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European Union

Lorem Ipsum

Well, I know in Britain there's still consternation about the EU, and whether we gave away our power to govern ourselves as a state, so I thought I'd make this.

The European Union is a set of 27 member states joined together by the Maastricht Treaty signed in 1993. The original EU was an evolution from the European Coal and Steel Community, which emerged after WWII. You probably know that the EU has its own currency, the Euro, which all but 11 of the member states have as their official monetary unit.

Also, the EU Council decides to pass laws that affect any nations entered into the Maastricht Treaty, such as the law meaning that nobody can work more than 48 hours a week, and the European Arrest Warrant system.

This is controversial, however, because these laws, in many cases, override those of a member nation’s own statute book. But what do you think about the EU?

the "free travel between EU member states" deal is awesome and a single Europe-wide currency is great. lots of EU scare stories in the Daily Mail are bullshit, but admittedly there are problems. furthermore, the intention of forging a united, peaceful Europe is certainly a good thing.

dunno really.
I really quite like the idea of a more unified Europe; it seems to be pretty cool. Like the European Defense Taskforce (army). Still with split opinions though, I'm not sure what to think about Britain effectively losing its independence, but heh, nothing good happens without sacrifice.
I am not sure what to think of the EU. It should become more accountable, for a start.
It's a good move in the long run, but until the monarchy is gone, I doubt Britain will be part of the Union. Just a hunch.
What does independence even mean? What sort of interest does it hold to be independent?
What does independence even mean? What sort of interest does it hold to be independent?
One strong reason for it is the cohesion and loyalty that the notion of independence creates among a country's people.
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One strong reason for it is the cohesion and loyalty that the notion of independence creates among a country's people.

But why be loyal to a country when you can be loyal to the whole planet? this nation-state boundary is artificial bullshit designed to win properties for yourself so you don't have to share them. we're all humans and we all walk this earth.
But why be loyal to a country when you can be loyal to the whole planet? this nation-state boundary is artificial bullshit designed to win properties for yourself so you don't have to share them. we're all humans and we all walk this earth.
You are unreasonably assuming that if national loyalty is got rid of, international loyalty will replace it automatically.
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Loyalty by area is an arbitrary thing and if we want to indoctrinate loyalty to some thing, all you need to do is mass propaganda it to the people. I am loyal to humanity, not some arbitrary ruler-drawn line of what we call a specific area of the earth. If the planet would have evolved to have three countries, loyalties would be different.

Nationalism is the stupidest idea ever.
Loyalty by area is an arbitrary thing and if we want to indoctrinate loyalty to some thing, all you need to do is mass propaganda it to the people. I am loyal to humanity, not some arbitrary ruler-drawn line of what we call a specific area of the earth. If the planet would have evolved to have three countries, loyalties would be different.
Yes, but the planet didn't. And of course it's all arbitrary. The point is that we are here now, not somewhere else, and trying to destroy national loyalties without having anything to replace them will only create disorder or worse. I do not think that simple propaganda is enough to shift loyalties clean from one thing to another. Any attempt would likelier be botched.
The EU's problems tend to be blown out of proportion.

Hey, I'm a sucker for anything involving unity and equality among all people. :p
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