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Giant Volcano


used to be adventurer, took tails doll to the face
You've been walking along a thin path for 20 minutes now, remembering you read about "a great tundra for catching pokemon". You walk a bit further and you see a volcano. You go to the base of the volcano, and a shiny Arcanine welcomes you. He says, "Oh, you look like you read the sign. Well, you turned the wrong way, bro." You then realize that the Arcanine isn't talking, you're hearing it through... Telepathy? Right then, A Claydol dislodges itself from a cave nearby and you realize that's the source of the telepathy. He says, "Forget about that silly tundra place. Stay here and catch some pokemon. You can either explore the caves, the jungle, or inside the volcano. Don't ask how you can live inside the volcano. I'll keep you updated on the pokemon as they are found.
JUNGLE: While our, uh, henchpokemon were looking for pokemon, they reported they mainly found pokemon such as pidgeycaterpie, and pansage. The occasional shuckle and scyther were found. There were much more, though.
VOLCANO: In our VERY short preview before we had to go due to erupting (don't worry, the volcano hasn't erupted in a while), but we managed to see pokemon like Slugma,Numel, and Magmar They also found silhouettes of other pokemon, as the smoke covered their actual bodies.
CAVE: We saw mostly ancient pokemon, so we speculate this cave to be ancient. We saw pokemon like tirtouga and Cranidos. Lots of shadows of pokemon were seen though so there are more to be found
We do guess that the evolutions of most of these pokemon (MOST)'s evolutions can be found, although this is a random guess and may be proved untrue

items are not found within the volcano due to frequent erupting
aha I figured out shinies now thanks to Wargle, shinies are now found
it's money for what you catch; it gets higher the rarer the man is
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Shinies are based usually as 1 in 300 chance or 1 in 200, it's been awhile since someone forced me to figure out this for my area.
Shinies are based usually as 1 in 300 chance or 1 in 200, it's been awhile since someone forced me to figure out this for my area.

Oh I get it now thanks bro

Are you going to catch any pokemon here, by the way?
I'll take six pokeballs in the forest jungle thing.

The Claydol smiles. '' Our first customer! You can have the six pokeballs for 4$ for being our first customer''. He levitates pokeballs to you and teleports you to a jungle.

After walking a bit, you find no pokemon and speculate is at a rip-off. While off-gaurd, a pidgey lands on your head. Take it or leave it?

e: it`s female

6 Pokeballs, no items
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Hey can I get a shot down the cave with 6 pokeball please

The claydol gives you the pokeballs and says, "Buisness is getting hefty today!" He then teleports you to the outskirts of a cave.

After wandering just a little, a wild Woobat appears! Take it? (female)

notes:Guys stop getting commons it's not fun D:
Inventory: 5 balls, Woobat

After walking a bit, tripping over a Bonsly makes you wonder why the hell it's here (another common)

(after this I'm evening up the odds)

After almost freezing to death, a haunter appears and licks you. Catch?(Female, odds are even and 3 females in a row wtf)

You're walking around when you spot a pretty rare pokemon- a male swoobat.

(first rare, bro)
Hmmm though I already have a woobat I'll catch it, don't know what to do with woo bat now, figure that out later. So yeas catch, can I get an update on balls and pokemon, I am not sure on ball count
Hmmm though I already have a woobat I'll catch it, don't know what to do with woo bat now, figure that out later. So yeas catch, can I get an update on balls and pokemon, I am not sure on ball count
3 balls, Female Woobat and Haunter, Male Swoobat. You can release the Woobat and get a ball if wished. Also Roggenrola male
I'll pass.
Farther in a jungle you spot a male Yanma. Sooo commmonnnn
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