• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Generic 'sup goes here


spends way too much time on games
I'll admit, I'm mainnnly just doing this to get rid of the mini-header thing but hi anyway! I'm Elimyx (actually Emily, but eh) and here's some stuff about me before I shut up and stalk the Black and White thread;

I'm a later-years High School student from that funny upside-down continent where everything is either poisonous or crazy. I sometimes sprite, but mainly I just rp a lot. I got into Pokemon from R/S/E and... yeah.

Drop me a PM if you need anything~
Guessing by the name, you're a Kingdom Hearts fan?

I'm the budding Kingdom Hearts fan, Flareth. Welcome. :D
Yeah, I'm a KH fan. Not many people get the reference ♥

I do a bit of both. What's ASB, if I might ask?

Thanks for the welcome, though.
It's like a Pokémon League that we run here. You buy Pokémon, battle, and we even have a contest running right now. The moves and mechanics are more akin to the anime's than the games', and you can battle anywhere you want. A battler issues a challenge, another takes it, and then a referee takes the battle and writes up what happens and whatnot.

Here's the introduction.
Ooooh, we've been in need of more RPers lately! Good to have new people who can type coherently and without a butt-ton of chatspeak! Welcome, I'm FMC, and you'll find me around the Art, ASB, and RP boards mostly. Hope to see you around often~
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