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Young Justice

New member
The name is Justice and I am an outgoing pony who seeks to become the next great sword of justice. Thats right, I am a Keldeo.

I am a female and I have an outgoing personality. I love battling too and won't back down from anything. Well, except for Kyurem. Something about that dragon frightens me.

So, I'll see ya aroung. Justice out!!!
Hello there, Young Justice!! :3 *curtsy's~* I am Jirachu the Millenium Pikachu and I would LOVE to be your friend here!! :D Welcome to this AWESOME forum! ^__^ *hand's out a Glaceon, some Tea, and, some CoD*

Anyways, welcome to the Cave. Shiny Resolution form Keldeo for the win!
Poor Absoul, everyone's stealing her welcome XD Even me >.> Sorry about that...heh.

But anyway, welcome Young Justice!
Well, nobody's stolen my welcome yet. :3

I'm Frostagin, the local frost dragon. Here, have some scones. And some Faygo to drink. :3

Welp, seems I was wrong. Argh. Somebody *coughmohacastlecough* seems to think that the scones always kill you. When in reality they might poison you.
...Maybe I should work that out.
In the meantime, try a slice of pie~! It seems innocent enough. if you ignore the fact that the filling is bright green
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