I have a simple question. After parsing a page for PHP, will a server reparse to look for PHP that appeared as a result of previous PHP, or to look for anything it missed?
For example, the contents of examplepage.php are:
<?php include ('file.txt');?>
And the contents of file.txt are:
<?php echo ('Hello World!');?>
So the server looks at examplepage.php, and includes file.txt, but file.txt also contains some PHP. Do visitors see <?php echo ('Hello World');?> or Hello World! on examplepage.php?
For example, the contents of examplepage.php are:
<?php include ('file.txt');?>
And the contents of file.txt are:
<?php echo ('Hello World!');?>
So the server looks at examplepage.php, and includes file.txt, but file.txt also contains some PHP. Do visitors see <?php echo ('Hello World');?> or Hello World! on examplepage.php?