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[Ch01] ~ Fourth
  • It worked! I can reach you in dreams. It is not at all ideal, but it is a start. It is so much easier now that all of you are gathered together.

    Hmm? Voice of the Desert? I do not know what that is. Is that what you are calling me?

    I am trying hard to help. I am linking your spirits when you enter battle together, so that you may coordinate with ease against all your foes.

    I will try to help in other ways, but there are many limits to what I can do... Please forgive me.
    [Ch01] ~ Fifth
  • Hello?

    I am trying to reach out again, but it is becoming more difficult, as it was before.
    Maybe I just need to concentrate harder...
    Could you please—
    together, then
    —could help
    in battle. If it comes to that. But
    hear me?

    connection lost

    [Ch02] ~ I Will Always Be With You
  • Heroic spirits! Can you hear me?
    I am proud of you for persevering in battle against a much stronger foe. Our connection was strong when you fought alongside each other – so long as you fight together, I will always be with you.
    I am still not yet strong enough to reach out and speak with you outside of battle, however. I am so sorry. I know that many of you are frustrated because of this... I promise to keep trying my best.
    If you wish to speak with me outside of dreams or battle, perhaps you will be able to if you travel to a mystery dungeon. These are places where the walls of the world are thin, and we may be able to hear each other more clearly.
    Good luck, heroic spirits. Already I am sure you have done much to help the people of this world. Please keep going – whatever it was that defeated the hero who asked for you, I believe you will be strong enough to face it if you face it together.
    I will wait for when I can hear you again. Goodbye, until then...

    [Ch03] ~ Third Warning
  • [Ch03] ~ Two Truths

  • You want to be heroes. Yet you are playing out the first act of a long tragedy.

    You must learn that you may act bravely, with noble intentions, and still do great harm.

    If you do not master the Darkness in your souls, you will fall into the Abyss.

    Do not return to Black Water.

    [Ch04] ~ Chatting With the Darkness
  • [Ch06] Finale ~ Umbral Accord
  • Though those Wayfarers still in Whisperwind Comb would not receive the message, there were still many in the surface world who would. Whether through true dreaming sleep, or shallow rest that let Dark Matter's voice enter their minds, they would hear Powehi speak. And perhaps they would sense, in their souls, the pull of his bottomless reservoir of Shadow.

    Hear me, Wayfarers. The risk you represent is now eclipsed by another threat. This world has need of your service after all...

    Powehi's voice, though time-worn and thick with the bassy distortions of Shadow energy, was as matter-of-fact as ever. Every ill feeling imaginable was faintly discernible in his tone, but such was the nature of Dark Matter.

    The hydra-würm Alexander has grown too powerful. In his arrogance, he covets power that would let him consume this world.

    I cannot safely expel him from Forlas alone.

    I ask now for your aid.
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