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G&H - Game tHread

aaaand i fell asleep before i could get reading done
i'm really sorry for being almost a non-player this game, i hope i didn't make it unfun for anyone
Phew! That was stressful.

I gotta learn to read the signup thread properly before playing, smh.
Also, thank you to rari_teh for not ending the game in favor of mafia on D1
That was a very large mechanical oversight that will not be in next time
What is the good news @Mistyx ?
it's just a meme. she's joking about the fact that someone died, which is actually bad news.
that is not the meaning of the meme btw!

the good news is "good news guys, I randed town", which is what I used to say at the start of every popcorn mafia game and has now integrated itself into the tcodf vernacular. 😁
oh the middle large image is not actually relevant anymore I guess. I was gonna include the post with Panini shading me for the middle exchange and then write "narrator's voice: Panini was mafia" but then I didn't. and now I can't edit it out. I am irked.
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