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Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

The battle was over in a flash and flurry of movement as they rushed the insect pokemon. Koa got two good blows in before he found himself somewhat winded and drew back. And then it was over. A flash of claws, and a blast of ice and the spider pokemon lay unconscious in the dust.

Panting, Koa stared, still slightly stunned. Their first fight had gone surprisingly well. Glancing around, he saw the others, winded but mostly unharmed. They'd won. He was more than happy to oblige when Nico called for a brief rest.

Koa found himself subconsciously humming along to the strange cleffa's song. He watched curiously as the Sneasel moved the spiders out of the way ever so gently. Maybe it was a respect thing... wild pokemon here probably didn't get up as quickly as back home. He made a mental note to try and follow her example next time.

She looked over to the electrike and decided now'd be the best time to ask. "So uh, I didn't get your name. Mine's Isidora."

Oh thank goodness. For a moment he worried he'd have to awkwardly act like he hadn't probably forgotten everyone's name.

"Koamaru," he replied. "Good job out there Isidora."

Taking a deep breath he tried to conserve his strength.

Koa (15 STM, 1 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
Net change: +0 STM, +10 TMP
Net totals: 15 STM (35 after regen), 11 TMP
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The party took a breather. Ridley's Howl buffed the party!
Isidora moved the defeated foes aside.
Nico gave Isidora an approving glance, and helped her shift the fainted spiders back into the tall grass and out of sight of predators.

"Always nice when I'm not the only guy looking out for bugs and such," he murmured, quietly. "Wild 'mon like that are too territorial to reason with in an emergency, but that doesn't mean we can't show them some basic decency."

Nico will remember that.

"Alright," said the bird, a moment later. "Let's pick up the pace! I'm sure I spotted wagon canvas a little further ahead. Look!"

Nico pecked and scraped at the dry soil until he'd indicated a very rough approximation of their surroundings.

Check the Combat Sheet for a map of the battlefield, showing zones, the environmental and terrain conditions, and the locations of units.


"Pretty sure there'll be more bugs ahead, so, get ready to fight your way through. Here, I'll give you a favourable wind—!"

And with that, the ranger took to the air and flew further through the field, a brisk and invigorating breeze rising from the dust to join him. It wasn't long before he was firing off more jolts of electricity at more bugs, exactly as he'd expected.

Nico's Tailwind raised the party's Spd!
Nico Dashed to Crawler's Spur with Quick Attack and dealt 7 dmg to a nincada!
Nico's Thunder Shock dealt 4 dmg! It's not at all effective...
The wild nincada reacted!
Harden! +1 Def!

"Aw, nuts!" he cried. "They're ground-types! And it looks to me like they're way tougher against physical attacks! I need a hand!"

Nico's Combat Intel: the nincada have 30 Defense and 16 Resistance!
Special attacks will deal more damage relative to physical attacks against these foes.
Use Critical Hits to penetrate +Def stages!
[ ] Objective: KO or scare off the nincada. (0/3)
[ ] Objective: find the supply wagon!
Player Phase 3
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Koa picked himself up and pressed ahead after Nico, only to realize in dismay that their opponents now were a group of Nincada. Pokemon he had no interest in fighting, not at their current strength level. But maybe... He'd encountered his fair share of antsy wild pokemon asking for battles, and a snarl from Rascal or a glare from Anubis had been enough to send them packing.

"Let's give them a good scare!" he called. He didn't have the size advantage but against small bugs like Nincada it shouldn't matter.

Koa let his instincts guide him, drawing back his lips into a snarl and fixing them in a glare. Body tensed, ears back and his tail stiff. Don't mess with us.

Then he tipped his head back and howled. A long drawn out rising note, an ominous cry and call to arms. He did his best to imitate the ferocity he knew from his own Houndoom, ending the cry with a warning note. Back off!

Koa (35 STM, 14 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to Crawler's Spur
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Howl (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Interact @ Nincada (-3 TMP)
Net change: -18 STM, +4 TMP
Net totals: 17 STM (27 after regen), 18 TMP
"Let's give them a good scare!" he called. He didn't have the size advantage but against small bugs like Nincada it shouldn't matter.

"Aye, Koa. I was just thinking the same thing!" Felin padded forward, her back arched upward and her fangs out in the open as she hissed.

Her fur prickled like a thousand needles across her body, making her appear bigger. Suddenly she pounced a pace forward and drew her eyes to slits as she grinned.

She licked her lips and said, "Fear us, if you dare."

Felin (42 STM, 16 TMP, 1 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to Crawlers Spur
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Trailblaze @ [TARGET] (-15 STM, +3 TMP)
- Interact @ Pounce on the ground to frighten the bugs with Trailblaze (-3 TMP)
Net change: -15 STM, +5 TMP
Net totals: 27 STM (38 after regen), 21 TMP
"Let's give them a good scare!" he called.
Right, we could! Isidora ran in along with her companions, stopping in line with them before hissing and channeling her energy into her glare. Her eyes flashed a pure, intimidating white, adding to it by baring her claws and readying an Ice Shard, their icy form threatening to make quick work of the nincada if they decided to mess with them.

Isidora (43 STM, 15 TMP, 1 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to Crawler's Spur
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Leer @ Nincada (-14 STM, +2 TMP)
- Interact @ Bare icy claws to intimidate Nincada (-3 TMP)
Net change: -14 STM, +4 TMP
Net totals: 29 STM (39 after regen), 19 TMP
"Let's give them a good scare!" he called.

Ridley felt as though he had an advantage in this particular area. Ghost-types were - although Ridley himself strongly disagreed with this attitude - often considered scary just by default, and mimikyu in particular had a whole body of folklore surrounding how horrifying their true bodies were to look upon. The attitudes of this world mimicked his own in so many ways, so why not this one?

Ridley ruffled up the edges of his disguise, allowing portions of his true anatomy to slip teasingly, nightmarishly out from underneath. He made sure to puff his disguise up as he did so, giving the impression that he was much larger than he actually was. He'd managed to get out of inconveneient encounters with wild pokemon by making himself look bigger than he was before; the way people here talked about "wilds" left him uncertain as to whether they actually weren't people or just weren't considered as such, but it probably wouldn't hurt either way.

Ridley (19 STM, 19 TMP, 1 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to Crawler's Spur
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Call @ nincada
- Interact @ nincada (-3 TMP)
Net change: +0 STM, +2 TMP
Net totals: 19 STM (42 after regen), 21 TMP
The party scared the nincada off!
Nincada's Run Away! The nincada fled!
[ ✅ ] Objective: KO or scare off the nincada. (3/3)

"Woah, hey," said Nico, sounding impressed, "nice one, you guys! Honestly, that's a pretty good trick to pull on weaker wild 'mon. Just don't expect it to save your butts every time."

Sometimes you can overcome challenges and obstacles in unconventional ways with a bit of creative thinking. Try using Interact to put unusual strategies into practice! Just don't rely on clever tricks to solve all your problems.

"Alright, let's keep heading towards where I saw—"

Nico didn't get to finish his sentence. A black-and-yellow blur emerged from a thicket of underbrush, shortly followed by a brown chitinous husk that floated weightlessly in the air.

"—shit," he finished, with a groan. "These ones are stronger. Ack!"

Nico tried to dip and shield his face from the gust of dirt and dust the bug blew his way, with little success.

Ninjask's Sand Attack lowered Nico's Acc by 1!
Ninjask's Aerial Ace dealt 12 dmg to Felin! It's super-effective!
Ninjask's Fury Cutter dealt 10 dmg to Isidora! It's super-effective!

"A lot stronger! Yikes!"

Shedinja used Double Team! +1 Eva!
Shedinja used Swords Dance! +2 Atk!
Shedinja used Agility! +2 Spd!

Nico set his face in a determined grimace.

"Okay guys, don't panic, okay? Leave the ninjask to me, I just need someone to call out its movements so I can land a good hit! Here—"

The Wattrel pecked at a pouch strapped to his foot, releasing it. It fell to the ground with a dull thud, spilling out smooth, round stones that drew the eye. They looked perfect for tossing.

"Most attacks don't work on shedinja, and this one's evasive! You gotta throw geo pebbles at it!"

Call out to Nico to help him overcome his accuracy debuff. NPC units don't use tempo like PCs do, but they are affected in similar ways. A helpful Call can make the difference between Nico landing a grazing attack or an on-target strike just as it might for a PC.
This shedinja is an intimidating opponent, with a powerful defensive Ability and a lot of intimidating stat buffs. Don't be alarmed. There's always something you can do to help overcome the situation you're in, no matter how bleak it might look.
Use Interact to pick up Geo Pebbles, then use Item as your Bonus Action for the turn to throw one at the shedinja.

"Hang tough, guys! I think this means we must be close to the supplies!"

[ ] Objective: defeat ninjask and shedinja. (0/2)
[ ] Objective: find the supply wagon!
Player Phase 4
Nico set his face in a determined grimace.

"Okay guys, don't panic, okay? Leave the ninjask to me, I just need someone to call out its movements so I can land a good hit! Here—"

Blades of wind flanked Felin's right, cutting into her fur with an almost metallic shing. She hissed and jumped, avoiding another wind blade aimed at her boot. Her right hip burned and she cursed under her breath, turning to assess the wound. Things will end with her in the infirmary again. That'd be quite bothersome.

Felin went for Nico's pouch and fished out a pebble for use later. She turned around in time to see the Ninjask aiming its next strike at the blinded wattrel. Quickly, she pounced into action. "Nico! Watch out. Incoming at four o'clock!"

Felin (38 STM, 21 TMP, 1 SPD, 0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Call @ Nico
- Interact @ Pick up Geo Pebble it might come in handy later (-3 TMP)
Net change: +0 STM, +2 TMP
Net totals: 38 STM (45 after regen), 23 TMP
Ridley picked up one of the geo pebbles and hefted it in his hand thoughtfully before throwing it full force at the shedinja.

Ridley used Yeet Rock!

He followed it up by yelling yet again, channelling what he was now starting to recognise as ghost-type energy as he did so.

Ridley used Astonish!

Ridley (42 STM, 21 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Interact @ obtain rock (-3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item @ shedinja (Geo Pebble)
- Astonish @ shedinja (-11 STM, +2 TMP)
Net change: -11 STM, -1 TMP
Net totals: 31 STM (42 after regen), 20 TMP
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Isidora could barely react before the ninjask's claw tore through her arm, forcing a pained yelp from her as she tried to jump away, clutching her wound. D-damn, they're fast! Things were starting to look bad for her. Normally, she wouldn't have any issue with an opponents speed, her magic would have pulled all the work and she'd counter before the bug could do anything about it. But without it...

Okay guys, don't panic, okay? Leave the ninjask to me, I just need someone to call out its movements so I can land a good hit!

She carefully observed the ninjask's movements. If I were that ninjask fighting Nico, what would I do? Isidora couldn't fly, but she knew how the ninjask would ideally fight, and just watching the way they flew in the air, they didn't seem to have to commit to movement in the same way Nico did. Yet they still had one flaw. She called out: "The ninjask keeps over-committing to their attacks! That's your chance!"

Isidora (39 STM, 19 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Call @ Nico
- **Bonus Action:** Call @ Nico
Net change: +0 STM, +0 TMP
Net totals: 39 STM (43 after regen), 19 TMP
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Two more bugs sprang forth into battle, and wasted no time launching an attack. They moved so fast he lost track of them for a second, lashing out at Felin and Isidora before he could try to warn them. Ninjask and a Shedninja... Nico was right, Shedinja would need something other than their usual attacks.

He followed the others example, rushing over to grab a rock, just in case he needed it. The weird Cleffa was already shouting at the Shedninja. Good.

Above, Nico faced off against the Ninjask. This wasn't so different from a trainer battle. The biggest problem looked like the Ninjask, who'd already enhanced its power, and blinded their guide. He honed in on it, filtering out distractions for a few brief seconds. Just like back home. He watched Nico and Ninjask, tracking its movements, the way it flitted about...

And then he saw it. Up, down, left, strike, strike- There!

He called out, another voice matching his own.

"Nico, it keeps over-committing to its attacks--!"

"The ninjask keeps over-committing to its attacks! That's your chance!"

Koa grinned. She'd seen it too. "Now! Attack to your left!"

Koa (27 STM, 18 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Interact @ Grab rock (-3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Geo Pebble)
- **Bonus Action:** Call @ Nico
Net change: +0 STM, -3 TMP
Net totals: 27 STM (41 after regen), 15 TMP
The shedinja hummed with a strange power, but before it could attack, uncanny projectiles knocked the husk out with a hiss of dry air. It fell still, and went into some kind of dormancy, levitating just above the ground. It would be unnerving to some.

"Nice one!" called Nico, still maneouvring around the ninjask. "Okay okay okay okay, let's do this."

With a seabird shriek, he raised his wings and raised another Tailwind. Then, with the calls of his allies to guide him, he struck.

Nico Focused...
Nico summoned a Tailwind!
Nico's Wind Power charged him up!
Nico's Peck dealt 19 dmg to the wild ninjask! It's super-effective!
Nico's fully charged Thunder Shock dealt a CRITICAL 42 dmg! It's super-effective!
[✅] Objective: defeat ninjask and shedinja. (2/2)

"Phew," he exclaimed, landing and panting heavily. "That was... kinda tough. But hey, thanks for lending me a wing, there. I could really use the help back there."

An odd cry sounded from further along the patchy ricegrass trail.

"Oh boy," stammered Nico. "That's... Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's an alpha. Which could explain why the wagon went wildly off-road... ...And I'm wiped. You guys are gonna have to work together on this one!"

[ ] Objective: find the supply wagon!
[ ] Objective: defeat Lord Lokix.
Player Phase 5
[ 1 2 0 / 1 2 0 ]
"Oh boy," stammered Nico. "That's... Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's an alpha. Which could explain why the wagon went wildly off-road... ...And I'm wiped. You guys are gonna have to work together on this one!"

"Fear not, Nico. We'll bring this hopper down at the drop or a hat!" Felin boasted, even with fresh cuts all over her fur. She exchanged looks with her peers, silently thanked Koa for his howling cries, and she pounced with a flurry of attacks.

Felin landed herself out of harm's way behind the frontline. She could already feel the chill of exhaustion running up her limbs. "Alright! I've done what I can here for now. Buy me a moment to catch my breath!"

Felin (42 STM, 16 TMP, 1 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to Crawlers Fork
- Trailblaze @ Lokix (-15 STM, +3 TMP)
- Leafage @ Lokix (-4 STM, +3 TMP)
- CRITICAL Wild Charge @ Lokix (-15 STM, -20 TMP, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to Zone W (-2 TMP)
Net change: -32 STM, -14 TMP
Net totals: 10 STM (21 after regen), 2 TMP
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Just like a trainer.

Felin and Isidora weren't looking good... He singled out the strange Cleffa (whom by now he was sure had to be some kind of ghost-type variant?). He'd seen how he fought earlier, yelling, and how he'd seemed to be able to take a hit. An idea formed in Koa's mind, and he called out to him. "We got this! Let's try to distract it and draw its attention!" And with another furious howl, he charged. He'd been practicing for this, figuring out how he could channel his power. He wasn't losing, not now, when it mattered.

As he ran, he drew upon that familiar electricity. Let it flow through him, coalescing around his jaws, strengthening him.

Koa used Thunder Fang!

Koa (41 STM, 15 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to Crawler's Fork
- **Bonus Action:** Call @ Ridley
- Howl (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Thunder Fang @ Lokix (-16 STM, hit, PARALYZE, -10 TMP, +3 TMP)
Net change: -34 STM, -5 TMP
Net totals: 7 STM (17 after regen), 10 TMP
"Nico, it keeps over-committing to its attacks--!"
Isidora glanced at him, surprised. Huh. He knows his stuff.

Seeing the massive lokix menacingly in the distance, Isidora quickly weighed her options. She knew she couldn't get afford to get hit again, but Ice Shard was all she had at range. Yet for some reason, she felt she could afford to run in there...

She dashed forward, eyes flashing with another Leer, before feeling a different kind of elemental energy than she was used to. She let it surround her body and crashed hard into the lokix's own, a sudden shift in momentum carrying her away from her opponent and allowing her to back off to a safe distance.

Isidora used U-Turn! Critical Hit!

For a moment, she was slightly stunned. She snapped out of it quickly and glanced around for the wagon. I think I have it in me to do a little more scouting. She rushed forward at lokix, claws at the ready, landing another Quick Attack before she ran of her own accord into a different area, taking another look around. (She also made sure to take note of how hard their body felt against her claws. If she could let the others know...)

Isidora (43 STM, 19 TMP, 1 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to Crawler's Fork
- Leer @ Lokix (-14 STM, +2 TMP)
- Trigger Spotter TO - Spot Lokix's Defense
- CRITICAL U-Turn @ Lokix (-15 STM, -20 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Retreat to Crawler's Fork E
- Dash to Crawler's Fork (-2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Lokix (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to Crawler's Fork S (-2 TMP)
Net change: -33 STM, -18 TMP
Net totals: 10 STM (20 after regen), 1 TMP
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"We got this! Let's try to distract it and draw its attention!"

Hey, I'm not a fighter! Ridley wanted to protest, but he nodded anyway. Koa was right: their other two companions had received several blows so far, but Ridley himself still felt fine. Even the attack he'd taken earlier had only startled him, not actually hurt him. Like it or not, Ridley was going to have to be on the front lines for this one.

The same way he had earlier, he ruffled his disguise up, making himself look as big and intimidating as possible before he unleashed his moves, throwing as much as he could behind every attack. "Hey asshole, over here!" he yelled.

Ridley (42 STM, 20 TMP, 1 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Receive Call (+3 TMP)
- Walk to Crawler's Fork
- Scary Face @ lokix (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Astonish @ lokix (-11 STM, effect, -7 TMP, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Copycat (Peck) (-13 STM, -20 TMP, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Call @ lokix
Net change: -40 STM, -18 TMP
Net totals: 2 STM (13 after regen), 2 TMP
Koa's Thunder Fang dealt 10 dmg! Paralysed Lokix!
Isidora's U-Turn dealt a CRITICAL 16 dmg!
Her Quick Attack dealt 9 dmg!
Felin's Trailblaze dealt 10 dmg!
Her Leafage dealt 9 dmg!
Her Wild Charge dealt a CRITICAL 22 dmg! Took 6 in recoil! Felin's Overgrow was activated!
Ridley's Astonish dealt 5 dmg! Lokix Flinched!
His Peck dealt a CRITICAL 11 dmg! Lokix's Swarm was activated!
Ridley's Call got Lokix's attention!
Isidora scoped out Lokix's defenses!
Def 38, Res 32

The towering bug-type didn't see the onslaught coming until it hit. But this was a wild alpha, not easily cowed by surprise attacks. IF you took a hit at a foe like this, it paid to finish the job.

Even so, there was only so much it could do while thoroughly staggered as it had been, reeling from paralysis and shock.

Alpha Lokix is limited to 2 moves from Flinching!
Alpha Lokix gets -1 move due to Paralysis!
Alpha Lokix would get -1 move due to low Spd... but gets a minimum of 1 move!

The bug chittered resentfully, and turned its gaze on Ridley. An alpha pokémon could do more than simply attack mindlessly.

Boss Attack: Alpha Lokix struck at everyone in Crawler's Fork with a powerful Lunge!
Ridley's Disguise broke, preventing a CRITICAL 13 dmg!
Koa took a CRITICAL 22 dmg! -1 Atk!
Boss enemies often start their turn by performing a strong attack against everyone in a zone. Usually they have to prepare these attacks, and therefore telegraph them, but they'll use them in their current zone if somehow taken by surprise. These attacks become Sure Crit, Sure Hit, and Multi-Enemy, and don't count towards their move limit.

"Hey, watch yourselves!" called Nico, still winded but catching his breath. "That guy can dish out just as much as he can take!"

And it did just that.

Alpha Lokix Focused...
Alpha Lokix's Assurance dealt a CRITICAL 26 dmg to Ridley!

The furious insect put up a threat display, but its limbs seized, unable to perform any more moves. It stepped back and flexed its limbs with a low stridulation, and a shimmering barrier appeared before it.

Boss Action: Lokix created a Firm Protect Shield!
Boss enemies will use various special actions to respond to combat situations, usually once per turn. These come at no cost, but they can't use the same kind of Boss Action two turns in a row!
Firm Protect Shields are strong enough that weak attacks will glance off them harmlessly. Only a strong attack will break it!

As the alpha tried to gather its strength, Isidora – in her mad dash – came across just what the party was looking for.

The lost supply wagon.

It had been knocked clear onto its side and was just inches from tumbling over the side of a dusty verge, and falling to a crumpled heap on the hard rock below. Every thundering leap by the lokix lord sent it just an inch nearer to its destruction.

Meanwhile, the lokix alpha readied its next devastating attack...

Alpha Lokix is preparing Low Kick! It's targeting Crawler's Fork!
[✅] Objective: find the supply wagon!
[ ] Objective: save the wagon!!
Player Phase 6
[ 2 8 / 1 2 0 ]
"Come on, bash its head in before it fires again!" Felin called out, and she didn't wait for anything to fling a burst of leaves Lokix's face. Using that as a distraction, she slid between its legs and launched herself at its back with an electrified tackle.

Felin gritted her teeth from the recoil, smoke rising from her fur as she darted off.

"Eat that, you roasted bug!" she taunted after making herself scarce.

Ever nimble as a cat, she ran for the wagon Isidora had spotted for them. A smile swept across her face. Their objective lay close at hand.

Felin (24 STM, 9 TMP, 2 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to Crawler's Fork
- Wild Charge @ lokix (-15 STM, -1 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Leafage @ lokix (-4 STM, -1 TMP, +3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to Wagon Zone (-2 TMP)
- Interact @ Assist in pulling up the wagon to keep it from falling off the cliff (-3 TMP)
Net change: -17 STM, -2 TMP
Net totals: 7 STM (18 after regen), 7 TMP
Alpha Lokix Focused...
Alpha Lokix's Assurance dealt a CRITICAL 26 dmg to Ridley!

The blow sent Ridley tumbling gracelessly across the ground. Ow, that hurt! But Ridley hadn't spent most of his life doing inadvisable shit without developing pretty decent pain tolerance, and adrenaline could do a lot for a body in a pinch. He forced himself back to his feet. He couldn't afford to lie around like a ragdoll, not when -

It had been knocked clear onto its side and was just inches from tumbling over the side of a dusty verge, and falling to a crumpled heap on the hard rock below. Every thundering leap by the lokix lord sent it just an inch nearer to its destruction.

Oh shit, wasn't that literally the entire reason they were out here to start with? Ridley's companions were all stronger fighters than he was; they could surely handle the lokix. He ran over to the wagon and, taking a moment to firmly find his footing, he grabbed hold of the wagon and tried to haul it away from the edge with all the strength in his tiny mimikyu body.

Ridley (13 STM, 2 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to Wagon Zone
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Interact @ Wagon (-3 TMP)
Net change: +0 STM, +2 TMP
Net totals: 13 STM (36 after regen), 4 TMP
"The wagon's gonna fall!" shouted an alarmed Isidora. She glanced back at the lokix, who had dealt heavy blows against Ridley and Koamaru and erected a shield for themself afterwards. We can't-

"Come on, bash its head in before it fires again!" Felin called out, and she didn't wait for anything to fling a burst of leaves Lokix's face. Using that as a distraction, she slid between its legs and launched herself at its back with an electrified tackle.

Felin gritted her teeth from the recoil, smoke rising from her fur as she darted off.

"Eat that, you roasted bug!" she taunted after making herself scarce.
Isidora wasted no time in preparing her Ice Shards and throwing both off her claws at the alpha. She didn't waste time seeing if they hit their mark, instead running to assist Felin and Ridley with securing the wagon to safety.

Isidora (20 STM, 1 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Ice Shard @ Lokix (-5 STM, -2 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Ice Shard @ Lokix (-7.5 STM, -2 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Interact @ Assist with wagon (-3 TMP)
Net change: -13 STM, +2 TMP
Net totals: 7 STM (17 after regen), 3 TMP
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