• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member
Hello, I'm new to the site, like so many others.
I came to this site for my friend who is wanting my to join her RP.

About me ... I love pokemon, I'm still colecting the cards and I'm 2 cards away from finishing the first season of pokemon. I also own the two frist books from pokemon diamond and pearl.
I love animals and I own one cat named Mickey Blue Eyes.
I'm really into reading manga's and have read alot over the years. I'm learning Japanese but I'm not that great at it.

Thanks for reading about me. Hope to have fun on the site.
Later, Coron
:D Hay there! You'll have fun, trust me.

C: I'm normally found around the RP boards, so that's where to find me~

(lol hiii Cx)
You reads manga?

Now, let the Grammar Nazis brutally murder you! *pulls out pistol*

Just kidding. But I am a Grammar Nazi. I believe Kai is, too. Welcome to the forums! I lurk in the RP section, too, but I hang out in the Artwork sometimes. And when I'm really bored, I go everywhere except the Debating Hall. I'm afraid my points of view would be shunned.
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