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Giant Volcano

2 balls left; Option to buy more, each for 1$ each btw

gligar female
Another Cranidos Male

(filling up the newly found pokemon every Fri)


MALE aerodactyl

The claydol uses Telekinesis and tells you something;
"if you catch this, the game will be over for you. But if you ever want to come again, I reccomend the volcano. Great pokémon there.
Alright fine I'll catch it only because it is a fossil, I love fossils, no I'm in the drain for money lol.

The arcanine stares at you angrily and says, "Well, you're making tons of money off us. Anyways, are you sure not? You might even find a favorite pokemon...."
I meant to say I'm now in the drain, but I'm done here, so how much does that come out to and what pokemon are caught?
It comes to Aero Male, Larvitar Male, Gengar Female, Swoobat Male, Tirtouga M and Cranidos Male. I already posted in le bank about the money
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