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Dwagie vs Typh

Not Meowth

Cat, are you drilling?
2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct healing move allowed once for the entire match.
Arena: Sketchpad

A giant pad of paper made for transferring imagination into reality, everyone probably knows what one of these is. Except this one is big. Humongous, even. Yet for all intents and purposes it's flat, slightly textured surface provide an incredibly neutral field for battle. However, the paper seems highly resistant to normal damage, and as such the likes of fire, water, or any other damaging elements will not immediately disintegrate it's being as they may normal paper.

The ref plays an extra role in this battle, however.. upon accepting they are granted a magic pen, capable of bringing life to what is drawn onto the paper. As such, the ref gets to decide the arena effects each round, for better or for worse. (Try to remain unbiased though!! Most effects should probably affect both contenders unless you want to get creative with balance)
The catch is, they actually have to DRAW it - obviously. So with a little creativity (NOT asking for artistic genius here, Paint and scribbles will work, though effort would be appreciated~ ) this battle can flow as their fingers decide.
EVERY ROUND THE REF SHOULD DRAW THEIR CURRENT PERCEPTION OF THE BATTLE ON A 750x450 PIXEL TEMPLATE, AS WELL AS ADDING THE EFFECTS THEY WISH. For instance, the ref may draw a pond and colour the rest of the sheet green, to bring the battle to a grassy field with a small pond.
The ref may draw on the ENTIRE ARENA as they wish.

ADDITIONALLY, every three rounds STARTING AT ROUND TWO (Meaning the first round is played by contenders normally, then this will come into play, then two more will be played normally, and it will come into play again) both contenders will receive a disposable pen of their own, which will have enough ink for ONE EFFECT. By using a turn labelled as "Sketch", a Pokemon may sketch a desired effect using this pen, either immediately, or holding onto the pen for a later round. (Only two may be held at one time)
When a pen is used, the contender uses the same 750x450 pixel sheet to illustrate their desired effect, BUT THEY MAY NOT DESCRIBE IT WITH WORDS. Instead, the ref judges from their drawing alone and applies the effect as such!
When a contender produces their own effect, the ref will copy their drawing and ADD to it, but not OVERRIDE it. If both players use their pens at the same time, the player whose turn is first gets first dibs, the second player may ADD but not OVERRIDE it, and the ref takes last priority. A player's effect may only affect a maximum of HALF THE ARENA.
(FOR EXAMPLE: If Player 1 draws a field of Fire on the left side of the field, player two may draw the right side of the field with water, but NOT cover the existing fire. The ref is then within their liberty to add, for example, a platform on either side - but not remove or edit player effects drastically.)
Finally, at the end of every round the pad is wiped clean to begin anew. Meaning at the beginning of every round, it will have returned to a clean, neutral field until edited again.

Wuffles' active squad

Amaturasu []
Ability: Inner Focus
Item: Soothe Bell
EXP: o o o o o o {Lucario}
Approval: Yes
Quote: Wuff what you Wuff cos a Wuffles ish Wuff!


Alya []
Ability: Levitate
EXP: o o o o {Dusclops} o <Reaper Cloth> {Dusknoir}
Approval: Yes
Quote: All yah dandies prancin' aboot with yer heads full'a eyeballs.


Aysu []
Ability: Volt Absorb
EXP: o o {Lanturn}
Approval: Yes
Quote: Lol Watt?


Kalina []
Ability: Poison Heal
EXP: o o {Breloom}
Approval: Yes
Quote: TBA


Twitch []
Ability: Insomnia
EXP: o o o {Golbat} o o o o o o {Crobat}
Approval: Yes
Quote: DAAAAAAHHHHH!!! *Twitch*
~Signature Attribute~
-Caffeine Addiction-

Being a Zubat isn't easy - Between irritating adventurers to no end, hanging upside down wishing you could flip off the Clefairy on the ground back, and producing gratuitous amounts of guano - There's barely even time for a coffee break! Well, that is to say, noone in their right mind would give a Zubat coffee - and this is why.
Twitch is an industrial Zubat - meaning she hails from a cave near a newly developed area. The wildlife haven't quite adapted to the invasion of humans, nor their resources. Being a populated area, the infamous chain Staryubucks had the need to put no less than 3 stores per block into commission. One might guess there is an excess of coffee grounds, leftover coffee, and lazy stuck up businessmen. Naturally it's far too difficult to walk across the street to the bin when disposing of caffeine irradiated rubbish which flows off chain stores like this - But a cave in the back lot seems perfect does it not?
Now most Pokemon are rather put off by this foul beverage humans seem to consume en mass - but not Twitch. No indeed she was rather fond of it, raiding the trash piles which amassed for scraps of food, and of course, coffee~
Of course as with most natural formations which humans get their grubby mits on, the cave was eventually overfilled to the point no Pokemon could inhabit it any more. Twitch was forced out much against her will - and subsequently shooed far away as she attempted to roost into the Staryubucks building itself. (Not before corporate sales tried to market Guano Coffee Mugs, however - which didn't go over as well as planned.) Going into major caffeine withdrawal, she was eventually found bashing her head against a tree in response to a major migraine developed in the morning sunlight. Easily captured - she was also quickly put up for adoption for a certain kind-hearted and similarly caffeine addicted individual to take into their arms.
Naturally, Twitch is one hyper batty. As opposed to the normal, fairly calm and collected nature of a Zubat - Twitch is erratic and sleepless. Instead of the normal focus presented, she is a hopeless insomniac. Sleep inducing techniques are essentially completely useless as she flies around in confounding patterns and speeds. This also grants her a certain manner of unpredictability - she will sometimes catch her opponents very off guard, making her slightly harder to hit and occasionally granting surprise attacks. Of course, being hyped up and extra-reactionary as she is, she is not only vulnerable, but in fact more prone to the flinching effect.

Inner Focus ability replaced with Insomnia ability. Permanent 5% boost to Accuracy and Evasion. Attacks with the "Flinch" added effect have a 10% added chance of causing the Flinch effect on use.

Signature Move: Coffee Break
Type: Dark / Stat: Supportive / Base Damage: N/A / Accuracy: 100% / Target: Self / Energy: Varies / Duration: Varies
Just as the name may suggest, Twitch takes a turn for a breather and a nice cup o' joe. She simply flies back to her trainer for access to the thermos she will undoubtedly have on hand for a shot of whatever delicious treat may be inside. Depending on what she receives (The choice is random, with an equal chance of any one type of coffee being selected) she will receive one of various effects. Unfortunately, it's impossible to carry more than one serving at a time, thus she may only access this move once per battle.
Strong Brew: A nice, basic cup of strong, black coffee; unimpeded by fillers and wonderfully energising. Restores Energy (Approximately 5% more than a Chill).
Ice Mocha: A cold, creamy, refreshing chocolatey blend sure to melt the worries of the world away. Restores 30% Health. (May not be used in matches with Direct Healing banned; counts for limited direct healing counter) It still costs energy to relax the body into accelerated healing, but is assisted by the caffeine. Costs 10% energy.
Espresso: A sharp and super-strong shot of condensed caffeine; even the most attuned individual will get a jolt from this stuff. Gives an immediate +4 Speed; This speed will fade by one point every round (3 actions) until it vanishes, or is dispelled. It costs 5% energy to use this move due to the fatiguing amount of activity this blend sends drinkers into.
Espresso Latte: A slightly toned down and slower effect double-shot of Espresso; still packs a major punch, but not all at once. Grants the Speed Boost ability in addition to all other abilities for the duration of the match, causing Twitch to slowly speed up over time up to the normal cap. (Ability remains through switches; meaning Twitch will have to gain the speed back +1 at a time after switching out and back in) However, Sleep-Inducing moves have the ability to cancel the Speed Boost ability at their normal success rate. (They will still not put Twitch to sleep) Twitch will lose acquired boosts in this case. All moves used while under the effect of this move will cost an extra 1% energy after all other calculations. In addition, it takes 3% energy to activate this move, and 3% more each time if Twitch is ever sent back out from being recalled after usage.
Vanilla Latte: A hot, yet refreshing and creamy blend sure to make one feel ready to take on the world with it's comforting vibes. Grants +3 Defence and Special Defence at the cost of -4 Attack and Special Attack. Costs 5% energy to consume.
Exotic Brew: A bracing, strong brewed blend hailing from a remote region. It has a rare flavour and texture, and a balance of caffeine that has the strange tendency to make one feel confident and aggressive; traditionally consumed by native warriors in it's home land. Grants +3 Attack and Special Attack at the cost of -4 Defence and Special Defence. Costs 5% energy to consume.

Usage Gap: Once per battle

Koray []
Ability: Levitate
EXP: o o {Tsukiyurei} o <Shiny Stone> {Tsukimaru}
Approval: Yes
Quote: Nyasau~ :3

M'colleague's active squad
Ability: Torrent
Move Mod:
Body Mod:
Notes? He keeps rubbing his head. I think he's trying to get giant ear wings and learn to fly :v

As of now:0/2 to Wartortle yeaherpossibleverstone0/4 to Blastoise

[Pera] Swablu (♀)
Ability:Natural Cure
Move Mod:
Body Mod:
Notes? A bit of a mothely figure (despite being what the second youngest) and has extreme OCD. Think Monk.

As of now: 2/4 to Altaria

Move Mod:
Body Mod:
Notes? Has tooken a likening to music. Especially "I Don't Like Mondays." Cause he doesn't and he agrees :|
[x][][]Haunter Trade/[][][][][]

As of now:1/3 to Haunter, Trade/0/4 to Gengar

[Carls]Poochyena (♀)
Ability:Quick Feet
Move Mod:
Body Mod:
Notes? Sees everything as a chew toy. Especially her Trainer's fluffmuffs.
[o][][] Mightyena

As of Now: 1/3 to Mightyena


Ability: Sand Veil
Move Mod:
Body Mod:
Notes? Probably has schizophrenia. Or sees ghosts. Either way, his behavior is a bit...troublesome. Hope nothing comes out of this.

Ability: Early Bird
Move Mod:
Body Mod:
Notes? Very observent and has a thing for pineapples.

- M'colleague sends out
- Wuffles sends out and attacks
- M'colleague attacks
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A ghost, Typh? You're in my realm now~ Fire shall be fought with fire~ Go Alya~

First thing is first, M'Dear, Ghastly are Hypnosis-happy little blighters, so be on high guard. Shield your.. uh.. eye, with Detect if he tries to pull that rubbish aye?

The first chance you have, we're going to turn the odds a tad, as soon as you're clear from any Sleep-capades, set us up a Trick Room. Slower is Faster. <3
After you get that up and ready, go ahead and taunt the poor blob's little face off, ruffle his fluff and stop any unneeded shenanigans.
And finally, considering he doesn't try to pull his sleep-capades and you have some time to spare, let's set up a Confussle Ray. Kekeke.
Have fun Typh~ >:3

Detect / Trick Room ~ Detect / Trick Room / Taunt ~ Taunt / Confuse Ray
Nach, Chersie. I knew she would pull that. :D

Let's be a bit indivdual today, shall we? Turn on that grin of yours full throttle, Attract the wee lass. That Taunt will be our victory, let's use a Darkie Pulse~ And Finally, Will-O-Wisp, be a pyro.

Attract~Dark Pulse~Will-O-Wisp

(pssst juding by the way we babby talk our ghosts we maaay have some problems even though ghosts are awesome)
2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct healing move allowed once for the entire match.
Arena: Sketchpad

A giant pad of paper made for transferring imagination into reality, everyone probably knows what one of these is. Except this one is big. Humongous, even. Yet for all intents and purposes it's flat, slightly textured surface provide an incredibly neutral field for battle. However, the paper seems highly resistant to normal damage, and as such the likes of fire, water, or any other damaging elements will not immediately disintegrate it's being as they may normal paper.

The ref plays an extra role in this battle, however.. upon accepting they are granted a magic pen, capable of bringing life to what is drawn onto the paper. As such, the ref gets to decide the arena effects each round, for better or for worse. (Try to remain unbiased though!! Most effects should probably affect both contenders unless you want to get creative with balance)
The catch is, they actually have to DRAW it - obviously. So with a little creativity (NOT asking for artistic genius here, Paint and scribbles will work, though effort would be appreciated~ ) this battle can flow as their fingers decide.
EVERY ROUND THE REF SHOULD DRAW THEIR CURRENT PERCEPTION OF THE BATTLE ON A 750x450 PIXEL TEMPLATE, AS WELL AS ADDING THE EFFECTS THEY WISH. For instance, the ref may draw a pond and colour the rest of the sheet green, to bring the battle to a grassy field with a small pond.
The ref may draw on the ENTIRE ARENA as they wish.

ADDITIONALLY, every three rounds STARTING AT ROUND TWO (Meaning the first round is played by contenders normally, then this will come into play, then two more will be played normally, and it will come into play again) both contenders will receive a disposable pen of their own, which will have enough ink for ONE EFFECT. By using a turn labelled as "Sketch", a Pokemon may sketch a desired effect using this pen, either immediately, or holding onto the pen for a later round. (Only two may be held at one time)
When a pen is used, the contender uses the same 750x450 pixel sheet to illustrate their desired effect, BUT THEY MAY NOT DESCRIBE IT WITH WORDS. Instead, the ref judges from their drawing alone and applies the effect as such!
When a contender produces their own effect, the ref will copy their drawing and ADD to it, but not OVERRIDE it. If both players use their pens at the same time, the player whose turn is first gets first dibs, the second player may ADD but not OVERRIDE it, and the ref takes last priority. A player's effect may only affect a maximum of HALF THE ARENA.
(FOR EXAMPLE: If Player 1 draws a field of Fire on the left side of the field, player two may draw the right side of the field with water, but NOT cover the existing fire. The ref is then within their liberty to add, for example, a platform on either side - but not remove or edit player effects drastically.)
Finally, at the end of every round the pad is wiped clean to begin anew. Meaning at the beginning of every round, it will have returned to a clean, neutral field until edited again.

One of the stranger arenas this referee has seen, the Sketchpad is the locale for this match. An enormous expanse of white, not a single feature marks its surface. Until, that is, the referee decides to scrawl dongs whatever his imagination decrees onto it, changing the arena via some crazy voodoo crap into pretty much any stage imaginable. Waving his pen in the air like a staff, the referee commands the battlers to send out; humming absent-mindedly, L'il Dwagie elects to release her Duskull, Ayla. RandomTyphoon thinks, flapping her floofyears pensively, before countering her opponent's choices with Cheshire, the Gastly. With another giant-pen-wave, the referee declares a start to the first round.

Round One​
Wuffles (OO)
Ayla (F) <Levitate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: "Hm. This place is boooring."
Detect / Trick Room ~ Detect / Trick Room / Taunt ~ Taunt / Confuse Ray

M'colleague (OO)
Cheshire (M) <Levitate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: "...where's the arena? :o"
Attract~Dark Pulse~Will-O-Wisp

Before commands are given, the ref pops the lid off his pen and scampers to the middle of the stage. There, he draws what looks like a giant peanut, before running across the rest of the arena squiggling little lines. As soon as the cap is pushed back onto the enchanted pen, the arena bursts into life; grass sprouts from the blank floor, and the peanut sinks into the floor, the resulting dent filling up with water. The ref seems to have gone for a very uncreative- er, I mean minimalist theme for the arena this round.

Frowning disapprovingly at the bright, cheerful arena, Cheshire floats his way across the arena with a coy smirk, and sidles up next to Ayla. She flinches and tries to wriggle away from him, expecting some sort of attack; however, instead he begins to mutter compliments in her ear (if Duskull have ears) in his huskiest, most attractive voice. "Hey, I like your, er, eye. It's very pretty. Goes so nice with your partially external skull..." Ayla looks as smitten as a Duskull can manage and tries to give Cheshire a hug, but before she notices he's back across the arena. Trying to play hard to get, huh? Well, I'll catch up with you, you little tease... Ayla begins to exude a mysterious, powerful aura, extending a bizarre power throughout the arena that affects the flow of time itself. Cheshire begins to feel quite sluggish and lethargic, while Ayla becomes swifter and more energetic.

Hm, now she's faster, let's see what her orders are... Taunt? You mean... say nasty things to her little Cheshy-weshy?! Never! What bad stuff could she possibly say about that cute little face anyway? While she's busy staring at Cheshire, sighing, and brainstorming future kids' names just in case, Cheshire brings up every negative feeling he's ever had and secretes them all as a horrifying purple aura, which he then unleashes in a wave across the field. It strikes Ayla and flings her backwards, with a terrifying ghostly moan.

Screeching in pain, Ayla rubs her sores and floats back into her position. Playing nasty are we, Cheshy-wesh? Well two can play at that one. Lucky you're cute, really, because that attack barely even tickled. Cheshire growls; she's got a nerve considering she hasn't laid a finger on him yet (though he shudders to think what she'd do if she was laying fingers on him right now). He decides to teach her a lesson with a nice strong attack... wait, Will-O-Wisp? That's all he can use?! He turns to his trainer and grumbles in annoyance, barely noticing as the grass in the arena vanishes and it reverts to a clean, blank sheet.

Wuffles (OO)
Ayla (F) <Levitate>
Health: 90%
Energy: 92%
Status: "He's so haaawt." Attracted
Trick Room ~ none ~ Taunt

M'colleague (OO)
Cheshire (M) <Levitate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 91%
Status: "Ugh, women." Taunted (3 more actions).
Attract~Dark Pulse~none

Terrain Notes
The arena turned into a simple grass field with a pond in the middle. Trick Room active (2 more actions).

Final Notes
- Ayla was attracted on the first action.
- She was fully attracted on the second, and couldn't use Taunt.
- Your commands weren't fully clear, Dwagie, but it seems you wanted Ayla to keep Taunting until it worked; sorry if I misinterpreted.
- Taunt prevented Cheshire using Will-O-Wisp on the third action.
- M'colleague attacks first next round.
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A-ha. First, I want you to Shadow Ball her. Second, well...see if this is even humanely possible, if it is, by all means, do it. if not, then let her hit you and Payback. Finally, Thunder Punch.

Shadow Ball~this/Payback(after getting hit)~ Thunder Punch
Humph, don't be listening to this poser Ally, he just wants in your.... skull.... oh gods OH GODS.
Well, if that's the may it must be let's fight a little fire with fire, kekeke. Start out with a Future Sight, plan for your.. kids, or something. But more importantly focus your rage if something terrible were to happen with this relationship.
After that, see if you can't captivate the little bugger aye? Should throw him nice and off guard~
Finally, before that Future Sight hits, go ahead and share your pain~ For better or for worse, hehehe, finish with a Pain Split and then let him soak up all those future sight memories~

Future Sight ~ Captivate ~ Pain Split
2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct healing move allowed once for the entire match.
Arena: Sketchpad

A giant pad of paper made for transferring imagination into reality, everyone probably knows what one of these is. Except this one is big. Humongous, even. Yet for all intents and purposes it's flat, slightly textured surface provide an incredibly neutral field for battle. However, the paper seems highly resistant to normal damage, and as such the likes of fire, water, or any other damaging elements will not immediately disintegrate it's being as they may normal paper.

The ref plays an extra role in this battle, however.. upon accepting they are granted a magic pen, capable of bringing life to what is drawn onto the paper. As such, the ref gets to decide the arena effects each round, for better or for worse. (Try to remain unbiased though!! Most effects should probably affect both contenders unless you want to get creative with balance)
The catch is, they actually have to DRAW it - obviously. So with a little creativity (NOT asking for artistic genius here, Paint and scribbles will work, though effort would be appreciated~ ) this battle can flow as their fingers decide.
EVERY ROUND THE REF SHOULD DRAW THEIR CURRENT PERCEPTION OF THE BATTLE ON A 750x450 PIXEL TEMPLATE, AS WELL AS ADDING THE EFFECTS THEY WISH. For instance, the ref may draw a pond and colour the rest of the sheet green, to bring the battle to a grassy field with a small pond.
The ref may draw on the ENTIRE ARENA as they wish.

ADDITIONALLY, every three rounds STARTING AT ROUND TWO (Meaning the first round is played by contenders normally, then this will come into play, then two more will be played normally, and it will come into play again) both contenders will receive a disposable pen of their own, which will have enough ink for ONE EFFECT. By using a turn labelled as "Sketch", a Pokemon may sketch a desired effect using this pen, either immediately, or holding onto the pen for a later round. (Only two may be held at one time)
When a pen is used, the contender uses the same 750x450 pixel sheet to illustrate their desired effect, BUT THEY MAY NOT DESCRIBE IT WITH WORDS. Instead, the ref judges from their drawing alone and applies the effect as such!
When a contender produces their own effect, the ref will copy their drawing and ADD to it, but not OVERRIDE it. If both players use their pens at the same time, the player whose turn is first gets first dibs, the second player may ADD but not OVERRIDE it, and the ref takes last priority. A player's effect may only affect a maximum of HALF THE ARENA.
(FOR EXAMPLE: If Player 1 draws a field of Fire on the left side of the field, player two may draw the right side of the field with water, but NOT cover the existing fire. The ref is then within their liberty to add, for example, a platform on either side - but not remove or edit player effects drastically.)
Finally, at the end of every round the pad is wiped clean to begin anew. Meaning at the beginning of every round, it will have returned to a clean, neutral field until edited again.

Round Two
Wuffles (OO)
Alya (F) <Levitate>
Health: 90%
Energy: 92%
Status: "He's so haaawt." Attracted
Future Sight ~ Captivate ~ Pain Split

M'colleague (OO)
Cheshire (M) <Levitate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 91%
Status: "Ugh, women." Taunted (3 more actions).
Shadow Ball ~ this/Payback(after getting hit) ~ Thunder Punch

Before the round begins, huge pens not unlike the referee's appear in the hands of the two battlers. As they wield them deviously, the referee pops the lid off his and runs across the arena scrawling on every inch of ground until the entire floor is more or less covered in ink. When the cap returns to the pen the floor lurches downwards, sloping down until it becomes a massively deep pit with almost vertical edges, and barely any light penetrating right to the bottom. Squinting through the darkness, the battlers give their commands.

Blinking through the gloom, Alya moans in frustration; she can barely make out her Cheshyweshy in the dark. She has no idea where to fondly gaze! Instead, she closes her eyes and hones a secret, special sense to detect where he'll be when she can see him again. Content in this knowledge, she fires off a blast of psychic energy to hit at that point, just to give him a playful tap. Cheshire, meanwhile, is having a much more difficult time; spotting a pitch-black Duskull in a pitch-black pit is no easy task. The dim glimmer of the Shadow Ball he's charging is not much to go by, though it helps somewhat; he fires it off, and watches the small, dimly shining orb miss Alya by a few inches. He sighs, and the Duskull makes a half-confused, half-hurt noise; why would her beloved try to attack her?

Putting it out of her head, she decides maybe he's just in a bad mood, and tries to sweet-talk him a little to make him feel better. Hearing her voice whispering out through the gloom is slightly unnerving, but the things she says soothe Cheshire's blood lust slightly, and he sees Alya in a whole new light; surely just being that nice warrants him going easy on her a little. As he ponders these sentiments, Typh flaps her floofyears deviously as she prises the cap off her giant pen, and scurries through the pit feeling around for Cheshire. When she finds him she sets about scrawling long arms either side of his body, ending in massive lobster claws. Cheshire grins in approval, snapping his new appendages fiendishly as the odd power over the field vanishes, reversing the flow of time once more and allowing Cheshire to move much more quickly again.

Lifting his claw, Cheshire snickers nastily and charges up electrical energy in it, until it fizzes and crackles with charge that serves as a kind of torch, cutting through the darkness and revealing Alya floating at the other side. Soaring across the pit with his claw held back ready, Cheshire thrusts the electrified appendage into Alya's face with an explosion of blue sparks that light up the entire area. Alya squeals and covers her face, as a sound echoes from the unfathomed corner of the pit... to the humans it sounds like an ordinary Pokémon cry, but to the Pokémon a voice can be clearly made out...
With a vicious roar, a furious Dusknoir materialises from the corner, surrounded by a dark purple mist illuminating him. The battlers squeal and run for cover as it unleashes a mighty roar and fires the Dark Pulse across the pit, smashing it into Cheshire with a horrific ghostly screech. Cheshire recoils as pain wracks his gaseous body, and the Dusknoir lets out a cruel guffaw and vanishes, leaving the arena dark once more. Alya almost feels sympathetic towards the poor Gastly, but then remembers the Thunderpunch he hurled at her and her mood changes entirely. She decides it's time to teach him how you act in a relationship, tapping into her psychic energy again and using it to hack into Cheshire's mind. She begins to fiddle with each of their mental states, trying to equalise their conditions; when she stops, Cheshire finds himself feeling a little worse for wear, whereas Alya feels slightly better. The floor then shifts again, rising up and flattening out until it returns to a clear, flat slate. Cheshire groans in disappointment as he finds his awesome claws gone.

Wuffles (OO)
Alya (F) <Levitate>
Health: 86%
Energy: 79%
Status: slightly embittered with her beloved. Attracted
Future Sight ~ Captivate ~ Pain Split

M'colleague (OO)
Cheshire (M) <Levitate>
Health: 86%
Energy: 81%
Status: "b-but... snippy snipsnip! D':" -2 Sp Atk, will be hit by Future Sight in 1 action.
Shadow Ball ~ this ~ Thunder Punch

Terrain Notes
Arena for this round: Pitch Black Pit; the arena sinks into the ground and becomes completely pitch dark. Any moves not involving light have their accuracy cut in half; however any light awakens an angry Dusknoir who will attack a random battler with Dark Pulse.

I've typed up a list of arenas, which I'll be adding to as and when I think of more, and I'll leave it up to the RNG gods to decide which is used to ensure impartiality.

Final Notes

- M'colleagues pen was used, so she can't draw until round five. Wuffles still has her pen.
- Cheshire's Shadow Ball missed, because it's a ball of darkness and doesn't produce much light and had its accuracy slashed.
- The Dusknoir awoke from Thunderpunch and attacked Cheshire with Dark Pulse.
- Alya is beginning to become a tad disillusioned with her love for Cheshire, since he's been quite aggressive to her this round.
- Wuffles go
Mm, good going Ally~ Though that bloody Dusknoir kinda gimped that whole Pain Split thing.. No worries! Here's the battle plan, first, Confuse Ray. Maybe it'll uh.. clear his mind a little about the relationship?.... I dunno just do it kay?

Thing is, if at any point he tries to pull that Hypnosis thing.. yeah same deal, I hate sleep and sleep hates me, Protect that crap outta it, it just means he's trying to drug you and sleep with you and get in your sku- DEARGODSWHY. Oh and if he tries pulling some stat-ups Snatch 'em, for his is why we can't have nice things.

With all that said and done, if he attacks you with any more ghostly energy, any ghost attack, especially Shadow Ball - Spite it. Spite it good, the abusive bastard he is.

Aaaaand if all that is done and you have some free time, knock some sense into him. With Shadow Ball.

Confuse Ray / Snatch / Protect ~ Snatch / Spite / Shadow Ball ~ Snatch / Spite / Shadow Ball

...And please follow me I hope you follow me it's not THAT complicated right?

Edit: FFFFFF there's a command limit?! okay foine l:
Argh, Clingy Jealous Girl-nessss.

Protect against her mind games, boy. Make up with a Captivate, then?

Suckah Punch. Before she attacks, mind you.

Protect~Captivate~Sucker Punch
2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct healing move allowed once for the entire match.
Arena: Sketchpad

A giant pad of paper made for transferring imagination into reality, everyone probably knows what one of these is. Except this one is big. Humongous, even. Yet for all intents and purposes it's flat, slightly textured surface provide an incredibly neutral field for battle. However, the paper seems highly resistant to normal damage, and as such the likes of fire, water, or any other damaging elements will not immediately disintegrate it's being as they may normal paper.

The ref plays an extra role in this battle, however.. upon accepting they are granted a magic pen, capable of bringing life to what is drawn onto the paper. As such, the ref gets to decide the arena effects each round, for better or for worse. (Try to remain unbiased though!! Most effects should probably affect both contenders unless you want to get creative with balance)
The catch is, they actually have to DRAW it - obviously. So with a little creativity (NOT asking for artistic genius here, Paint and scribbles will work, though effort would be appreciated~ ) this battle can flow as their fingers decide.
EVERY ROUND THE REF SHOULD DRAW THEIR CURRENT PERCEPTION OF THE BATTLE ON A 750x450 PIXEL TEMPLATE, AS WELL AS ADDING THE EFFECTS THEY WISH. For instance, the ref may draw a pond and colour the rest of the sheet green, to bring the battle to a grassy field with a small pond.
The ref may draw on the ENTIRE ARENA as they wish.

ADDITIONALLY, every three rounds STARTING AT ROUND TWO (Meaning the first round is played by contenders normally, then this will come into play, then two more will be played normally, and it will come into play again) both contenders will receive a disposable pen of their own, which will have enough ink for ONE EFFECT. By using a turn labelled as "Sketch", a Pokemon may sketch a desired effect using this pen, either immediately, or holding onto the pen for a later round. (Only two may be held at one time)
When a pen is used, the contender uses the same 750x450 pixel sheet to illustrate their desired effect, BUT THEY MAY NOT DESCRIBE IT WITH WORDS. Instead, the ref judges from their drawing alone and applies the effect as such!
When a contender produces their own effect, the ref will copy their drawing and ADD to it, but not OVERRIDE it. If both players use their pens at the same time, the player whose turn is first gets first dibs, the second player may ADD but not OVERRIDE it, and the ref takes last priority. A player's effect may only affect a maximum of HALF THE ARENA.
(FOR EXAMPLE: If Player 1 draws a field of Fire on the left side of the field, player two may draw the right side of the field with water, but NOT cover the existing fire. The ref is then within their liberty to add, for example, a platform on either side - but not remove or edit player effects drastically.)
Finally, at the end of every round the pad is wiped clean to begin anew. Meaning at the beginning of every round, it will have returned to a clean, neutral field until edited again.

Round Three
Wuffles (OO)
Alya (F) <Levitate>
Health: 86%
Energy: 79%
Status: slightly embittered with her beloved. Attracted
Confuse Ray / Snatch / Protect ~ Snatch / Spite / Shadow Ball ~ Snatch / Spite / Shadow Ball

M'colleague (OO)
Cheshire (M) <Levitate>
Health: 86%
Energy: 81%
Status: "b-but... snippy snipsnip! D':" -2 Sp Atk, will be hit by Future Sight in 1 action.
Protect~Captivate~Sucker Punch

Again pulling out his pen, the referee starts scribbling again, drawing a strange curvy shape enclosing each trainer and their Pokémon and around himself, before scribbling at random across the rest. Returning to his own circle, he makes sure to be standing in the centre of it before pushing the pen cap back on. As he does, the ovals bulge upwards, and the rest of the arena begins to fill up with white-hot bubbling lava. Or magma depending on whether the referee drew the inside of a volcano or just some crazy lava ocean. Standing back from the sudden excruciating heat, the trainers fan themselves ineffectually and give their orders.

Wishing he had hands to fan his face with, Cheshire secretes a misty cloud of energy around his body; at first it seems like he's trying to cool himself with some strange mist-based water attack, but the mist soon hardens into a sort of spherical shell around his body. Alya listens to her commands, confused and a tad offended; "get into her skull"? How very crude! Cheshire has been a perfect gentleman, aside from, like, punching her and stuff. As for her commands... Confuse Ray? How will screwing up his mind clear it?... oh well, if Dwagie thinks it'll help... her skull glows with ghostly energy before firing a beam ofat Cheshire, which splits up beautifully into dozens of bright, noisy colours that flash garishly, yet prettily. As this beam hits Cheshire's shield, however, the shield loses its transparency and grows solid and opaque, blocking the light from reaching his eyes and rendering it ineffective. Cheshire snickers nastily as he lowers the shield, before suddenly finding himself knocked to the ground. Yelping in pain, he looks around for the unseen assailant; however, whoever or whatever hurt him is either gone or invisible. Unnerved, he puts it out of his mind and returns to the battle.

Sighing at the failure of her Confuse Ray, Alya looks sadly across at Cheshire. Well, that failed. All hopes for the two of them must be lost now... however, she perks up as she sees Cheshire grinning at her quite dashingly from across the arena. The glow of the lava and the fluttery, wavy effect created by the smoke billowing up from it make Cheshire seem even more charmingly adorable (to the Duskull anyway), and Alya falls in love with him all over again. She goes through her commands in her head, hoping she remembers correctly that her trainer told her to go with something along the lines of "hug"... oh no wait. Shadow Ball. She has to hurt her poor little Cheshire! She sighs a defeated sigh; this is a battle, and her trainer's commanded her; she has to listen. But if she could just go a teensy bit easier on him without her trainer noticing... putting her hands together, she begins to charge up a blob of dark ghostly energy between them, until she holds a large ball of shadows. However, she then fires it without charging it fully, secretly willing it to miss. Looking away, she hears a cry of pain as the ball smashes into Cheshire. She sighs in utter guilt, hating herself.

Shaking his head (or perhaps his body), Cheshire ignores the pain of the Shadow Ball and floats back into place, cursing and waiting for Alya to move. She, however, stares back blankly, seeming to wonder whether Cheshire might be refusing to attack, finally acknowledging her love. The Gastly's true intentions are not so noble, as he secretly charges dark energy for an attack. He curses again, wishing Alya would hurry up, and wanting to get this round over with as quickly as possible; he's sweating buckets and the heat is absolutely excruciating. Alya gives another guilty sigh and supposes she'd better move if Cheshire's not going to... she closes her eyes and begins charging another Shadow Ball. Suddenly she feels something smack her hard on the skull, knocking her to the ground; she opens her eyes and picks herself up just in time to see Cheshire quickly retreating to his spot, snickering maliciously. Fuming, she growls in anger; what a dirty rat! Sure, this is a battle and all... but there was no call for such filthy, underhand tactics. With a growl of frustration and annoyance she finishes charging her Shadow Ball and fires it off with a cry of fury. The ball slams into Cheshire, who lets out a screech as the shadows explode against his gaseous body. The blow knocks him clear of the platform, and he begins to fall into the lava. Alya and Typh gasp in horror, but just before he hits the liquid it drains in an instant, leaving the arena blank once more.

Wuffles (OO)
Alya (F) <Levitate>
Health: 68%
Energy: 61%
Status: fuming. Attracted, -2 Sp Atk.
Confuse Ray ~ Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball

M'colleague (OO)
Cheshire (M) <Levitate>
Health: 51%
Energy: 65%
Status: glad to be cool again. -2 Sp Atk
Protect ~ Captivate ~ Sucker Punch

Terrain Notes
Arena for this round: Lava Pit; everyone stands on a rocky platform surrounded by lava. Fire-types regenerate 2% energy per action; other types take 2% damage apart from Water which takes 3% and Ice and Grass which take 4%. All physical attacks cost 2% more energy due to the heat; all other attacks cost 1% more.

Final Notes
- Cheshire got hit by Future Sight at the end of the first action.
- ...er I forgot to describe the heat causing pain or anything >< Whoops. Just pretend I implied it, ok
- M'colleague go
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Time to go for a different approach. Will-o-Wisp. If it hit on the first round, use Double Team (3 clones). If it doesn't, Curse. if You haven't used Curse yet, use it again, and if you did, Giga Drain (health)

Will-o-Wisp~Double Team/Curse~Giga Drain (health)/Curse
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Alya he's such a poser. And for fricks sake how are you still attracted? I mean, he punch made for suckers'd you!
Let's go ahead and Imprison him. Arh ha ha restraining order. No need for him to be using your moves aye?
Then we can go ahead and return to favour and burn the bugger, Will o' Wisp him, apparently he likes it hawt.
And the finish up, smack him with another Shadow Ball and laugh at the puniness of Giga Drain.
I can't believe I haven't used my pen yet BUT I'LL GET THERE.

Imprison ~ Will o' Wisp ~ Shadow Ball
2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct healing move allowed once for the entire match.
Arena: Sketchpad

A giant pad of paper made for transferring imagination into reality, everyone probably knows what one of these is. Except this one is big. Humongous, even. Yet for all intents and purposes it's flat, slightly textured surface provide an incredibly neutral field for battle. However, the paper seems highly resistant to normal damage, and as such the likes of fire, water, or any other damaging elements will not immediately disintegrate it's being as they may normal paper.

The ref plays an extra role in this battle, however.. upon accepting they are granted a magic pen, capable of bringing life to what is drawn onto the paper. As such, the ref gets to decide the arena effects each round, for better or for worse. (Try to remain unbiased though!! Most effects should probably affect both contenders unless you want to get creative with balance)
The catch is, they actually have to DRAW it - obviously. So with a little creativity (NOT asking for artistic genius here, Paint and scribbles will work, though effort would be appreciated~ ) this battle can flow as their fingers decide.
EVERY ROUND THE REF SHOULD DRAW THEIR CURRENT PERCEPTION OF THE BATTLE ON A 750x450 PIXEL TEMPLATE, AS WELL AS ADDING THE EFFECTS THEY WISH. For instance, the ref may draw a pond and colour the rest of the sheet green, to bring the battle to a grassy field with a small pond.
The ref may draw on the ENTIRE ARENA as they wish.

ADDITIONALLY, every three rounds STARTING AT ROUND TWO (Meaning the first round is played by contenders normally, then this will come into play, then two more will be played normally, and it will come into play again) both contenders will receive a disposable pen of their own, which will have enough ink for ONE EFFECT. By using a turn labelled as "Sketch", a Pokemon may sketch a desired effect using this pen, either immediately, or holding onto the pen for a later round. (Only two may be held at one time)
When a pen is used, the contender uses the same 750x450 pixel sheet to illustrate their desired effect, BUT THEY MAY NOT DESCRIBE IT WITH WORDS. Instead, the ref judges from their drawing alone and applies the effect as such!
When a contender produces their own effect, the ref will copy their drawing and ADD to it, but not OVERRIDE it. If both players use their pens at the same time, the player whose turn is first gets first dibs, the second player may ADD but not OVERRIDE it, and the ref takes last priority. A player's effect may only affect a maximum of HALF THE ARENA.
(FOR EXAMPLE: If Player 1 draws a field of Fire on the left side of the field, player two may draw the right side of the field with water, but NOT cover the existing fire. The ref is then within their liberty to add, for example, a platform on either side - but not remove or edit player effects drastically.)
Finally, at the end of every round the pad is wiped clean to begin anew. Meaning at the beginning of every round, it will have returned to a clean, neutral field until edited again.

Round Four
Wuffles (OO)
Alya (F) <Levitate>
Health: 68%
Energy: 61%
Status: fuming. Attracted, -2 Sp Atk.
Imprison ~ Will o' Wisp ~ Shadow Ball

M'colleague (OO)
Cheshire (M) <Levitate>
Health: 51%
Energy: 65%
Status: glad to be cool again. -2 Sp Atk
Will-o-Wisp ~ Double Team/Curse ~ Giga Drain (health)/Curse

The ref takes slightly longer to draw this round's arena- rather than just a few squiggles or a simple roundish blob, he begins drawing a detailed landscape, littered with tall pillars, stone arches, and a multitude of intricate symbols on the ground. The battlers watch him return the cap onto the pen, knowing what's coming next... or not. Suddenly the floor lurches skywards, knocking everyone standing on it off their feet, and continues to rocket up for ages before grinding to a halt. When it does so, the arches and pillars spring from the ground and colour bleeds into the landscape, colouring everything either gold or brown. Groaning and standing up, the trainers look around. They appear to be at the top of some sort of mountain, on an altar of sorts built from brick- apparently a long time ago, because everything's crumbling away. The cries of mysterious Pokémon can be heard off in the distance, beyond the dark and stormy skies around them. A strange, arcane power seems to be in play here, warping the very fabric of time itself.

Alya floats passively for a time, blinking her one eye and waiting for Cheshire to move, by now being used to moving second. Slowly she realises, Cheshire's attack is taking far too long. He's moving at a ridiculously slow pace, whereas she herself is quite nippy. She can likely get an attack in before he can! She summons up her psychic energy and begins to manipulate Cheshire's mind, hacking into certain bits of knowledge and shutting them down with psychic energy. She snickers devilishly, hoping that'll make things a little harder for him... Cheshire grunts unpleasantly, having felt the strange force disrupting his mind. Was that Alya doing that? Nah, impossible... she's a silly old Duskull slowcoach. Shrugging it off, Cheshire opens his mouth to reveal a smallish blue orb of flame dancing on his tongue, which he spits toward Alya. She flinches, expecting an impact and unwelcome burny sensation; instead, however, the ball of flame simply meanders lazily through the air, swirling slowly towards her. Eventually, it reaches her and comes to a stop, and Alya smiles. Aw, it's so pretty! Alya stares deep into the orb, fascinated by its bluish flickerings. Can she touch it? She wants to touch it. Reaching out a hand/fin/whatever, she gives the fireball a gentle poke... and instantly squeals and snatches her hand away, having been dealt a mysteriously severe burn. The orb seems to chuckle before simply fading away to nothing.

Rubbing at her sore and peeling skin, Alya scowls at Cheshire. His pretty thing hurt her! And she thought it was some sort of lovely gift to say sorry. Absolutely fuming, she stares at Cheshire hatefully, her burning anger materialising in the form of another blue orb of flames. Crackling and swaying, it bobs toward Cheshire just as slowly as his did towards her. Cheshire recognises the ominous fireball and attempts to float away from it, but the strange aura effecting the arena is still dragging him down, and the will-o-wisp chases him down easily. Swirling gently around his spherical body, it brushes at his sides with its flames, dealing a series of nasty burns before fading. Cheshire wails and tries desperately to find some way to cool or rub at his wounds; this is where limbs are handy, kids, because the big blob of gas can do nothing to soothe the affliction, and a nasty burn sets in. Scowling, Cheshire tries desperately to try to find a way to cool down, as his side feels as though it's on fire. He starts to swarm around the arena, hoping that flying as fast as he can will whip up a cooling breeze, but alas he fails. However, when he sops, three identical Gastly seem to have joined him, each sporting an angry red sore on their gaseous hides.

Somehow, with only one eye to work with, Alya frowns. This is pretty confuzzling. Clearly only one of these is the real Cheshire, but which? With a shrug, she lets off a ball of darkness at random, flinging it at one of the illusions. It rips through one like a knife through butter, making it fade instantly. Rats. That must have been a copy. Alya tuts, cursing Cheshire's cowardice. Meanwhile, the three Cheshires start chanting ominously, uttering an eldritch incantation over and over in an unknown but satanic-sounding tongue. An ambience of great evil washes over the arena, and Alya shifts uncomfortably. Suddenly, a vision of three rusty, bloodstained swords appear in the air in front of the Gastlys, and swivel to point blade-first toward their bodies... Alya cries out but her screams catch in her throat, and frozen in horror she is unable to turn away as the blades thrust through the Cheshires' bodies. The Gastlys screech loudly and horribly, and Alya lets out a similar, blood-curdling wail as she feels something enter her body. Something unknown, but sinister and no doubt evil... Shuddering in pain, Cheshire opens his eyes and grins weakly at Alya. The sacrifice was worth it; the curse has her now.

Just as the forbidding atmosphere provided by the ritual lifts, a screech is suddenly heard from the centre of the arena, and a pinprick of light shines up from the centre of the triangular emblem in the middle of the altar. The shaft of light spreads, creating a circle of swirling blue light, out of which a shadow begins to rise. At first, just the eyes show, dark red ellipses shining up from the abyss; then suddenly a head pushes upwards, and two front legs slam to the ground outside the circle, shaking the entire arena. The thing pulls itself up and out onto all four legs, revealing a third shining red light in the centre of its chest. For a time, the being is silent and unmoving; the only sounds in the arena are the booms of thunder from the storm that has begun in the ever-darkening sky. Then, suddenly, it throws its head back and lets out a screeching, unearthly, and indescribably loud roar. The sound is piercing, and seems to shatter even the constraints of time itself. Past begins to merge with present, present with future, all three merging into a single chaotic mess. Another arcane, unusual power seems to shake the arena, horrendous explosions of blue energy setting off all over, smashing chunks of rock from the pillars and raining them down over the confused and helpless battlers. No measure of duration can be applied to the chaos that occurred during that immense bellow, since it broke the boundaries of "time", but it seems like millenia before the screech cuts off to reveal an even further destroyed arena, a very sore and bewildered Alya, and no sign of the creature that caused it except the swirling pink light in the ground... wait. Wasn't that light blue when whatever-it-was came out? This is a question the ref will soon wish he never asked. The observers scream as a second figure begins to emerge, its long neck, wreathed in shadow, looming out of the hole. Its two forearms reach from the pit and pull it from the portal, and it climbs up to stand before the five terrified beings on the altar. Its claws, obscured by darkness, glow with pink energy, and with a colossal (but not time-bending) roar it leaps toward Cheshire. With a sweep of its claws, just like time before it, space completely shatters; columns buckle and bend, swirling into coils before breaking apart completely. The floor ripples and sloshes like liquid as boulders crash into it, which tumble around before then floating into the air as if weightless. Finally, with an unearthly creak the entire arena stretches briefly before crushing itself up into an infinitely tiny point at the centre of the swirling portal that brought the second creature here, and is replaced by the familiar blank canvas. The trainers and referee climb shakily to their feet, and the Pokémon stop squeezing their eyes shut and resume battle. All five are frankly happy to have survived whatever the hell just happened. At least, Cheshire is happy until he notices he's missing another clone. However, that soon goes to the back of his mind as his burn flares up; Alya is in a worse boat though, suffering not only the dreadful stinging burn, but the curse laid upon her sapping her strength as well, by some devilish means probably best left unknown.

Wuffles (OO)
Alya (F) <Levitate>
Health: 43%
Energy: 53%
Status: "that was absolutely bloody terrifying. Awesome, but terrifying".
-2 Sp Atk, burned (3% damage per round), cursed (1/10 of remaining HP lost each round).
Imprison ~ Will o' Wisp ~ Shadow Ball

M'colleague (OO)
Cheshire (M) <Levitate>
Health: 23%
Energy: 44%
Status: feeling lonely with all these clones missing. -2 Sp Atk, burned (3% damage per round); Trick Room, Taunt, Captivate, Confuse Ray and Shadow Ball disabled for seven actions. Has 1 clone.
Will-o-Wisp ~ Double Team ~ Curse

Terrain Notes
Arena for this round: Spear Pillar; Trick Room made active for the duration of the round. At the end, Dialga and Palkia attack with Roar of Time and Spacial Rend, each hitting a random target.

Final Notes
- Alya's attraction wore off.
- Shadow Ball missed.
- Dialga's Roar of Time hit Alya, whereas Palkia's Spacial Rend hit Cheshire, but taking out a clone rather than hurting him.
- Legendary signature attacks are the most fun things to ref ever 83
- Wuffles go

Okay first... uh wait... UTILITY ITEMS!!
HERE YOU GO ALYA~ PLEASE FIGURE WHAT IT'S USED FOR PROPERLY. 8D my own rules mean I can't write actual words but I'm assuming LOL and BLAH BLAH do not break this rule :V ((Dear gods it took like two minutes and is AWFUL what))

Okay okay after that... Taunt the little bugger again. >:T Ish annoying with all this.. statusy stuff and he can't fling Shadow Balls any more teehee.
Then.. uh... Shadow Ball him kekeke.

Also Calm Mind if he tries to block you. :V


AWFUL SCRIBBLE and TINNED PEACHES ~ Taunt / Calm Mind ~ Shadow Ball / Calm Mind
2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct healing move allowed once for the entire match.
Arena: Sketchpad

A giant pad of paper made for transferring imagination into reality, everyone probably knows what one of these is. Except this one is big. Humongous, even. Yet for all intents and purposes it's flat, slightly textured surface provide an incredibly neutral field for battle. However, the paper seems highly resistant to normal damage, and as such the likes of fire, water, or any other damaging elements will not immediately disintegrate it's being as they may normal paper.

The ref plays an extra role in this battle, however.. upon accepting they are granted a magic pen, capable of bringing life to what is drawn onto the paper. As such, the ref gets to decide the arena effects each round, for better or for worse. (Try to remain unbiased though!! Most effects should probably affect both contenders unless you want to get creative with balance)
The catch is, they actually have to DRAW it - obviously. So with a little creativity (NOT asking for artistic genius here, Paint and scribbles will work, though effort would be appreciated~ ) this battle can flow as their fingers decide.
EVERY ROUND THE REF SHOULD DRAW THEIR CURRENT PERCEPTION OF THE BATTLE ON A 750x450 PIXEL TEMPLATE, AS WELL AS ADDING THE EFFECTS THEY WISH. For instance, the ref may draw a pond and colour the rest of the sheet green, to bring the battle to a grassy field with a small pond.
The ref may draw on the ENTIRE ARENA as they wish.

ADDITIONALLY, every three rounds STARTING AT ROUND TWO (Meaning the first round is played by contenders normally, then this will come into play, then two more will be played normally, and it will come into play again) both contenders will receive a disposable pen of their own, which will have enough ink for ONE EFFECT. By using a turn labelled as "Sketch", a Pokemon may sketch a desired effect using this pen, either immediately, or holding onto the pen for a later round. (Only two may be held at one time)
When a pen is used, the contender uses the same 750x450 pixel sheet to illustrate their desired effect, BUT THEY MAY NOT DESCRIBE IT WITH WORDS. Instead, the ref judges from their drawing alone and applies the effect as such!
When a contender produces their own effect, the ref will copy their drawing and ADD to it, but not OVERRIDE it. If both players use their pens at the same time, the player whose turn is first gets first dibs, the second player may ADD but not OVERRIDE it, and the ref takes last priority. A player's effect may only affect a maximum of HALF THE ARENA.
(FOR EXAMPLE: If Player 1 draws a field of Fire on the left side of the field, player two may draw the right side of the field with water, but NOT cover the existing fire. The ref is then within their liberty to add, for example, a platform on either side - but not remove or edit player effects drastically.)
Finally, at the end of every round the pad is wiped clean to begin anew. Meaning at the beginning of every round, it will have returned to a clean, neutral field until edited again.

Round Five
Wuffles (OO)
Alya (F) <Levitate>
Health: 43%
Energy: 53%
Status: "that was absolutely bloody terrifying. Awesome, but terrifying".
-2 Sp Atk, burned (3% damage per round), cursed (1/10 of remaining HP lost each round).
AWFUL SCRIBBLE and TINNED PEACHES ~ Taunt / Calm Mind ~ Shadow Ball / Calm Mind

M'colleague (OO)
Cheshire (M) <Levitate>
Health: 23%
Energy: 44%
Status: feeling lonely with all these clones missing. -2 Sp Atk, burned (3% damage per round); Trick Room, Taunt, Captivate, Confuse Ray and Shadow Ball disabled for seven actions. Has 1 clone.
Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse

Deciding against making such dangerous and destructive scribblings again, the referee elects to go for somewhere much safer. But of course still awfully dangerous. He scrawls a complicated network of lines all over the floor between a multitude of big boxy shapes, and puts the cap back on the pen. The boxes rise from the ground, taking the form of various important-looking machines, and the lines turn into crackling wires of varting colours. The referee raises his flag to call a start to the round, attempting to smooth his hair up as he does; the arena seems to be making it stand to attention.

Momentarily distracted by the interesting-looking machines, Cheshire snaps himself out of it and returns his attentions to the battle. He glares at Alya; he bets that thing that attacked him and destroyed his lovely clones was her doing! He growls in fury, his anger and hatred condensing in a dark, glowing, purple mist around his gaseous body. The aura grows and grows, becoming darker and glowing brighter as it does, until eventually it gives and the purple energy is sent rocketing across the arena, smashing machines and tearing up cables which explode into bursts of sparks. In particular the wave of energy crashes against Alya, sending her crashing into a huge metal cylinder behind her. Groaning, she floats up and glares at Cheshire in annoyance. Alya's trainer, not impressed by this tomfoolery, hops forward clutching her magic pen and pulls the lid off- with some difficulty, as the electricity in the air seems to be holding it down magnetically. When eventually the cap prises off, Dwagie gives a yelp and falls to the floor as it discharges a huge volt of energy from the ground into her. Standing up crossly, she smooths down her fur and gets to work scribbling on the ground, drawing what looks like a toothpaste tube. When she puts the cap back on her pen, it turns out that it is, in fact, a toothpaste tube, or something very much like one... she smiles at Alya and goes back to her space. Alya warily picks up the tube and looks at it... there seems to be a fire symbol with a cross through it. And above that, some sort of helicopter? She shrugs at her trainer, with no idea what she'd do with a tube of fire- and helicopter-proof Blah Blah~. She twists the lid off inquisitively and squeezes a little into her palm. She sniffs it and licks it cautiously; tastes like some sort of ointment. She rubs a little into her skin, and starts to feel a little better; her burn's definitely eased up. Suddenly she gives a yelp and collapses to the ground convulsing madly; Cheshire does the same, minus the convulsing due to his lack of appendages. The potency of the electric charge in the arena has built up and discharged violently, striking each of the battlers.

Cheshire gets up slowly and rises into the air. He looks at Alya and sees her looking pretty perky, albeit recently electrocuted. Definitely not suffering from her burn like before! Feeling his own burn eating at his side, he gives a grunt of anger. That's not fair! Why should she get to heal herself while his skin or gas or whatever still feels on fire?! Never mind; he'll provide the pain she's missing, he thinks evilly, the cloak of purple mist again accumulating around his body. Again it grows thicker and thicker until Cheshire swings forward with a grunt, sending the wave of energy swarming through the arena, smashing up more of the delicate, probably expensive machinery on its way to the Duskull floating ahead of him. The odious purple force crashes against Alya's body once again, this time sending her crashing right through the metal cylinder behind her. She comes out bundled in wires, electrical energy coursing through her body and enslaving her nervous system. She can do little more than lie on the spot squealing in discomfort as the electricity locks up her muscles, before attacking her pain receptors, cardiac muscle, and everything else electricity does to mess you up and hurt you. Not that Cheshire's doing any better; after just a few seconds of gloating, electricity arcs up from the mesh of wires under him, shocking him senseless.

Cheshire gives another indignant grunt. This damn electricity is really getting to him- he can't even celebrate one of his many awesome hits without getting blasted with the paralysing charge. Only one recourse remains; smash those stupid electricity machines! Forming his rage into another ball of sinister energy, he again sends it rushing across the ground, through the wreckage of the machinery smashed by previous Dark Pulses and into Akya's body, again flinging her into a generator device across the room. Another rush of electricity swarms through her body, and much as she tries to coortidinate her body to attack her muscles are arrested by the charge, doomed to flail hopelessly until the electric surge going through the arena dies down. Again, Cheshire is in the same boat, assaulted by a huge storm of electricity that arcs from every surface in the room, striking everything even remotely conductive. When finally the surge dies down, the Pokémon try their twitching muscles, finding voluntary movement once more possible, and float up wearily to find the familiar blank field, and a large pen not unlike the referee's mysteriously pressed into each of their trainer's hands. The referee and two trainers smooth down their hair, pat at their singed clothes, and ponder what to draw next. Hopefully something with less chance of electrocuting them all to oblivion.

Wuffles (OO)
Alya (F) <Levitate>
Health: 9%
Energy: 53%
Status: did not enjoy that round one bit. -2 Sp Atk. Cursed (-1/10 of current HP each turn).

M'colleague (OO)
Cheshire (M) <Levitate>
Health: 14%
Energy: 23%
Status: "how the heck can you electrocute gas anyway D<". -2 Sp Atk, burned (3% damage per round); Trick Room, Taunt, Captivate, Confuse Ray and Shadow Ball disabled for four actions. Has 1 clone.
Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse

Terrain Notes
Arena for this round: Power Plant; all non-Electric types take 2% Electric damage each round. Electric attacks consume 2% less energy and inflict 1.25x as much damage.

Final Notes
- uh, I think that was some kind of burn cream Dwagie drew? Derp.
- Alya flinched on both of the latter two actions. Whoops.
- M'colleague go
*flaps fiery earwings* Ouch. Damnit, now I know why I keep spray bottles under my fedora... *spritzs*

OKAY. Saving pen until later, let's just redo some fire: Will-O-Wisp and masquerade mindscrews~ Psychic and blow a little, blow a lot, conjure a sudden...BOO Ominous Wind

Will-O-Wisp~Psychic~Ominous Wind
Heeeey why does she get a spraybottle >:C I wasn't informed I could have supplies under my fedora. *Puffs of tail trying to put out a small fire* aaaaa ow ow ow-
Also it was Burn Ointment coupled with Anti-Curse... stuff. >:c pfffff a helicopter? really?

Pfft anyway Alya Flinches suck but so do burns Protect the will o' wisp. Then endure that si-keekz and fling a Shadow Bawl at this dude's face. If he's still alive smack him with a Shadow Sneak and finish him, if he's ded set up a Trick Room. Woop Woop.

Protect ~ Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Sneak / Trick Room
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