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Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

[Ch07] Nova & Gladion ~ Type: Full of It
  • As Owen had winded down his part of the meeting, Nova had put forth a reckless idea: to send some Wayfarers directly to Eremus Rift via Twilight Quarry. And he had volunteered as tribute, right on the heels of saying what the Comb showed him. Given some folks' reactions to that, he figured it would be best not to linger. So, Nova had quickly excused himself and made his way along the outskirts of Frontier Town.

    The gifted darkness tingled deep inside of him. It wasn't quite ready to blossom, but Nova didn't think it would be long. There was a familiar tug in the pit of his stomach. He knew it well. And Nova figured there was no way this power could follow him to Forlas. But he was wrong. The question was how it would manifest. Would it be more... protective in nature here?

    Nova sat down. He slotted in the Fire Memory. As a fiery red replaced his standard turquoise, he shut his eyes and tilted his head, bathing in the sun's warmth.
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