• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Enlighten meh, for I am Laure


New member
Hello The Cave of Dragonflies. I wasn't going to lie. I just wanted to check this place out, but I joined just because the layout is pretty sexy.

*is attracted to blue*

Anyway what I came here for is that I'm pretty lonely here in my boring college dorm where no drinking is allowed, so I spend a lot of free time on the internet, and this place seems to appeal to my two interest. Pokemon and Roleplaying.

What else about me? Hmmmm....well I write Kagome Sesshoumaru fanfics because I'm into the anime...

*runs away in embarrassment*

I'm 20. My real name is Tomika, but the name Laure just rolls off the tongue. So vote for me ! >: VOTE FOR MEH NOW!
Well, it's a good thing that's not creepy at all. Nah haha I'm just kidding! Well it's nice to meet you Tomika, or should I call you Laure?
RPer! *cling* Yay. We haven't had much RP action lately, it's good to get new people in.

Anyway, I am FMC, the Cookies that are made of Metal! Nice to meet you.
Hi there, Miss Laure. Nice to meecha, hope to see ya' down in yonder RP Forums!
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