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Getting rid of the annoying header...


I rox ur sox! *socks get up and dance*
So I've just joined. My friend told me about this place and I wanted to join because she described it as awesomesauce. I've swooped around here for some time and finally decided to join. It helps prowling around to see what I can learn. I already know Spelling and Grammar is important here. I used to sprite a lot but nowdays I've lost some of my interest~ I enjoy writing but can't stand writing long stories and only write short stories or one-shots. My favorite Pokemon would have to be Espeon and Umbreon as they both rock equally~ I like tildes~

Welcome me now~
You like a lot of the things I like! I like Espeon and Umbreon[but I don't seem to like Umbreon as much as you do]. Welcome Lavia, to TCOD where I roam around and welcome newcomers. I love your avatar so much. It's really cute :D Tildes are awesome~ Since you are either lucky or special you may have a Gold/Red cat plushie. Golden Red are the rarest and you just got one. Consider yourself lucky. *hands over with 1000000 sercurity guards surrounding it* It is very valuable.

Hope you have a great time here :D
~As i swoop down the downblast from my wings blow all the guards away~
Welcome lavia. I hope you enjoy your time here at Tcod ~He said as he stole the real gold/red plushie and flew away to the kingdom of duskian, A voice trails behind him~

You may find me in the kingdom of duskian! ~As they look where the plushie was before all that is left is a golden feather~
Yes, that header is quite irritating, isn't it?

And whoa, we have a lot in common. Umbreon and Espeon are amazing (without them Colosseum would be a complete fail) and hey, who doesn't like writing?

So yeah, welcome to the forums.

Yep, that header is annoying, but it goes away fairly easily and it's a pretty good reminder to the new additions to our community. I, too, like Espeon and Umbreon, and I love to write (though my writing skills are awful).
I was going to do NaNo this year, but I got distracted. That's quite alright, though the pep talk emails I keep getting are making me feel a bit guilty.
Midnight, you can't steal golden red plushies. They are programmed to teleport to me if someone else steals them and they can be given only by me. For newbies who get them I signed a contract so they only can have that one plushie. My golden red cat plushie has just teleposted back to me~
It senses everything around it and if something is near it that isn't me or whoever it was given to then it would explode or telepost depending on which one it could do then[if it couldn't teleport then it would explode]. It's impossible to reprogram it because it would have blown up or teleported by then.
I want my golden red cat plushie now! *sob sob wail wail* I KILL YOU MIDNIGHT!
Sorry lavia. Because of eevee's logic and/or reasoning they all blew up.

Maybe ES can get you more though ~_@
^That was pointless I suppose.

Midnight: Logic and reasoning don't blow things up, it only blows up their brains and golden red cat plushies don't ave brains, they are just a program thing. The cat plushies respond to movement like a real cat and run away from dogs if they sense one and stuff.
^ Very pointless.

Trust me ES. When properly misused it can have the power of an atom bomb.
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