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Hello all


New member
My name is Tifa, but i also go by the names Rosa (pink in norwegian), Pokèmon, nerd and Tiffany (apparently some peeps have a hard time remembering Tifa xD).

I'm 19 years old with pink hair. I absolutely hate bugs, even bug pokèmon.
Pokèmon has always been my favourite show and game. Since I was 7, my eyes have been glued to the screen when pokèmon aired. I still play the old gameboy pocket games on my old gameboy, but I'm also following the new geneations. I've been lurking around at this site for quite some time now, and decided to register in the forum once and for all!
Also, I'm more shy online than I am in real life oO

Actually, I'm watching pokèmon right now as I'm writing this xD
Hi! I'm ultraviolet, but you can call me uv if you find that easier. c:

I absolutely hate bugs, even bug pokèmon.
D: why

Pokèmon has always been my favourite show and game.
You actually like the anime?
I used to watch the anime, since I had a box set for the first season, but I don't anymore.

Hello, Tifa! I'm Darksong, and so far haven't been nicknamed, but you can call me whatever you like as long as it's clear that you're talking to me. :) I love Staryu, and the move Dragon Claw. Unfortunately Staryu cannot learn it. xD

Currently I am obsessed with using Poke Radar on Diamond Version to catch a shiny Weepinbell at one point.
Thanks so much you all^^

I've never liked bugs in general. No idea why oO they scare me. lol
And there's just somehting 'bout the anime that makes me wanna watch it xD
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