gained +1 Watch for her next time battling Alexander, to be used either for herself or granted to an ally. Spending it gives a 50% reduction on all effects Alexander does to them that turn.
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Turn 3
Enemy Phase

For a short few seconds, Alexander floated there, stunned in disbelief. Darkness coated the wound and covered it with more cracked scales. Ichor poured from his eyes and face as he turned around.

His mouth had been completely blasted apart. Instead, when he spoke, it was with some ethereal rattle that required no mouth.


Legendary Action: Stats Boost +1 Atk & Mag
Alexander's Dark Pulse dealt 24 damage to Koa!
Alexander's Flamethrower dealt 29 damage to Astrid!

Alexander's Thunder Fang dealt 16 damage to Zapdos!
Alexander's Ice Fang dealt 15 damage to Zapdos!

Alexander's STRONG Shadow Storm dealt 80 damage to Astrid!
Alexander's Tri Attack dealt 20 damage to Astrid! Burned!

But while the barrage of attacks rained down on everyone, Zapdos was tensed up, feathers standing on end, still trying to call on the same power he'd been reaching for since before they'd even set foot in the dungeon. It was there. He could feel it with each kick, had felt it in that moment he'd defied gravity to reach this place.

If you want to make up for something then you have to change, right?

No, fuck that. No hesitation. This guy didn't deserve hesitation. What he was doing on Forlas, what he'd done to Mhynt and gods knew how many other people - he deserved to suffer. Maybe, maybe if Andre was just angry enough, it would do something.
The world sharpened. Everything else fell away. Doubt. Fear. Caution. He could make a difference. He could help. Be a hero. Save a legendary.
It was wild but it just might work. It had to work. They were going to make it work.
No! Alex couldn't have him. Alex couldn't be allowed to have anyone.
"This is my will!" They would be too much to stop. Fire and brimstone, but she pushed through with grit teeth. Right now, they would do as they pleased.

Talons stamped the solid clouds underfoot, radiating golden sparks. Jagged feathers blazed with sunlight, slashing through the lightless plains.

"That was their unbridled will. And this is mine."

Radiant Thunderous Soul!!

Zapdos's STRONG RADIANT Thunderous Soul dealt 23+30+48 to Alexander!

Alexander was without words. An almost somber, calculating expression took over, rather than the jeering taunts from before. Something had changed. And soon, Alexander was gone—stealing away his Void Swarms, along with some of the Stormbringer's lightning constructs—one in each hand-maw.

Zapdos sprinted after the demon hydra in a rush of gold light, but he was gone, vanished through a rift. Off to some other dungeon, some other fight. But their fight, here, was not yet over. That dark mockery of the Stormbringer was still here, still surrounded by those infinitely-regenerating stormshades, readying another hail of shadow lightning.

Zapdos turned to the Wayfarers. "Seems I owe you offworlders a favor... How about this?"

Zapdos dashed to Windswept Ridge
Zapdos focused...
Legendary Action: Sure Crit
Legendary Action: Multi-Enemy Targeting
Zapdos's CRITICAL RADIANT Thunderous Kick dealt 127 to all of the remaining Sparkshades, and 63 to the Stormbringer! -1 Def

"Keep your will burning until this is finished!"

[✅] Objective: Repel the Void Usurper.
[✅] Objective: Free Zapdos.
[✅] Objective: Demonstrate what your Radiance means to Zapdos.
[ ] Objective: Destroy the False Stormbringer.
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Something sent a rogue signal to Astrid's brain telling her to pass out as she cleaved through gaseous flesh where she expected a solid wall, and she nearly did. Maybe it was just the rush of blood, or Radiance. Could've been a ton of things. But she was still awake. Instinct took over and the war begun its next act.

"I will die on my own terms," she snarled, taking a burst of heat to the face and seeking out the taste of the pain. Scorch marks painted her side, actual flames licked at the ends of her jostled fur—but most of it could not be seen, drowned out instead by a harsher, hotter white that burned hotter still as Alexander left. He left.

Astrid fumed at that. A drive-by. A box to check. As if he couldn't stay! As if they weren't even worth it! Leverage they hadn't earned. That they would have earned. Thunderous rage crackled at the tips of her tails, so intense that the pouring shadows bent around it. Some slipped by and trailed closer to her, drawn in instead of out, but those too were obliterated by the sheer heat. She would find him again soon. Okay. Fuck. For now, if she couldn't continue her dance with a coward, that only left one loose end on the field.

"It will burn long after," she replied to Zapdos, her voice corrupted but even.

Astrid (127 STM, 14 TMP, +0 SPD, +6 ACC, 6 SHD, 64 RAD)
- Walk to Windbreak Ridge
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -30 RAD)
- AGILE CRITICAL RADIANT Frost Breath @ Stormbringer (-15 STM, +5 TMP, +9 RAD)
- CRITICAL RADIANT Frost Breath @ Stormbringer (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-10 STM, +6 TMP, +9 RAD)
- CRITICAL RADIANT Draining Kiss @ Stormbringer (-9 STM, -18 TMP, +6 TMP, +8 RAD)
- RADIANT Vacuum Wave @ Stormbringer (-5 STM, -3 TMP, +6 TMP, +4 RAD)
- RADIANT Vacuum Wave @ Stormbringer (-7.5 STM, -3 TMP, +6 TMP, +4 RAD)
Net change: -47 STM, +10 TMP, -6 SHD, +4 RAD
Net totals: 80 STM (130 after regen), 24 TMP, 0 SHD, 68 RAD
Steven's barrier fell in time with his arms. He knew he should feel tired-- his left hand jittered and twitched, forcing him to steady it with the other-- but the only thing the light let him feel was invigorated.

Rayquaza above... They'd done it.

Astrid blew a hole in the back of Alexander's throat. Zapdos's Radiance vaporized the remaining shades in an instant. It was awe-inspiring. Not just the Saint's power, but their own.

There was no doubt in his mind they could vanquish the shadows corrupting the Relic and its dungeon. Just like he'd told Zapdos from the start. Pride burned brightly in Steven's chest, banishing the stinging fatigue from his brush with the shadows, and with it the tremors in his left hand.

Mind and body bolstered, Steven readied himself to jump back into the fray, but movement at his side made him hesitate. Koa. The young trainer's fur bristled as he snarled and snapped, looking ready to take on an army even though a lone enemy remained. The tide of the battle had turned, but it was like he couldn't see it--

Steven reached out with his good arm and grasped Koa's shoulder to get his attention. He had to work to keep his own Radiance-fuled voice even.

"Hey, Koa?" he began, holding fast to the Electrike's shoulder, making damn sure Koa was looking at him, listening to him. "Remember what the Wandering Light said? About Radiance?"

He squeezed Koa's shoulder a little tighter. "Keep your will burning, but don't let it burn out of control. Okay?"

Steven kept his grip steady for a moment longer, long enough to make sure Koa's golden eyes met his own, before letting go. They still had a battle to win-- more than one if Alexander's retreat meant anything-- and they needed Radiance's power to dispel the shadows. But he also wanted to make sure Koa was still around by battle's end...

After all, fire was greedy; it consumed until there was nothing left.

- Call @ Koa
"You're the one who's nothing." Koa snarled as Alexander retreated. The words thrummed with unnatural energy and his eyes shone with wild triumphant light. It had worked! Zapdos was free and Astrid had just tore a hole through him! They could beat him.

He could stop it from happening again. He clutched the light tighter, ignoring the burn. No need for doubt, for fear. Only for helping to get back that Relic.

"Keep your will burning until this is finished!"

Koa grinned brightly. The path was clear. One more onslaught. "Hahhah! Nice one, Zapdos that's what I call using your power!" His grin shifted, his eyes glinting dangerously gold. "Time to finish this thing off!"

"Hey, Koa?" he began, holding fast to the Electrike's shoulder, making damn sure Koa was looking at him, listening to him. "Remember what the Wandering Light said? About Radiance?"

He squeezed Koa's shoulder a little tighter. "Keep your will burning, but don't let it burn out of control. Okay?"
A split second before he could take off and launch himself at the false legend, a voice and a touch broke through the steady hum of light in his thoughts. Someone gripping him, saying something to him. Go away! He had a fight to win- Words. Not important, he had to finish this, had to save the Relic- Sound caught up to him and his brain finally processed what Steven said.

Don't let it burn out of control.

With that came Luz's voice, in the back of his mind, so long ago. Warning him. If he lost his head here, what would she think? - She was wrong about you. For a jarring moment, he was standing in the midst of a different storm. A pokeball in his hand, Zeraora in front of him and blind certainty in his heart.

No. He blinked, then breathed. And breathed again. Forced himself to feel the sting of the rain, the cloud underfoot, Steven's grip on his shoulder. To remember. Odette's lessons, Archie's faith, Steven's reassurance. The buzz grew softer, and the incessant burning faded to a warm glow.

"Yeah... Yeah, thanks Steven..." His voice still thrummed, but less noticeable now. Tempered. There was no need to burn himself out to vanquish a few shadows. He set his sights on the false legendary. "Let's finish this. Together."

This time, he paused, waited for the perfect opportunity and then struck with precise, shining blows.

Koa (82 STM, 11 TMP, +1 SPD, -1 ACC, 50 SHD, 72 RAD)
- Walk to Ridge
- Receive (Call) (+3 TMP, -10 SHD, -10 RAD)
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -30 SHD, -20 RAD)
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -30 SHD, -20 RAD)
- RADIANT Mach Punch @ Stormbringer (-6 STM, -5 TMP, +3 TMP, +6 RAD)
- STRONG CRITICAL RADIANT Thunder Punch @ Stormbringer (-21 STM, -20 TMP, +5 TMP, +14 RAD)
Net change: -26 STM, -4 TMP, -50 SHD, -30 RAD
Net totals: 56 STM (104 after regen), 7 TMP, 0 SHD, 42 RAD
Light exploded from the back of Alexander's head. Leaf grinned, manic, shining, and then everything went dark. A storm crashed down on them from all three of his heads, not wind and lightning but all searing acid and choking ice and crushing blackness that almost washed her away. She scrambled at the half-solid clouds, tried to dig in, just had to hold on, run, hold on, weather the storm—

Then... gone. Gone and dragged the swarms and shades down to hell with him. Battered, they'd done it, hell yeah, but not broken, of course not, not yet. Back to the Voidlands, or...

She stopped, forced herself to take a ragged breath in spite of the static in the air rising again. If he could show up here, then probably he could reach the others. They'd be okay, of course they would, but they couldn't stay here long. Had to get through this first. Secure the relic. And then chase Alexander back to the heart of all this and crush him once and for all.

"Almost there," she said, nodding at Zapdos and then charging. "Can't stop moving forward 'til it's done."

Leaf (Aux)
- RADIANT Support (+1 Mag [3]) @ Astrid

- Leaf
- Steven
- Astrid
- Koa
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