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In Progress Fallen Angels~


Irken Elite Scientist Writer Person and Stuff
This is a Warrior cats fic. Beware of spoilers



Tears streaming from his eyes, he closed them tightly and lay in his nest. He dared not look into the shadowy depths on his right, nor the starry forest on his left. He didn't have anywhere to go.

'What have I done?' he thought.

'Bluestar would never let me back into StarClan, but I can't stand to be with that traitor either...'

He looked at the moon, but knew nothing would come of it.

Usually, he would pray to StarClan now. But how could he? He was already dead.

" What to do now... "

He didn't know what to do with his existence. All he had lost- His mother, kin, his love... the list can go on.

" Why, Squirrelflight, why? "

Chapter 1~

His ears pricked up. Footsteps crunched the leaves, but he could tell that whatever was behind him wasn't trying to be silent. He heard a large sigh.

" Here I go. "


Her cream paws crunched the leaves as she walked out of StarClan territory. 'Off to see my father'

She tensed. What if he didn't like her? Would he be disappointed that she didn't know his name? Was he mother in the Dark Forest too?

Thoughts raced through her head. She sighed. "Here I go"

Suddenly, she heard a voice. A tom, by the sound of it. She saw sapphire eyes stareing at her as she heard, " Who are you? "

She walked towrds him. 'Thank you' she thought. Now she wouldn't have to face her father for a little longer.

" I am Amberlight "


He finally saw the cat's face. The she-cat's aqua eyes stared into his heart. 'What did I do now?'

" I am Amberlight" she said, her voice somewhat more relaxed than before. She noticed the tears on his cheeks, the blood splattered on his neck.

She sat next to him, and he could tell a wave of sympathy washed over her.

She began to lick his tears away, and she asked, "What's your name?"

New chapters coming out weekly! :3

Enjoy! :D
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¡Oh! Un Guerreros fanfic! Pensé que era el único al que le gustaba los libros. . .

All world languages aside, this chapter could be described as short. Reeeealy short. From what I remember of Butterfree's insisting that I read the rules, I don't think that there's a length minimum for chapters, but hey, my memory is like that of a slug. At any rate, it would be a good idea to beef this chapter up a bit. Or, alternatively, turn it into a prologue. Yes, that's probably the best idea. Beef up the chapter a bit, change "Chapter 1" to "Prologue", and you've got most of your problems settled.

Now, as for the Warriors aspect of the story, you've got yourself the right reviewer. Having read all twenty main series books and all of the super editions, I consider myself as a bit of a prodigy on Warriors. :sweatdrop: Actually, the stuff you've got written here is quite good. I like that this cat seems to be suspended between the Dark Forest and StarClan, it's certainly not your average "____paw grows up in ______Clan while _____star tries to murder him" story. I must admit, the bit about Squirrelflight says HOLLYLEAF to me, and I've never liked her that much, but hey. Wait- This cat is a tom! Wow, this is so exciting . . . Could it be Brambleclaw, perhaps?

At any rate, I will be happy as long as you put The Stick in the story.
it's certainly not your average "____paw grows up in ______Clan while _____star tries to murder him" story.

what are you talking about? :P the "typical" Warriors story is "____paw grows up in ____Clan while s/he is the subject of a poorly-written prophecy."
All world languages aside, this chapter could be described as short. Reeeealy short. From what I remember of Butterfree's insisting that I read the rules, I don't think that there's a length minimum for chapters, but hey, my memory is like that of a slug. At any rate, it would be a good idea to beef this chapter up a bit. Or, alternatively, turn it into a prologue. Yes, that's probably the best idea. Beef up the chapter a bit, change "Chapter 1" to "Prologue", and you've got most of your problems settled.

I didn't? 0_o

... whoops... ^_^'

The bit about Squirrelflight says HOLLYLEAF to me, and I've never liked her that much, but hey. Wait- This cat is a tom! Wow, this is so exciting . . . Could it be Brambleclaw, perhaps?

Brambleclaw isn't gray...

I actually decided to do a story from [Insertnameherex3]'s perspective, because everyone hates him so much...

And now I bet you know who it is x3

At any rate, I will be happy as long as you put The Stick in the story.


I FAIL *facepalm*


He's on the edge of StarClan and the Dark Forest, so how could anyone try to murder him?

Oh, it's a gray cat! That's why there's a large picture of a gray cat above the prologue . . .

Incidentally, I never really paid attention to what color the cats were, the names pretty much let me guess. That lead to some very interesting conclusions on my part - I thought Breezepelt was white, and Leafpool was a Leafeon.

Anywho, I think I know who this cat is now.

Jayfeather got a bit too nosy in the StarClan while he was prancing about in his dreams, so Bluestar kicked him out. Unfortunately, he can't go over to the evil cats, either, so he's just stuck on the border.

Edit: Foxfire, you idiot! It's obviously Crowfeather!
Chapter 1~

His ears pricked up. Footsteps crunched the leaves, but he could tell that whatever was behind him wasn't trying to be silent. He heard a large sigh.

" Here I go. "


Her cream paws crunched the leaves as she walked out of StarClan territory. 'Off to see my father'

She tensed. What if he didn't like her? Would he be disappointed that she didn't know his name? Was he mother in the Dark Forest too?

Thoughts raced through her head. She sighed. "Here I go"

Suddenly, she heard a voice. A tom, by the sound of it. She saw sapphire eyes stareing at her as she heard, " Who are you? "

She walked towrds him. 'Thank you' she thought. Now she wouldn't have to face her father for a little longer.

" I am Amberlight "


He finally saw the cat's face. The she-cat's aqua eyes stared into his heart. 'What did I do now?'

" I am Amberlight" she said, her voice somewhat more relaxed than before. She noticed the tears on his cheeks, the blood splattered on his neck.

She sat next to him, and he could tell a wave of sympathy washed over her.

She began to lick his tears away, and she asked, "What's your name?"
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