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Greetings fellow Pokemoners


New member
Hi everyone my internet surname is Deo, but you can call me Deo and I love Pokemon and all things Pokemon related with the exception of the current anime series because Ash isn't Ash anymore.
So yea I've known about this place forever and finally took the time to sign up.
So uhh see you people around this place!
Hey there, Deo! I'm Full Metal Cookies, or just Cookies if you prefer. I hope you enjoy your time here. :3

So, what sort of Pokemon do you like? And do you RP? We've been rather short on RPers lately, it seems (even I've been slacking!). Do you watch TV shows?

(I ask a lot of questions, eh?)
Hey there, Deo! I'm Full Metal Cookies, or just Cookies if you prefer. I hope you enjoy your time here. :3
Why thank you!

So, what sort of Pokemon do you like?
I love Gastrodons, every night I dream of riding a blue Gastrodon across the Mediterranean Sea.
And do you RP? We've been rather short on RPers lately, it seems (even I've been slacking!).
Unfortunately I don't RP to much, but if theres one that interests me I'll definitely look into it.
Do you watch TV shows?
I watch whatever Antenna TV has to offer, whoo free TV!

(I ask a lot of questions, eh?)
Nah, people that work at mall kiosks ask to many questions.


I love your avatar XD.
Heh I love Phantasy Star II as much as I love Gastrodons.

I shall curse bestow you wth the olny non-tea bevrage on the site: the Loco Mocho!
But tea makes me feel classy!
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