• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hello, everyone!

Dragon On Steroids

Is constantly getting jumped on by his Groudon.
Right, not sure how to do this, guess I'll introduce myself...

I'm Dragon On Steroids, yes, I know, it's a random name.

Obviously, I like Pokemon. My favourite one is Groudon, followed closely by Grovyle.
I also enjoy making Flipnotes. If you search for "Glen-i" on the website, you're bound to find me.

I'm not a hardcore battler, I tend to enjoy playing solo more.

I was introduced to this website by a friend of mine called, well, actually, I'm not sure what his forum name is...

Um, not sure what else to say, so hope to contribute something useful here, if not, hopefully I can be funny instead.
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Welcome to Dragon Fly Cave Dragon On Steroids! I guess your new. Well, me too. I was wondering if we could be friends, i want some friends to associate with.:talking:
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Hi, and welcome to TCoD! Have some coffe and salmon!

Hey Dragon On Steroids, i guess your new. Well, me too. I was wondering if we could be friends, i want some friends to associate with.:talking:

Really Dialgeus? Associate? ... Well, no big problem :sweatdrop:
Hi arshum pershun.

Your name is win. Because we love dragons. And steroids. And when you put 'em together you get an angry Magikarp a deliciously kick-ass dragon with some nice flamethrowing. :3

Well, jump in this well and well, eat some tea and cod, fresh from the other well! It tastes quite well, too!
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