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Happy Birthday to me!!*Cough* Happy Birthday to _Ditttoooooo_


Overdosing on placebos
Yeah, today is my birthday, and only one of my online friends remembered it. THANKS TWI!!! SOO, I made the thread myself.

I am finally 14!!!! and I have a killer cold...I felt like a crap the other day. I got 14 hours of sleep last night, and still felt bad, but oh well.

Happy birthday, I hope the cold disappears into some distant void where it can harm no one :P

Have a Hyper Pill! *gives Hyper Pill*
Yeah, I got an iPod shuffle....now to figure out iTunes

The play has one other showing, tomorrow, so I'll be on the mend by then. I also got Inkdeath for my birthday, it's really good.
Happy late birthday~ Books arealways good presents, but I haven't read Inkheart/Inkspell/Inkdeath.
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