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Only because the use of foreign languages piques interest...

Good morning/afternoon/evening, the username's Indigestion. I'm probably the most indecisive, self-destructive, paranoid individual you'll ever meet. If you are one of the people that must put labels on everything, I guess you could say my sexual orientation is pansexual since I like people. I have a sharp tongue and stout heart. I'm not one of those approachable individuals that absolutely everyone gets along with. I have firm opinions and inherent values. I'm awfully hard on myself, proven by the stretch marks that scar my sides and my empty stomach that cries. As a person of efflorescence, my thoughts and feelings change every second. I have my days where I'm blithe and nonchalant, and my days in which I'm bitter and downcast. Things I like include swings, curtains, blankets, music, poetry, novels, boots, cats, ghosts, picnics, chilly weather, spiderwebs, jackets, children, naps, foreign languages, trees, cold beverages, soccer, clothes, photography, theater, beanies, lamps, mugs, wallets, board games, cycling, libraries, breezes, pastures, etc. Things I hate include invitations, radiators, dripping taps, open toilet seats, perspiration, white walls, litter, cars, humiliation, alcohol, darkness, wrong notes, chipped glasses, trophies, inopportune silliness, dying batteries, war, my thighs, fire, abuse, my German teacher, favoritism, dishonesty, early mornings, sickness, etc. So that's me in a nutshell.


Re: Einführung!

Good to see another user here! You seem like you're exploding with joy cool enough. I didn't see Pokémon in that list. What brought you here?
Re: Einführung!

Cool...enough? Hmm interesting.

Yeah I totally love Pokemon. I sorta figured that would've been obvious since this is a Pokemon website after all.
Re: Einführung!

Welcome. I hope you stick around, you seem pretty good at typing things out and making things clear. Nice lists you have there!

efflorescence wow
Re: Einführung!

Welcome to the forums! I love your avatar (Peanuts is amazing) and the fact that you used the German word for introduction as your title. Hope you find these forums a great place to be!
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