• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Hello everyone!


Bring on Omega Ruby!
Hello! My name's Bulbamew (obviously) and I've been a regular visitor to this site for years but being the rather slow person I am I've completely forgotton about making an account on the forums, but I've done it now. Not much else to say apart from my favourite games are the Kanto ones, my favourite Pokemon are the Bulbasaur family and I also love the Grass, Flying, Dragon, Ice and Water types, with some of my personal favourites being Pidgeot, Dragonite, Lapras, Articuno and Vileplume. My favourite legendaries are Mew and the aforementioned Articuno.

Something I need to know is how to change the style. I normally use the Articuno, Shiny Ninetales or Celebi style, but on the forums page it's stuck on the minimal Dewgong style and I'm wondering how you change it (if you actually can change it, that is). Thanks
Hi, I'm Superbird! Nice to meet you!

If you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, you'll see a dropdown box. It should say "Minimal Dewgong style" and then you can click on it and change which style you're using.
Welcome! Have some tea and cod, and make sure to get involved.

On the note of styles, yeah, it seems that the forum is limited compare to the main site. I make do myself, though.
Ello, I'm Frostagin, the resident frost dragon and Hetalia freak. Have some escargot, I stole it from France.

On the subject of styles, my favorite is actually Roar of Time style, so. I tend to like the darker styles for some reason. :p
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