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Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

The Mismagius hummed with a hint of a trill at the bottom of his voice. "So y'all transformed into this Zeraora form when the torch was passed onto ya?" He asked as his gems flashed with delighted intrigue. "Sounds to me like wanderlust ends up bein' the blood then, huh? Oh, if only I could replicate that kinda metamorphosis; it could help so many injured and disabled folks...!"

Nova's voice snapped him out of his musings. His hat lowered as he let out a slight chuckle. "Sounds to me like the real reason for the passdown though wasn't just the battle-heart, but well, the heart itself, y'know?" He gave a cordial smile. "So in your expert opinion then, what makes Sierra the best candidate to carry the light?"
Koa had been all too eager to accept the offer to meet again with Luz, even with all his straggling doubts. Plus, it was a chance to learn more about this world. He waved discreetly to Bosque and Nube before turning his attention back to Luz.

"Do you think he made a mistake to chose you?" he asked carefully, studying Luz. She seemed cool, but then again maybe she saw it differently... At least she had done a better job than some legends (or so called ones) had. The thought of the Cyclone still made him feel annoyed. Sierra didn't seem so bad, if that was really who Luz wanted.
"So y'all transformed into this Zeraora form when the torch was passed onto ya? Sounds to me like wanderlust ends up bein' the blood then, huh? Oh, if only I could replicate that kinda metamorphosis; it could help so many injured and disabled folks...!"
"The proper use of radiance, huh? What does properly sharing radiance to new generations entail, anyway?"

"Ha, sure. Good luck replicatin' divine ascent as a medical procedure, Doc'," chuckled Luz, nodding towards Ghaspius.

She gestured with a palm towards Nova, and skewed her mouth.

"The power's not meant for just everyone, y'know. I gave you folks the light 'cause I figure you're not stickin' around... But my mentor passed it to me alongside plenty of lessons. Self-control, mindfulness, the 'torchbearer philosophy' – that is to say, the duty of carrying light into the darkness. Like a lantern."

She sniffed, eyes fixed on something from the past.

"He was pretty big on protectin' the vulnerable, which is plenty noble an aspiration... but most of my trainin' took the form of combat. Fer nigh on a century of my life, I saw the lantern as a weapon. It ain't only fer fightin', though. ...Try to conceptualise that, and remember it."

"Sounds to me like the real reason for the passdown though wasn't just the battle-heart, but well, the heart itself, y'know? So in your expert opinion then, what makes Sierra the best candidate to carry the light?"
"Do you think he made a mistake to chose you?"

Luz inclined her head to Sierra, then at Koa, perceiving more with ears and whiskers than her eyes. Perhaps she could see shadow and light, if not any real details. She took a moment to answer, giving it serious consideration before saying a word.

"I carried the lantern well in my time," she said, at last. "I'll never know if my mentor saw somethin' in me beyond my talents as a warrior, but I grew into the role, over the years. I grew up, y'might say." She swallowed, and thumbed her whiskers. "The thing is, much as I might bitch and moan about it, he made a damn fine choice at the time. There was war between clans in those days, and war with Tenacindea, and folks were mightily afeared of perishin'. There was a clear choice, and he made it, and I did as was expected of me."

The Zeraora grinned, flexing a paw with what seemed to be nostalgia.

"I fought," she said, with a sigh, "and I won. Brought an end to war that's lasted 'til today."

Sierra nodded solemnly. "The Tenacine Protectorate recognised Escarpa sovereignty over most of the Soja' as part of the peace talks," she explained. "Their soldiers went home, and instead there came traders, scholars, pilgrims. They replaced their ruler, and the new prince swore himself as an ally of the Escarpa..."

Luz smirked, turning her silver head aside. "Sonofabitch asked to wed me, is what he did."

"Was that so unreasonable?" mused Sierra, resting her chin on the back of one paw. "Even the Escarpa have had diplomatic marriages in the past. It's not as though he wanted you for a concubine."

The Saint scoffed, then put up a paw in a begrudging gesture of agreement. "See, ghost fella? That's why this lady is my firm pick to take my place. Sure, bein' a Crisis hero makes fer a damn good résumé, but the quality I care for the most is that cool head a' hers she's got on her shoulders. A warrior and a leader. Someone whom Radiance won't take off her mental reservation, if you follow my meanin'."
Nova was about to ask whether that cool head was part of the reason the torch hadn't been passed yet, but thought better of it. That would just be disrespectful. Maybe there was a better way to approach the subject?

"How, uh, has this apprenticeship gone so far?" he wondered, looking between Luz and Sierra. "I'd heard offhand that some of the current Saints... didn't exactly have the fortune to get thorough training from their predecessors."
Sierra smiled. "I think it's going rather well."

Luz tilted her head, ears flicking towards Nova. "Gonna put this gal through her paces. No way I'm letting her stand on her hindpaws 'til I'm satisfied she can handle anythin' creation throws at her. Could be months, yet. Ain't no rush now we're started."

Sierra pawed her chin. "Graydian Nova... By other Saints, you mean the Cyclone? I suspect also the Twilight?"

Luz grimaced. "Thaaaaat's a whole kettle a' wasps right there. Lot goin' on with those birds 'sides just that 'they didn't get their full training'. But that's part of it sure enough, I'll grant ya. If they can get their minds right, could be there's ways of makin' up for what they lost out on..."

She shook her head, looking deeply pensive as she considered this.
At least some Saints still cared about their power and how it was wielded. The thought gave him a flicker of hope, that there would be other Saints who cared about protecting and having a level head.

"That's something I've been curious about," admitted Koa. He tried to think of tactful way to put it, but couldn't quite figure out how. "How much do other Saints... associate with each other? Like the Cyclone and the Twilight, just getting to keep that power and cause problems. Is there anything other than offworlders like us to keep them... in check?"

What happened when they returned home? Who could stand up to the less benevolent saints?
"Ha, sure. Good luck replicatin' divine ascent as a medical procedure, Doc'," chuckled Luz, nodding towards Ghaspius.
Ghaspius let out a hearty chuckle in return. "Ain't lookin' for miracles, just magic," he declared without a hint of irony in his voice. "Even just helpin' a fella heal a life-threatening gash would be a breakthrough. I'll figure it out one day, just you see."
"See, ghost fella? That's why this lady is my firm pick to take my place. Sure, bein' a Crisis hero makes fer a damn good résumé, but the quality I care for the most is that cool head a' hers she's got on her shoulders. A warrior and a leader. Someone whom Radiance won't take off her mental reservation, if you follow my meanin'."
He returned a long nod. "I'm with y'all there one-hundo percent. S'why my sis went with the Association back in my world 'stead of me. Strong body, strong mind, strong heart." Though he held his head high, his nostalgic smile slowly faltered in the face of a deeper melancholy. His gems waved, but he made no further indication as began to rustle through his bag again and listened to Koa's words.

"It's somethin' we've been rackin' our brains on," he said before finally pulling out a flask, "One of 'em in particular's been talkin' about how if they aren't stopped in their own rampaging, it's just 'nature', like if a storm hit or somethin'."

The Mismagius let out a scoff at that as he popped open the cork. "I get it ain't our place to meddle, but it still really ruffles my cloth. It's not nature, it's his actions." He slammed his eyes shut trying to hold them back before anyone noticed they were twitching in frustration. Without opening them, he held the flask out for Luz. "Want some water? I'll take a sip first if ya don't trust it."
"Graydian Nova... By other Saints, you mean the Cyclone? I suspect also the Twilight?"
"You'd have to ask them." Nova gestured to the others with his crest. "I didn't meet with either bird. Was helping a friend settle into life on the Soja, if you catch my drift."
When Archie had arrived, he’d taken to standing somewhat nearby Seth – not close enough that the Lycanrocs couldn’t continue their whispered conversation without fear of being overheard – but still close enough to find some comfort in the familiarity of his presence. Too many of his friends had gone and vanished, and it made part of him want to cling to the ones who were still here even more. Plus, he’d never been out to the camp before, and of the people they were meeting, he’d only met Luz briefly, and Sierra not at all. The Dewott felt out of place.

Maybe that was why he didn’t speak up when the others did? He had taken his hat off when he entered the tent, figuring it was the respectful thing to do, and fidgeted with it in his paws while he listened to the others speak. But, as the topic turned to the Legendaries, he did finally feel compelled to speak up.

“I met briefly, with both Articuno and Moltres,” he said. “I can’t really say either filled me with much confidence in them.”

Moltres, destroying thing just because she could, because no one would dare to stand up to her. Articuno, coldly manipulating generations of lost humans and their descendants, justified in the name of the greater good. He’d come away from both meetings with a sinking feeling in his stomach. The Gods of Forlas surely were deeply flawed.
In a corner struggling not to lean against the cloth tent wall, Kimiko listened silently to Luz' backstory. She hadn't known much about the zeraora before being granted her Radiance prior to the raid, and there hadn't been a chance since to follow-up. But when they'd been invited to a meeting at the Escarpa camp, Kimiko knew she needed to sharpen her skills, and this might be a good opportunity to re-focus. Luz being here was just a bonus, but one she intended on making use of.

She chuckled quietly to herself at the shinx cubs. She chuckled further at the image of Luz hosting a party.

Interesting... she'd never heard of the zeraora species prior to coming here. And how Luz reveals that they were once luxray. Some sort of 'next step' in luxray evolution, perhaps? Or was it the Radiance that allowed for such a transformation? The professor would be all over this, Kimiko noted with amusement. But the origin of the zeraora species wasn't, in fact, why they were here.

"Gonna put this gal through her paces. No way I'm letting her stand on her hindpaws 'til I'm satisfied she can handle anythin' creation throws at her. Could be months, yet. Ain't no rush now we're started."

All things considered, she couldn't find any argument against Sierra being Luz' successor. Still, the party had been granted the use of this power, too, however temporary Luz consider the arrangement to be, and it was unlikely they had months to learn and practice. Maybe there was a quicker path, more suited to the Wayfarer's temporary use of the power. She knew full well what could happen should she wield either Radiance or Shadow without the proper care, but she couldn't be afraid of that any longer. If Luz wouldn't help, she'd just have suck it up and practice with it on her own. But it couldn't hurt to ask.

She cleared her throat before speaking. "Chieftain Sierra will be here long after we're gone. But who knows how long we have. Would you... perhaps be willing to train us as well?"

The subject shifted to the encounters with the birds, and she fell silent once more. Not purely out of shame for having slunk out of duty (although that certainly was there, too), but to learn more. She'd heard plenty about what had happened, and was interested in Luz' thoughts.
Archie had arrived, he’d taken to standing somewhat nearby Seth – not close enough that the Lycanrocs couldn’t continue their whispered conversation without fear of being overheard – but still close enough to find some comfort in the familiarity of his presence.

When Seth noticed Archie, he gave the otter a rising nod, and slapped the space next to him. There was enough space on the rugs-on-reeds of a floor surface to sit without sprawling next to the wolf – that was as good an invitation as he'd get.

"That's something I've been curious about," admitted Koa. He tried to think of tactful way to put it, but couldn't quite figure out how. "How much do other Saints... associate with each other? Like the Cyclone and the Twilight, just getting to keep that power and cause problems. Is there anything other than offworlders like us to keep them... in check?"
"It's somethin' we've been rackin' our brains on," he said before finally pulling out a flask, "One of 'em in particular's been talkin' about how if they aren't stopped in their own rampaging, it's just 'nature', like if a storm hit or somethin'. I get it ain't our place to meddle, but it still really ruffles my cloth. It's not nature, it's his actions.

"Want some water? I'll take a sip first if ya don't trust it."

Luz reached out and took the flask as if she weren't blind at all. Clearly her other senses were good, maybe there was even some kind of electroreceception going on...

"Thank ye kindly, son," drawled the cat. "Now, as to yer questions...

"Firstly, there are only so many gods an' demigods, and they got a whole globe to cover between them. The greater part of the world's people are in what folks call the 'old world', too. Places like Arcadelle, Tsainan and the rest, with millions of 'mon. I see the Two Aeons 'bout once every few years fer a catch-up, and I run into the Cyclone every so often and that's the greater part of my socialisin' with other legendaries right there. Used to get along with the Stormbringer, but the fella went an' dived down the well some years back with no acolyte to succeed 'im...

"Funny you should talk about 'em as you do, though, kid. What's stoppin' you lot causin' problems? If you feel unnerved by the thought of a bird smashin' an object from time to time 'cause of some numinous ideal, I shudder to think how you'd feel about an offworlder with a more material agenda. D'you know, fer a time there was a part-human outlaw in the Soja' who was a match fer me in battle? And he actually wanted power and wealth, and to hurt folks. Kill 'em, even.

"As fer Zapdos, runner of the roads that he is – I know that bastard well enough. All you have to do is not fuckin' rise to him, and he won't fuckin' clock ya. It's the easiest thing in the fuckin' world, I swear to lightnin'." The old Zeraora tapped her temple, with some force. "Sonofabitch wants to provoke 'mon with strength into fightin' him. If you don't wanna, then damn well let it be. He's a glorified piece of gym equipment for Escarpa that don't love havin' unbroken bones."

Luz looked back to Ghaspius, and took another sip of water. Her expression grew more somber. A little pained, even.

"Look, I can see this is gonna be tricky for y'all to get yer heads around, what with y'all bein' from other worlds, an' cultures an' all. The tricky thing about legendaries is... not every god is a god of somethin' sweet and fair. That's a good thing, mind. It'd be a right dull an' tiny world, otherwise. Point bein', whether the Red Wings or the Weaver have their mental shit t'gether or not, they're still the god of death, and the god of nightmares. Wind an' weather, son – how 'bout the weather gods? You gonna ask the ocean t'be kind and nurturin'?

"Every part of the world's a part of the world. And legendary 'mon ain't pulp paperback super-heroes, they're embodiments of every part of the world. The Cyclone is a thinkin', feelin' guy, like you – but he's not kiddin' when he calls himself a storm. Might as well get mad at a predator fer eatin' meat – it's his nature, and it'll be the nature of his heir after him. There's a purpose in him bein' that way, too – the planet ain't a garden, it's a forest. Didja know – the southern pines need to burn every year or two if the forest's to stay healthy?"

Luz coughed, and drank some more. A sudden flash of fatigue suggested this was the most she'd spoken in one go in years.

"Chieftain Sierra will be here long after we're gone. But who knows how long we have. Would you... perhaps be willing to train us as well?"

"Ha. Cheeky devil. Maybe. Let's see how the leaves land."
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It'd be a right dull an' tiny world, otherwise.
Ghaspius's brows furrowed and his lips puckered in contemplation. Rather than stew in his underlying feelings of confusion and frustration, he did what he always did, and mused instead.

"And what if everyone was a god or demigod?" Whether he was wondering if it would set the divine to the same standards of intention as mortals, whether it was a question of if it would shrink the world, or whether he was cooking up some hair-brained scheme of an idea, not even he was sure. All of the above, most likely.
Luz coughed, and drank some more. A sudden flash of fatigue suggested this was the most she'd spoken in one go in years.
He immediately snapped out his brief brood-muse and approached. "Y'all alright? Take some breaths, take your time, and don't strain your voice. Maybe could talk 'bout somethin' lighter, like I 'unno, what's the latest been around the clan here?"

He turned to others. "Hey, any of y'all got like some paper we could make a cone out of? Or somethin' to amplify her voice so she don't gotta strain it as much?"
"So Cyclone and Twilight are legends of pettiness and property destruction?" he snarked, unable to resist. He sounded more good natured than argumentative though. He'd heard that they'd been able to help Twilight and for now the Cylone wasn't a probably so he wasn't too upset.

For another few moments Koa fell silent as he considered Luz's words. "If we caused problems I hope someone would stop us," he growled firmly. If they were able to. "There's supposed to be checks and balances. Power should be used to help, not for petty things or hurting pokemon who can't even protect themselves... I can't stand the idea that people use that kind of power for evil, offworlder or not." It was hard to restrain the ire in his tone at the idea.

He frowned, gathering himself. "Legendaries in my realm keep each other in check. And sometimes when necessary, they... protect each other." It was impossible not to think back to those red chains, and that cold mountaintop. "Who stops offworlders like that then? You can't be the only one, right?" Did Luz have to fight offworlders that strong alone, or was it some never ending cycle of summoning offworlders to fight other offworlders? And why did they even end up summoned to Forlas if they were that cruel?
"Y'all alright? Take some breaths, take your time, and don't strain your voice. Maybe could talk 'bout somethin' lighter, like I 'unno, what's the latest been around the clan here?"

"Yeah, yeah, maybe." Luz nodded, waving the ghost away with a paw. "Quit fussin'. I ain't dead yet."

"So Cyclone and Twilight are legends of pettiness and property destruction?"

Luz snorted. "Bullseye, son. Send it to the presses!"

"If we caused problems I hope someone would stop us," he growled firmly. If they were able to. "There's supposed to be checks and balances. Power should be used to help, not for petty things or hurting pokemon who can't even protect themselves... I can't stand the idea that people use that kind of power for evil, offworlder or not.

"Legendaries in my realm keep each other in check. And sometimes when necessary, they... protect each other.

"Who stops offworlders like that then? You can't be the only one, right?"

Luz smirked, flexing and clenching one paw. "I'm not the sheriff of Forlas, no. Just the Soja' – and only where reg'lar folk can't manage. But there's the trick; ordinary 'mon ain't a cowerin' herd of wooloo wildren. They can stand up fer 'emselves often enough. And where they can't, there's Saints an' Angels."

Saying 'Saints and Angels', Luz pointed to herself, then around at the gathered offworlders.

"...Lad, didja ever hear that sayin', 'who watches the watchmen?' Sooner or later the buck stops with someone. There's supposed be checks an' balances, power should be used to help? How come? 'Cause you said so? Okay, so say that gods and humans ain't in check, usin' power in ways you don't like. Well, don't you have a growin' power of yer own? I dare say you had better stop 'em, then!"

The ageing legendary put up a paw, one digit extended.

"Oh, but... ain't that just gonna end in folks with power warrin' with each other, each thinkin' they're justified? Tryin' to do what they must, or stop some other bastard doin' somethin'. Why, I'd venture it'd be no different from mortals and their everyday conflicts. Sure hope you win, then, son. If you win, you get to decide all them shoulds and oughts and meant-to's."

There was a mischievous glint in the old cat's eyes. Sierra watched impassively, her expression hinting that she'd had this lesson before. This was deeply rhetorical, designed to poke at Koa's assumptions and assertions, get him to really think. That is, if he didn't wind himself up too much in the process...
Nova shifted uneasily at Luz's last statements. His eyes darted around as he chewed on his thoughts. There were questions he wanted to ask, but he wasn't sure how to completely broach the subject. So, he settled for something related to shadows instead.

"So, what about the flip side of the coin?" He glanced at Seth and Sage in particular. "Have you, uh, ever come into contact with Forlas' natural source of shadows?"
Koa stifled a growl of frustration. Not at Luz, but the idea. He knew Luz had a point, it wasn't like one could do whatever they wanted without risking consequences. "Evil doesn't stop until it gets stopped. There's always someone with some kind of power trying to hurt others. I don't think its possible to change that. Sometimes good people have to fight. To stop something worse." If the Champion hadn't fought, if Giratina hadn't acted... it would have been too late, then.

The memory of that stormy night flashed to the forefront of his mind. He remembered throwing that ball, all so he could prove he was right. His gaze shifted away from Luz. "I don't think I should make the rules. I just want to do my part to help innocent mon. Fight people like Ignatius and Cipher, if no one else can. Maybe thats just the way of the world."

He couldn't help but look at Sierra instead. "What..." He hesistated, not wanting to be rude or imply anything. "What kind of Wandering Light do you plan to be?"
Well, the Dewott didn’t need any more invitation than that. He closed the rest of the distance between himself and the Lycanrocs, then dropped into the seat next to Seth. Still, he focused mostly on what the Zeraora had to say, letting the two canines continue to talk among themselves without him butting in. Odds were they likely had a lot to talk about.

To be honest, he wasn’t all that impressed with Luz’s reasoning. Yes, certain things were natural and couldn’t be helped. Forests needed to burn to stay healthy, clear the old dead growth and allow the new seeds to take root. Pine cones were specifically adapted to only open up and release their seeds in response to the heat of those flames, ensuring the best chance that those seeds could flourish… But thinking beings like Moltres weren’t natural forces, and random acts of cruelty weren’t part of a healthy world. Of course a God would tell mere mortals not to judge other Gods, but just because they were powerful didn’t mean they were beyond reproach.

He did find himself sitting forward more when Nova spoke up again. Some more insight into Powehi would certainly be helpful, they didn’t want to end up getting on the bad side of the source of all natural shadow in Forlas.
"So, what about the flip side of the coin?" He glanced at Seth and Sage in particular. "Have you, uh, ever come into contact with Forlas' natural source of shadows?"
The second chimera glanced at the first, pawing loosely at the dusty floor. "An ocean of blackness, in my dreams—I have seen that. But, speaking with it is not something I have tried."
"Right." Nova looked at Luz. "What about you? If you're Radiance's steward, you must've come across Powehi at some point, yes? He's talked to us a handful of times so far..."
Koa stifled a growl of frustration. "Evil doesn't stop until it gets stopped. There's always someone with some kind of power trying to hurt others. I don't think its possible to change that. Sometimes good people have to fight. To stop something worse. I don't think I should make the rules. I just want to do my part to help innocent mon. Fight people like Ignatius and Cipher, if no one else can. Maybe thats just the way of the world."

Luz straightened up a little and regarded Koa – her blindness notwithstanding – with what looked like approval.

"You do just that, son," she said with a satisfied nod, her voice returning to its normal seriousness.

He couldn't help but look at Sierra instead. "What... What kind of Wandering Light do you plan to be?"

The Luxray gazed at Koa evenly, her golden eyes thoughtful.

"Restrained, but decisive."

Luz cracked a private smile. Over to the side, Seth frowned and leaned forward.

"Is that really all you got to say about that?" demanded the Lycanroc.

Siera didn't rise to it, besides a slight upward movement of one brow.

"Would you like a manifesto?" she purred, drily. "I am Clan chieftain. In a very real sense, I will be less of a public figure once I take up the role and mantle of Zeraora. This is as it should be. The lesser legends have a responsibility to step in when called for, and not otherwise. Perhaps some have imagined me leading my people as a warrior demigod, or using Sainthood to change the Soja's politics to my liking, but this is not how things should be. The Wandering Light must walk the west, leaving each place less dark than it was. That is all."

"So, what about the flip side of the coin?" Nova glanced at Seth and Sage in particular. "Have you, uh, ever come into contact with Forlas' natural source of shadows?"

Seth shrugged. "You guys already know I have. Mostly just... instructions and advice in my fucked-up dreams. And he kept me from losing my mind when the Shadows got bad, not that I need the help anymore. Something about his voice, though... I just knew he wouldn't steer me wrong. Call it a gut feeling, I guess."

"An ocean of blackness, in my dreams—I have seen that. But, speaking with it is not something I have tried."
"Right." Nova looked at Luz. "What about you? If you're Radiance's steward, you must've come across Powehi at some point, yes? He's talked to us a handful of times so far..."

Luz put up a palm in a lax gesture. "Zeraora's not got a special connection to Radiance built-in as such, it's just that it so happens that one of my ancient predecessors made a special study of it, and mastered it, and passed it down. I'm sure there're other Saints that use the stuff."

Sierra coughed subtly at the pedantry.

"As fer Powehi," continued Luz, not skipping a beat, "yeah, I met the guy I reckon you mean some time a couple centuries ago, or thereabouts. Scratched-up elderly Lucario, wearin' rags and a scowl and the weight of the world, right? Interestin' fella. Very keen on figurin' me out, searchin' fer inner darkness. Guess I passed muster."

The old feline snapped her fingers.

"There's another failsafe for you concerned folks. Fella said if I ever went far enough off the deep end, he'd repo my fuckin' soul. And I'll tell ya what – I believed him."
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