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Novelux Downtown Novelux

Jackie Cat

A cat who writes stories.
Heartache staff
they or she
Out in the plains, forests, and mountains of rural – or more remote – civilisation, one can live as a person among people. In a true city, a city of steel and glass and electric lights, the individual is one of tens – even hundreds – of thousands, all flowing through its totalising systems of finance and transport and legislation like blood through veins, arteries, capillaries.

Visitors said that Novelux could be home to more than a million pokémon by the turn of the century, rivalling even the great Magna City for the title 'jewel of the Commonwealth'. Locals said it could be the capital one day. All marvelled, and called it 'the City of Brilliance'.

For now, nearly half a million hearts and minds populated its growing expanse, and with the growing crowds came growing noise. The City of Brilliance roared with growling tram cars, buzzing busybodies, and volleys of airborne 'mon flitting from height to height. Electric lights pulsed and glowed throughout the beating heart of the downtown area, the proof of the city's modernity, its forward-thinking dedication to new technology and news ways of living. Whether one was headed to work, school, or home, the passing citizens would always have something to say – be it the latest talk of fashion and culture, the latest revolutionary invention from the city's brightest minds, or the latest cautionary tale from within this glittering cage of brick and steel.

The city's name meant new light in Old Tenacindean. It had always been a city of progress and hope for the future, founded to resolve settlement disputes in the midwest and bring together the disparate groups of the region. The core of the city's economy was Copperridge Wharf, now grown into a sizeable shipping port and rail hub linking east to west. Since then, the eccentric Rotom genius and popular darling Howard Sparkwright had made his name as an inventor and entrepreneur, patenting everything from affordable filament lightbulbs, to electrified trams, to the first ever air conditioning systems. Progress marched on, driven by promising young graduates of the Howard Sparkwright Polytechnic Institute.

But progress was driven not by ideas alone, but by business. Many captains of industry – Archaludon Lennox Fermlein and Perrserker Erwina I. Barovelt foremost among them – have built fabulously successful companies in the city to capitalise on its growing economy, and industry could be seen in every corner of Novelux. Everywhere one looked, alliterative advertisements clamoured for attention: Smoke Serracan Cigars! Win big at Cobalt Casino! Drink Silas' Sarsaparilla! Eat out at Dwight Dry Delights! Patronise the Corvin Concert Club! Visit the Museum of Everlasting Brilliance! Watch battles at the Dunsmuir Duel Dome!

Buy bonds! Buy stocks! Buy utilities! Buy the latest thing!

Buy, buy, buy!

Many thanks to @MintyMimix for helping with the writeup.
[Ch06] ~ Diverse Demonstrations
Hustle and bustle! Any 'mon not used to a proper city would surely find Novelux blisteringly fast, loud, and confusing. Even the smells blared from all corners. At least the trams were predictable on their fixed paths and fixed timetables, and there were clear lanes for pedestrians of different sizes, or else one would certainly risk being crushed if they took a walk in the street as an undersized species...

Wherever two major streets intersected, there were often plazas and squares with street food vendors, buskers, newsagents, hawkers of petty wares, and various other 'mon trying to make their way in the world. Also – demonstrators. Of the political kind.

"Fermlein Steel is buying out our city!" roared a scruffy-faced Pangoro, his teeth clamped like a vice on a fat Serracan cigar. He pointed and spread his arms from atop a few stacked wooden pallets. "Nobody voted for Lennox Fermlein, but who's making the decisions for the working 'mon in Novelux? Not the mayor, no! He's bought and paid for, by Lennox Fermlein and the rest of the industrialist mob!"

He really could bellow, and he'd gathered something of a crowd, if only because his swinging gestures – backed by a few hundred pounds of muscle – deterred anyone from hanging too close, slowing foot traffic. He wore a flatcap of the kind that was common among the working class of Novelux, and a heavy coat of indeterminate colour, its material obscured by grime, soot, and oil stains. Beneath that, a slightly smarter-looking waistcoat.

"Plumbing in Copperridge is more expensive every year, but does it work? No! We're lucky if our taps run, and luckier still if they run clear! Every year we're told that public services need just a little more investment! Every year, public services go up for auction to the highest bidder! And if you don't like the service, what's the alternative? Ha! Bottled water from your Water-typed neighbours, if you're lucky enough to have them! There's no competition, no free market! People's goods and people's services are chips in the poker games of the well-to-do!"

"Go tell the Vanguard about it!" jeered another 'mon, immediately lost in the crowd.

"Who said that? Wanna stand here and debate me to my face?" growled Pangoro, with a menacing scowl.

The heckler did not reappear.

Further up the street, crowds of 'mon gathered to marvel at some vehicle with a gleaming bronze paintjob – recogniseable to some offworlders as an automobile. In the other direction, a picket line barred entry to a building – a workers strike? Protestors? Either way... Technological extravagance and economic tensions existed within a hundred yards of each other in Novelux, in the year 181...
Out of all his experiences in Forlas, Archie never thought he would have found a place that would remind himself so clearly of home – of Castelia City. But Novelux was that place. Stepping off the train and into the city for the first time took his breath away. Novelux had it all – the bustling crowds, though of Pokemon rather than Humans, the general clamor of noise, the sparkling water and steady labor of an industrial port, even if it lack the salty smell of the sea, being merely built on a large lake. One thing it didn’t lack, to the Dewott’s surprise, was the whiff of gasoline. Though cars were few and far between, a few trundled down the streets, cutting through the crowds with the occasional indignant honk of their horns.

Archie could survive, and even thrive, in the small towns and wild places. From Unova’s Route 4 to Treasure Town, from Frontier Town to the wilds of Forlas. But those places could never truly be home to him. Novelux, on the other hand, could be. The Dewott found himself weaving through the crowds with practiced ease, moving from the city’s industrial heart to its commercial core. As much as he would enjoy sightseeing, the important thing was finding a place to set up lodgings for the medium to long term. Officially, he was here in his capacity as a Bounty Hunter, tracking down an outlaw Quaquaval and his gang. He’d even brought a copy of Miror B.’s wanted poster, folded up in his coat pocket, to ask people about. That they all were a bunch of human interlopers to Forlas was a fact that could stay under the table.

He told himself not to allow himself to get too distracted by the sights and sounds around him… Only for his attention to be caught by a rabble rousing Pangoro. Distracted enough that he allowed himself to slowly be shuffled forward to the front of the crowd listening to the bear, as other Pokemon trying to go about their business did their best to weave around the throng. Seemed like in the imperial core, just as much as the colonies, the horrors of capitalism were alive and well in Forlas. That, too, was much like the Castelia City he remembered. He had to wonder, how much of all this was original to this world, and how much of it was the flawed ideals imported by humanity?
So, that was Novelux, one of the most modern — if not the most modern — cities of the region. Silver had heard a few rumors from some clients by the barbershop, who vouched plenty about its beauties and technology, but he hadn’t really gotten the time to check that place out until recently.

Even then, he didn’t exactly know why he had decided to explore that city. Perhaps it was the need for some fresh air, or maybe he needed some distraction after nearly succumbing to those dark wraiths a thought that still clenched his guts from time to time, no matter how much he tried to deny it, or maybe he simply needed to not think too hard about his inter-dimensional not-father.

Whatever was his subconscious reasoning for his decision, he was kinda glad he had taken the chance to explore the city. While the constant noises and chatters of passerby ‘mons were annoying and tough to filter out, they also felt… comfortably familiar. They reminded him of his various times walking by the shining and warm streets of Goldenrod City, and he idly wondered if that city had the equivalent of a mall, too.

For the first time since he reached Forlas, Silver could almost feel… human.

Silver whistled, clearly intrigued. “Whoa, gotta say that this place is truly something!” he mused aloud, glancing curiously at his surroundings and properly ignoring the loud publicity and political speeches. His ears twitched at the mention of the Vanguard and he peered at the crowd to try spotting whoever shouted that taunt, but to no avail.

Hmmm… Come to think of it, those guys must be avoiding this place like a Beedrill nest…

“So! Shall we look for some attraction or point of interest?” he asked the others, turning his gaze back to the group. “I’m far from the tourist type, but heck! I’m really curious to see what this place has to offer!”
He was broken from his thoughts by Silver’s voice, coming through clearly while the Pangoro took a break from his harangue to glare in the direction of wherever that heckler’s voice had come from. He turned back towards the Sneasel, squeezing through the crowd to reappear by his side. He appreciated the fellow mustelid’s company, but he’d actually gotten so wrapped up in their surroundings he’d momentarily forgotten he was there.

“Should probably find a place to stay before anything else,” he said, “Don’t want to risk having to scramble around after dark trying to find a place.”

Cities could be dangerous places when one didn't know them well. Though Archie doubted any Wayfarer would have too much trouble if they stumbled into a rougher neighborhood, they still probably didn't want to draw too much attention to themselves getting into fights with the locals. And of course, a Pokemon didn't need to assault you to pick your pocket, a thought that caused Archie to reach into the interior breast pocket of his coat he'd stashed his coins in, just to prove to himself that they were all still there.

Still, after a moment, he did allow his serious expression to lighten, “Though, I can’t say that duel dome place doesn’t have me curious. It may be worth checking out the college, too.”
Pangoro, not finding his heckler, planted a paw on his hip and took a long drag of his cigar. There was a mind at work behind those narrowed eyes, considering something deeply. His ranting was a series of prepared (or at least practised) statements. This was a 'mon who thought things through.

"You two make an odd couple," he remarked, after a moment.

It was unclear for a second who he meant. Then he stepped into the street, and the presence of his dark bulk caused a black, boxy limousine to swerve around the two Wayfarers. There weren't many cars here – and those that were stank of wealth.

In any case, Pangoro had been addressing Archie and Silver, then.

"Those accents – Magna? No, not quite, something else. And you, somewhere in Tsainan? Hrrm..."

The giant 'mon shook his head and gestured thoughtfully with his smoke.

"Either way, this is your first time in town, ain't it? I'm taking my break, if you need directions or anything."

The bear grinned indulgently, and sucked deeply on his cigar again.
Silver hummed contemplatively at Archie’s suggestion, his gaze almost neutral.

Truthfully, finding a place where to sleep had never been a priority for him, at least not when compared to food and training. A stubborn remnant from his younger Trainer days, since money had always been extremely tight for him as an unsponsored Trainer, so he was used to sacrificing the comfort of a bed in an inn or capsule hotel to camp out or even sleep in the cold streets.

Of course, that became less of a concern when he got a higher Trainer ranking and he got a bigger daily budget, but even then… he was strong! He could handle one less luxury or so!

However, knowing how Archie worried about his friends, it probably was a bad idea to shrug off the matter. After all, he got a point.

“…Okay, then. Place where to spend the night first and exploration later,” Silver said with a nod, then he frowned. “Now, if only we had a city map or something…”

Silver trailed off when a new voice joined the conversation, and the now-Sneasel turned to the imposing bear-like ‘mon by their side. He traded a narrowed gaze with him — was it that obvious that they were foreigners?

“Huh, yeah. This is our first time in Novelux, sir,” he said, crossing his arms to hide the wariness in his posture. “Directions… Yeah, we could use ‘em. Mostly for basic stuff, like affordable accommodation and restaurants and stuff.” He tilted his head, his eyes glinting with curiosity. “D’you have any nice suggestion?”
The Sneasel didn’t seem all that convinced. Then again, he was a Trainer, they were as used to roughing it out in the wild as Archie and the Rangers were, and, if Silver’s world was anything like his, Pokemon Centers always had lodgings available to travelers once they did reach the various towns. A place to rest had probably never needed to be high up on the Sneasel’s list of concerns, and, to be fair, it had never been high up on Archie’s until he’d ended up on a world without such creature comforts. As an Adventurer, reaching a new settlement usually involved two things, finding a place to stay, and then presenting themselves to the local Guild Branch – if one was present.

Eventually, though, Silver did come around to the idea, or at least decide to humor the Dewott. He was about to ask the Sneasel if any particular places had caught his eye, but they were interrupted before he could. The Pangoro from earlier – apparently finished with his speech – had taken notice of them. Specifically, he took notice of the way they spoke. He gave the bear a placid smile and a tip of the hat in greeting. This wouldn’t be the first him he ended being associated with members of his species from further east.

“Just got off the train this morning. I’m Archie, this is Silver,” he said, nodding towards the Sneasel. Said Sneasel was already taking the lead on questioning the bear, so the Dewott figured he could do introductions. “And you are?”
This was a mistake.

A big-- no, huge mistake.

Why did Nova get on that train? Why did he think he was ready to set foot in a city? Just because he'd facetanked a fucking meteor didn't mean he was ready for a bombardment of sights and sounds. When he'd stumbled from the train and out of the station, Nova went stiff as a board. Bright lights all around him. Shouts and cries coming from this way and that. His bat-like ears hearing calls both near and far. Mind racing trying to piece them together. Swirls of colors from grounded and flying pokémon blurring together.

Had he come with other Wayfarers? He'd lost them to the crowd. He blindly stumbled forward.

Mhynt had cleaned off the void ash and made him look... not totally haggard. But he was still covered in desert dirt. Far from presentable. Which, on top of his overall appearance, was going to make problems.

People were bumping into him. No, he was bumping into them, judging by their angry shouts and occasional thwacks against his flanks.

Instincts screamed at him to go back to the train. To head back to the desert. Where it was quieter and open.

But somehow, luck was on his side just enough to catch sight of a familiar sneasel and dewott. Along with some sort of pangoro he didn't recognize. Already rattled, Nova's fur prickled. He ducked behind a wagon getting pulled down the street to slip the fairy drive into his cheek bolt. His turquoise glow faded to salmon. Nova popped back up and marched toward them, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on Archie's outfit. Staring at one specific point could help drown out everything else.

"Hey, sorry. I... got a bit overwhelmed and lost you two," he said, trying not to acknowledge the stranger that had accosted them. Since most of his memories of time in cities involved him doing that very thing with malicious intent.
“Huh, yeah. This is our first time in Novelux, sir,” he said, crossing his arms to hide the wariness in his posture. “Directions… Yeah, we could use ‘em. Mostly for basic stuff, like affordable accommodation and restaurants and stuff.” He tilted his head, his eyes glinting with curiosity. “D’you have any nice suggestion?”
“Just got off the train this morning. I’m Archie, this is Silver,” he said, nodding towards the Sneasel. Said Sneasel was already taking the lead on questioning the bear, so the Dewott figured he could do introductions. “And you are?”

"The name's Wyatt," replied the Pangoro, tipping his flatcap. "Archie and Silver, allow me to welcome ya both to the City of Brilliance."

He looked left and right, gauging the flow of foot traffic (and occasional motorised vehicles).

"Directions, I can give. What they'll be kinda depends, though." He grinned at the expressions on their faces. "Mostly on the coin in your pocket. Got any silver, Silver?" Wyatt chuckled. "I'm not charging you, I'm just sayin'... you get the venue you pay for."

"Hey, sorry. I... got a bit overwhelmed and lost you two," he said, trying not to acknowledge the stranger that had accosted them.

Wyatt raised a brow and sunk a paw into his overcoat.

"Woah, hey. What manner of 'mon are you, new guy?"

He extended his free paw for a shake.

"Pangoro Wyatt, workingmon's advocate. Welcome to Novelux."
Nova looked at the paw, then at his talons, then back at the paw. He'd... sorta forgotten handshakes recently, hadn't he. And his claws were still kinda dirty, but he offered his chitinous talons anyway.

"Graydian," he said. Did he actually count as a 'new' species with the helmet gone? Ehh, whatever. "Endangered species of sorts." After a pause, he continued, "Not familiar with that kind of job. Are you, like, someone who finds jobs for pokémon who want them?"

... Maybe that meteor had hit him harder than he thought.
To be honest, Archie had kind of figured that Nova had gone off to do his own exploring. He’d always seemed the capable, independent sort. So, seeing him shuffle through the crowd like an oversized lost puppy, only to make a beeline for them once he’d picked them out from the mob, painted the Graydian in a different light than the Dewott was used to. He hadn’t realized this would be so hard for Nova. Once the larger Pokemon reached them, the otter reached up to give the chimera a comforting pat on the shoulder, then turned his attention back to the Pangoro, Wyatt.

“Doesn’t need to be anywhere too fancy, just a place to lay our heads at the end of the day,” Archie said, “Obviously has to be large enough to fit Nova here comfortably.”

He shot the Graydian a grin, once again finding himself surprised at just how out of his depth Nova seemed to be finding himself. “I think he’s more like a union organizer. Trying to make sure that workers get a fair deal from their bosses. Good pay, benefits, decent hours, that kind of stuff.”

If Forlas’s history was anything like that of Archie’s world, the struggle the Pangoro was engaged in would be long, and often bloody. The Dewott had to wonder if the bear had a weapon hidden in the coat pocket that paw had sunk into. He’d seen Odette’s gun enough to know that a Pokemon’s natural strength and abilities weren’t the only things one had to rely on in this world.
"Union?" Nova tilted his head. Unions were like nations, right? And he was about to let that slip, but that could have given off red flags of his offworlder status. He could only say so much and still come across only like an ignorant 'mon living off the reservation. "I guess... jobs are very powerful here." The chimera looked around at the larger buildings, then fixed his gaze on the corner of a sign so all the colors stopped swirling together.
Silver turned his head to acknowledge Nova’s presence, and what was a neutral expression shifted into a concerned frown. The tension spewing from the chimera’s body, the barely noticeable jittery motions, the way he seemed to do anything in his power to focus on something… anything to keep his mind off of whatever was troubling him.

Overwhelmed. Nova was clearly overwhelmed, perhaps going through a sensory overload.

Slowly, Silver reached out for the chimera and gave him a few slow pats on the highest spot he could reach — which ended up being barely below Nova’s shoulder — in a quiet attempt to offer support. We’re here, was his implicit message.

With his paw not leaving Nova’s dark pelt, Silver looked back at the panda Wyatt, his brow quirking at the little joke. “Well, I can’t say to be swimming in a lot of moolah, but I know how expensive cities tend to be, so I brought with me a… reasonable budget,” he answered, trying to not give away too much info. “But yeah, we don’t really need anything too fancy. Just as long as it’s safe and comfortable, any place is fair game.”
“Doesn’t need to be anywhere too fancy, just a place to lay our heads at the end of the day,” Archie said, “Obviously has to be large enough to fit Nova here comfortably.”
“Well, I can’t say to be swimming in a lot of moolah, but I know how expensive cities tend to be, so I brought with me a… reasonable budget. But yeah, we don’t really need anything too fancy. Just as long as it’s safe and comfortable, any place is fair game.”

Wyatt nodded, one corner of his mouth curving up. "Fair enough. Don't worry, I know folks new to town always worry about space for big 'mon, but hey, just look at me!"

The Pangoro knuckle-tapped his chest with a dull thump. He was large even for his species, with a body mass comparable to Nova's.

"Alright, well, maybe I can help you. Workingmon's advocate has gotta know about where to get a bite and a bed with whatever's in your pockets."

"Not familiar with that kind of job. Are you, like, someone who finds jobs for pokémon who want them?"
“I think he’s more like a union organizer. Trying to make sure that workers get a fair deal from their bosses. Good pay, benefits, decent hours, that kind of stuff.”
"Union? I guess... jobs are very powerful here."

Wyatt grinned, bracing his paws in his coat pockets. "Archie has it right. There's a battle goin' on for the soul of industry in this city, friends. I do what I can to tell Bennie Bidoof on the streets about his labour rights, and by earth's teeth, I'll show that we've nothing to fear from Larceny Lennox."

The bear's confident smirk was wide enough to plaster on a billboard. There was certainly more to what he was saying than just the surface meaning of his words...
It took Nova a couple of seconds to realize 'Larceny Lennox' was a teasing name referring to a person. One that it didn't sound like Wyatt had the highest opinion of from the sound of it.

"Never heard of any Lennox," Nova said. Maybe one of these big signs had a picture of them? Though looking around made his fur start to prickle again. "I take it they're kind of a big shot around here?"
Wyatt nodded, and snorted derisively.

"Our beloved second mayor," he said, his deadpan delivery still recogniseably sarcastic. "Yeah, he's a big shot. Archaludon Lennox Fermlein owns Fermlein Steel and half the other big businesses in Novelux. Give it enough time and do little enough about it, and he'll own the city."
Oh, how lovely! It seemed like not even the Old Wild West was safe from the dastardly plague known as capitalism.

“Hmph! So, someone’s aiming for a monopoly of sorts?” he grumbled, his blood heating as swift memories of his family’s business flashed through his mind. Then he crossed his arms, reigning his temper in. “How’s the situation? I suppose not many folks are all too happy about whatever business he’s doing, right?”
“Something tells me Lennox Fermlein’s position in city government isn’t exactly official,” Archie said to Nova, “more like, he’s bribing city officials to do what he wants under the table.”

At least, if the Dewott was understanding Wyatt correctly, that sounded likely to be the case. Some good old fashion corruption that likely went all the way up to the mayor’s office. Hell, probably went further than that, probably all the way to the capital back east. Still, something about the Pangoro seemed a little gated. Archie would hesitate to call Wyatt fake, but he got the feeling there was more going on than what the bear was saying. Well, they had just met, so it made sense the Dark Type might want to keep his cards close to his chest.

“Seems like it’s all the same regardless of where you turn,” he hummed. Always people willing to turn a blind eye as long as they got the cash, and people with the cash to spend. Didn’t matter if one was human or Pokemon.
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